Disclaimer: If your name is XXXITEABAGYOURMOMXXX, NOOBSTOMPER69, or Th3R34L420 this isn't the league for you. If you are still reading... Virtual Synergy is a US hero league that was founded on the principle that we are here to have fun. The league was created two years ago by a close knit group of players who enjoy each other’s company and have a similar approach to the game. We try to balance fun with success. Amongst our members you will see some first time MMOers and some veterans from previous MMOs such as City of Heroes, etc. Most of our members are age 30+. Although, we have members ranging in age from late teens on up (way up for some of us). However, our love of the game, respect for each other, and focus on fun keeps things chugging along nicely. Here is a little more information about us: 1. We have a variety of levels of friendly and helpful players who have been successfully enjoying content from T0 through T7 2. We believe that combat rating is not the end all and be all of success. The real skill lies in the player behind the controls. 3. We have a Teamspeak server and we encourage everyone to use it, especially when forming up raid teams. In game chat can also be utilized for any new Playstation members who join. And here is what we are looking for: 1. Players who are mature, friendly, helpful, and respectful of others. (This is only a game and doesn't define your existence or worth) 2. Players who are willing to learn if needed in order for the team to be successful. 3. Players who are more likely to point out solutions than to point fingers when things do not go so well. 4. Players who have a good sense of humor and are not easily offended or quick to create drama. Our most active times during the week are Thursday nights and Saturday nights starting at 6:30PM PST. This is when we run organized raids and operations. So now comes the full disclosure part of this here recruitment post: If I can modify a famous quote here: Ask not what your league can do for you, but what you can do for your league. We are obviously here to have fun, and we want everyone in our league to share in that. Sometimes there just isn’t going to be room on that Prison Break team for everyone who happens to be on. We try to be as fair as possible and I know that many times there have been those who have stepped out of the line-up in order to give someone else their spot. That is the kind of player we are looking for here. If you are left off the team one night, we will try to make it up to you the next go around. At the same time, we encourage each player in our league to take the initiative in forming groups. And one final comment, there are a lot of leagues out there. Some have been founded using the blind invite method, some are super exclusive, and some just started out as a group of friends. We are the latter, a group of friends who enjoy each other’s company. We are looking for like-minded individuals who are going to ease into our little community and become an integral part of our group. Let’s face it; we are not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. However, if you have read this far and you want to give us a try, then…. We invite you to join us, How to get in touch with us: You can send an email to virtualsynergydcuo@gmail.com We can arrange to answer any questions you may still have, provide more details and even get together in game. or Contact one of these fine folks in game, Honor Guard, Winterlord, TheCursedone, Abra Cadabra, Einine, Srgt Solar On a related note: Please be patient when sending a message in game. We may be in the heat of battle and not notice your /tell or we may possibly be afk. We will respond as soon as we can or as soon as we see the message. If you don't get an immediate response, wait a few minutes and try again or... You can visit our website at http://virtualsynergy.shivtr.com