[USPC Hero] Looking for a League.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Conduit, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Conduit New Player

    Hello everyone.
    I'm currently looking for an active, helpful league that communicates well. Be it rules, raids, teaching or learning. The more the better. I strongly believe communication is key in anything.
    I have experience using just about any voice-chat system you can think of; RaidCall, Mumble, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, you name it.
    I'd love for a league that's active during the US Nighttime, considering my current schedule until things change.
    I can be helpful, I love to teach and I love to learn as well.
    I'm also human, so I have my bad days.

    My Toons and Stats:
    Titan303 - CR88 SP122 Electric Might-Build DPS, Flight and One Handed.
    Tyrant312 - CR70 SP[Embarassing] Fire Tank Dominance-Build Tank, Flight and Brawling/Dual Wield

    Thank you all for reading and all invites/suggestions can be sent to me via Mail in game, PMing me might be a hassle considering my chatbox is constantly spammed, replying to this post or sending me mail on-site works as well.
  2. Conduit New Player

    Thread Closed - Sorry about that, wasn't expecting such a quick reply.
  3. DamageControl Committed Player

    It would seem we lost a good man. I hope it was to a deserving league.