Vendor Generator Mod Discount

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Drewbolt, Mar 3, 2021.

  1. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    I jump between Precision and Might based on how I feel on a given week, and I have completed the Legion feat for purchasing 12 generator mods. Could there be a discount on vendor generator mods after finishing this feat for those who may like to change? I would very much not like to buy lots of mods and store them just to play around.

    This request is not dissimilar to the way vendor gear is discounted upon completing the appropriate style feat.

    Of course if the generator mods would just include both Might and Precision, I don't think I would complain at all.
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  2. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I think I like the idea of a split mod; kinda like the old days, where a Prec/Might combo mod wasn't as good in either category as a solid Prec or Might, but still came out to around 2/3 of both. That way if you're running strict Precision / Might, you can still have an all-in option, but if you're running hybrid (or running both single Precision and single Might based Armories on the same character) there's a middle setting to help maintain moderate performance without pushing it all the way out to extremes at either end.
  3. Dee-Nature New Player

    There is a discount for generator mods after you purchase the 12 for the feat. Original price for Gen Mods are 150 Time Beacons and once the feat is achieved the price drops to 75 Time Beacons per Gen Mod.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There is a discount. It even says it in the feat description.
  5. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Well, I feel stupid. Just another day at the office, I guess.
  6. Designated Well-Known Player

    I did not know that it had a discount. It´ll help to buy the feat before buying generator mods on alt.