USPC PvE CR88 SP125 Hero Looking for Active League.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Conduit, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Conduit New Player

    Hello everyone.
    I'm currently looking for an active, helpful league that communicates well. Be it rules, raids, teaching or learning. The more the better. I strongly believe communication is key in anything.
    I have experience using just about any voice-chat system you can think of; RaidCall, Mumble, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, you name it.
    I'd love for a league that's active during the US Nighttime, considering my current schedule until things change.
    I can be helpful, I love to teach and I love to learn as well.
    Also, active is a requirement. I've been invited to too many leagues that are dying or have low population, please try and understand that.

    Power: Electricity
    Weapon: One Handed
    Movement Mode: Flight
    Role: DPS [I do not heal; I tried it, didn't like it.]
    CR: 88
    SP: 125
    Might: 2185
    Precision: 647

    Thank you all for reading and all invites, suggestions, application links, etc can be sent to me via Mail in-game, PMing me in-game might be a hassle considering my chatbox is constantly spammed, replying to this post or sending me mail on-site works as well.
  2. Conduit New Player

  3. Romeo Bravo Active Player

    Reverence is an older league that has became fairly inactive but we are looking to rebuild. I am on daily andnalways looking for people to play with and join the league.
  4. Romeo Bravo Active Player

    Also we use teamspeak and I am primarily on at night. And again we are trying to rebuild and looking for active players in all roles to build an active league.
  5. DamageControl Committed Player

  6. Conduit New Player

    Thank you both for your replies, I've been very inactive recently due to some personal issues, but I will definitely keep you guys in mind.
  7. Conduit New Player

    Being a Veteran Player and all, I'd definitely like to be part of a league that has the same and/or similar experiences.
    From what I've been told, it sounds very tempting. I look forward to working with you.
  8. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    not much I can say but if you want to join us legion legends we can use a strong dps ..we are 30 active and strong! we all have mics and we communicate all the time we talk about all things lol! we are lay back .. we are currently working on sp! we don't kiss *** so don't expect us to do so lol... pm me today ill be on after 6 pm eastern we can talk briefly if you like you can join
  9. DamageControl Committed Player

    Welcome to Alpha Enforcers. I've told you everything there is to know about us, one more thing though: If you see any Earth Knights or Cosmic Knights getting ganked, rip their attackers to shreds. The Mad Villains league seem to have a particular dislike for us. Other villains who hate our awesomeness include Deathstrike0, Shaolim and a bunch of others whose names I forget. Ah well, you'll probably run into them sooner or later. We also have some sort of alliance going with the Abominations villain league, so be nice :p