Here I will make this easier for everyone. this is the screenshot from video and this is "OPEN" sign base item from dcuo ( That means Gotham Knights universe is cannon to the DCUO. One of many universes that we can visit or have character gear styles(!)
Those items are similar but not identical. That's also a very common style of OPEN sign to find in the real world.
Yeah, these signs are everywhere in meatspace. To think they were inspired by DCUO...I really hope they warmed up before that stretch.
LMAO I was just about to post the same exact thing because I'm actually playing Fallout 4 right now XD
btw did anyone ever realized that if u play as male your wife witch is killed in an cryochamber calls NORA witch is at samepoint an easteregg to victor fries (mr freeze) wife nora fries
One of the touches that I think DC gets right is making sure its locations synch up no matter the project. It doesn't matter if you're watching. Doesn't matter if it's a cartoon or a movie or a tv show when you're around Ace chemicals or Strykers Island or in Metropolis you know where you are. In the recent Super Pets movie the gang goes to Stryker's Island and it's like you're flying your toon there.
While it is true, the OPEN sign is a fairly iconic image for most neon signage and utilized in a lot of different games/medias, I like the idea that it is a DCUO easter egg so I'll make a headcanon note to believe it. Is it highly farfetched and more than likely wrong? Oh yes, definitely. Is it more fun to believe? You know it. -X-Files music I N T E N S I F I E S-