Up-Votes Needed Voice Chat Bug (IMPORTANT)

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Etrama, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. Etrama New Player

    There is currently a bug where every time you join a voice chat (could be custom or group/insatance chat) there is a chance you won't be able to hear ppl. It also goes the other way; you can hear ppl but they won't hear you. It's been going on for a while now. I wanna say maybe 2 months or so. There is a way to fix it which is by adding the ppl you can't hear to ignore and removing them. This was an easy fix before but after a while, it's getting annoying having to add 7 ppl to ignore every time you join a raid group. I have a theory that this happens if you join the chat and if that person is talking as you join the chat, it will bug out.
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  2. AZPrime Active Player

    You don't even have to do that. Just switch chat tabs and then switch back. Usually fixes the problem instantly, though it really isn't a problem that we should have in the first place.
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  3. Korlick Loyal Player

    Yes, switchin back and forth usually fix it. But it can also bring its own problems.
    Voice chat: player A, B, C, D.
    Lets say you enter the chat and only hear A and B. Switch tabs, and now you can hear C and D, but cant hear anymore A and B.
    Switch tabs again, now you can hear everyone, but they cant hear you.
    Its a struggle, have to keep switching until you finally hit the right spot. That is until you or other member have to switch toons, then the voice chat oddisey starts all over again lol

    EDIT:: not to mention that the Chat text box also has its own problems, with the messages going to the top instead of the end of the chat
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  4. Etrama New Player

    Doing that won't completely fix it. If you switch chats it will fix some of the ppl that you couldn't hear but at the same time it can affect the people that you COULD hear originally.
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  5. RedMoonlightAmyrose New Player

    It's really broken they need to fix that and the lag
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