I was thinking it would be a great idea if we could use weapon attacks for our loadouts. They will be might based and vulnerabilities to block and interrupt will still apply. For example Harley Quinn has the hammer spin in her load out but is vulnerable to blocking; i likes it and i wants it. Of course there could be the unfair use of smokebomb over and over so something like that will be unavailable. But ranged attacks that have to charge (One handed, staff, Hand blasters, dual wield) will run their full course but cannot block break As far as SC's go I've thought of a few: Brawling- Ultimate Haymaker (50%) - **** that fist back and slam your fist into your opponents face knocking them, and nearby enemies, back further with twice the amoumt of damage. Staff - Complete Focus Spin (50%) - Uses an uninterrupted ranged attack, enemies nearby suffer damage as well(Robins focus spin) Two-Handed - Overhead Crush(100%)- smash enemies and nearby Targets with an unblockable* hammer smash that deals a large of damage and gives you damage immunity for 5 seconds, knocks back and roots enemies as well. Hand Blaster - channel beam(35%)- Gives power to you and your teammates over time. All while draining power from your target Martial Arts - chokebomb(100%) - deals damage with a smoke bomb as well as damage over time with gas and reduces enemy defenses. Rifle - Grenade Drop- (50%) drops multiple grenades around a target(taken from Penguin) to deal damge and knock back and stun enemies. Ultimate Inferno- (100%) burn and stun nearby enemies with escalating damage. Burning Enemies take twice the amount Dual Wield-Sword art- (50%) an overhead smash combo that deals damage and gives cc immunity. Dual gun-marksman- (35%) provides a temporary increase in range to hit opponents from afar. There's a bunch of possibilities but there are balancing issues, such as knowing that some weaopns recharge sc faster than others. I was hoping the community could come up with at least 3 SC's for each weapon. (35%, 50% and a 100%). Now don't say it can't be done or it will have unfair advantages. Animations can be reused and everyone will have access. Only problem I forsee is someone using and not having the correct weapon equipped. So what do you think? Any Sc ideas for one handed and shield?