Valentine's Seasonal

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. Circe New Player

    They better scrap St. Patrick's Day by that logic.
  2. AgentX44 Committed Player

    Probably why they removed Valentine's day. They put more effort for St. Patrick's Day than Valentine's.
  3. Circe New Player

    Not really. The St. Patrick's Day event was copied over from the previous years. They didn't put that much more effort into it, besides a few new items.

    The Valentine's Event was scrapped because people didn't like it. They said they didn't have enough time to recreate the whole event into something that people would like. But, now that it's September, and we're still months away from Valentine's, they had/have plenty of time to recreate the event. If not recreate the event, I'm sure they'll give us something new if they don't want an uproar again. That's the thing - I really hope they listened to the uproar from Valentine's last time and are giving us something grand.
  4. AgentX44 Committed Player

    I'd rather that they concentrate on fixing bugs and creating new DLCs than recreating an event where they already gave all the feats and styles anyway.
  5. Circe New Player

    Well they could create new feats and styles with a new event but keep giving the old feats and styles away as well.

    That's how I imagine it.

    Also, do you not remember the uproar that happened last time? People WILL complain if there's nothing new for Valentine's. What will happen to the people that already got all the feats and styles and have gotten the base items and collections? They'll have nothing to do, and will definitely be upset.
  6. Conduit New Player

    There's plenty of things they can do for Valentine's Day.
    Personally, I think Star Sapphires would be a bit too similar to the whole Christmas Event & Larfleeze.
    My opinion.
    Either way, I do hope for new content.
    But I was a little disturbed to find Cupid in the new SoT T5 "Tunnel of Lust" Duo... Did anyone else notice this?
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  7. Circe New Player

    Let's see what they do. It's closer to Valentine's Day. I hope they came up with something.
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  8. IdontDps Committed Player

    nope they cant people would complain....OMG LAST YEAR THEY GAVE OUT ALL THE FEAT AND STYLES FREE BUT I DIDNT GET THEM ....then the Q_Q threads come not to mention the :mad: threads
  9. Circe New Player

    But if they do exactly the same as last year, the complaints will come "so we get nothing this year?", "you had years to come up with a new event", and "we already got these what new do we get?".
  10. IdontDps Committed Player

    ether way they'll get complained to and have to give stuff out so it doesnt matter if they do or dont complaining will come
  11. Blight KOBRA Commander

    The original Valentine's seasonal was a disaster, and by disaster I mean the most pointless content that has ever been introduced to DCUO, and everyone disliked it. The best thing the devs did for it was to just give everyone the feats and not even bring it back. Now a Valentine's event centered around the Star Sapphires actually sounds like an interesting idea (and appropriate with DLC9 about to hit), given that we already have one Lantern themed holiday in the game. However I would suggest that if a Sapphire Valentine event was going to be introduced it would need to be as easy and straight forward as the Larfleeze's Christmas.
  12. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Maybe they could re-skin the monarch playing card factory's first couple of rooms and put a star sapphire in there for us to fight?
    • Like x 1
  13. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    You're probably talking about the room where you fight Cheetah. You can also sometimes see him in the Kitchen.
  14. Circe New Player

    They could continue to give the previous feats, but add all-new feats for new content.

    That would be ideal.
    • Like x 1
  15. IdontDps Committed Player

    yea +1
  16. RitzyDitzy New Player

    I would like to see some new Valentine's content, but I don't see it happening.
  17. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Nah, it's too much on their plate right now what with War of light coming out, armories, the new Rage power...hell, the damn Xmas event is still up , even though today is the last day.
    That's too many updates their working on.
    I doubt they even had time to even think about Valentines.
    Don't give me wrong though a Valentines event would be nice if they could come up with a good one.

    I kinda wish I was around back then just so I could have witnessed it first and say I was there.
  18. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Truthfully, I'd rather not have one. It's nothing against the holiday. I just feel it's too close to the Christmas. I'd like to get back to a normal routine for a few months. Maybe I'd be for it if it's a "half" event like St. Patty's.
  19. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    considering they removed the feats for valentines day....i would say no....