there are 2 trinkets. 1 gives a +5% health buff. the other grants a +241 might boost (going off of memory here), occassional defense debuff on targets, stuns, and charges. i like the trinkets. too bad the latter one mentioned does not give power back. that would be too op.
Can someone please give complete info on these. I've seen the pictures but not which name goes with which trinket. Has anyone done any damage assessment as well? These are twice as much as usual season trinkets. So how much damage do they actually do on their own and compared to other seasonal trinkets.
I still want to know what level the trinket is, and if the pets are at the same level - like boos. Are they better than boos, the same, or just different?
They are like the Shim'Tar and Future Crusader gear and the anniversary gear: they scale to CR; they went up to CR 164 for my 189 character.