Yeah, I'm callin' you out! I got one question for you all! What role do you guys need the most over there? 'Cause seriously, I'm bored of the heroes' side now. >.>
.../sigh I should've mentioned that I was looking for one along the other three. Playing DPS bores me to tears in MMOs.
We're giving you a blank card. Put a role on it and log in. You'll find a group that needs you... whether you're a tank, a troller, or a healer. Sighing at people. Kids these days...
"Warm bodies" didn't translate to the answer I was looking for. Thought you were being rude about it. Like, "Nyeh, we don't need any heroes over here, nyeh" rude. Also, I'm 27 years old. Anyway, thanks.
Maybe it is having run a villain, but I took the comment like this one: Basically "Beggars can't be choosers". What the Villain side needs, is more Villains. Healer/Tank/Controller/DPS at this point really doesn't matter. They just need more people aka Warm Bodies.
Warm bodies just means any role, any level. So "lf 2 warm bodies for seeds" means you've already got heal + troll + enough OP dps to accept anyone high enough to queue up, you're just trying to get 8 so that you CAN queue up.
It's called lying, Hraesvelg. We're trying to trick another noob into coming over to the dark side. Er, I mean...
some name ideas... Chewchilla, Augie Ben doggie, Ham Salad...
I'm still leveling, as I haven't had much time to play lately, but I've been on villain side a lot more lately.
I simply quit the villan side due to the low amount of players. I can just walk around the hall of doom as see around 10 players at max. Nice players tho. Looks like they were in need of tanks since most of LFG was just tanks.
Hi all, i happen come across this topic and im sorry if i offend anyone but here goes. I started playing couple weeks back and orginally started villian side,loved the story lines,the quests was great....but the population was horrible and starting out as a new player that was dishearting so i read forums and everyone said heros were it at. So i swolled my pride and went to hero side the difference is insaine in population, yes half of em immature kids but still some peeps better then none and there higher chance actually finding nice and good people to hang with. So i did my thing on hero for awhile and couldnt take it hardly the quests were horrible far as my theme and playstyle so today i tried the villian one more time, got a guy to 18 and i went to HoD figured see if any leagues recruiting (cause most time talking on gothom or metro gets nowhere and alot people seem ot chill in HoD). I saw several people there which got me excited and couple clusters of leagues and i figured id ask them. Ill start by saying no i dont just shout out, "Hey i need league i want league", i politely message a member and ask "I'm sorry to bother you but i was curious if your league is accepting new members?" then of course after ill go into detail about me and my toon and such. And every single reply i got back was they either A- only accepting t5+ people or B- talk to me when you get 30 and we will see. Im sorry but this right here is why no one plays villians,not because everyone wants to play a hero but flat out the low pop and the few that are there are so stuck up and unwilling to offer a hand to anyone who recently started playing or anything of that nature they all want well experience people who can just join and roll. Im sorry but it just kinda frustrates me because i see people here saying they need villians desperately but yet they are that finicky about who they invite to thier league? How is a person new to game suppose to learn and progress and improve in game solely on his own thats what leagues are there for , for friends to hang with to chat and get advice with,to point them in the right direction from vets of the game. No i dont believe leagues there to power level you or do things for you but i mean honestly what harm would it do to let a new player in and give him advice as he levels and a place to call home and have friends to talk to? Some will say cause the league member limit but i know there is no way that many leagues are that close to a max on league mates lol. Anywho sorry for rant just frustrating i guess that the community has to be so harsh to new poeple. I know yea its easy to get 30 and yea game dont start till 30 but thats beside the fact new players need guidance and help along the way, think how many feats you could help new players get jsut by saying things like dont drink a soda during this or get these items and get a feat while you do that mission? Think how much better that person would be at lvl 30 then making a new player wait till 30 then trying to pick him up? PS: just wanted make quick note this on USPC
1) Troll 2) Tank 3) Heal 4) DPS That's the order we need for USPC villains. 1&2 are close, 3 is a bit behind that and DPS we have more than enough.