My leaguemate and I are having freezing issues when we try to run DCUO with any nVidia GeForce driver later than 347.88 (released 03/17/2015). Each new driver release has not fixed this problem, so we have to keep rolling back to 347.88. Is this an issue the devs are aware of (or can do anything about)? The freezes can last as little as 30 seconds or be so bad that DCUO needs to be forced to shut-down via CTRL-ALT-DEL. If the only game I wanted to play was DCUO I would probably be fine. However, if I want to run recent games, I can run into the issue where they will not run properly under 347.88. At some point, if this issue is not fixed, I will have to make the hard choice between DCUO and all other games, and soon the other games will eventually have to win out. My current (lowly) rig that still plays DCUO quite well: GPU: GeForce GTX 460 v2 CPU: Intel Core2Duo E8500 @ 3.16GHz RAM: 4.00 GB Current Resolution: 1920x1080 60fps OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Thanks in advance for any help/info you can offer.
Not sure what to offer here. It sounds system specific, do you and your leaguemate have anything in common between your systems? I'm on the latest nvidia driver now.. and not seeing any issues (and I run it with everything max'd out. Also do recording with fraps). System I'm running it on is GPU: GeForce GTX 750 Ti CPU: i5 650 @ 3.2GHz RAM: 8GB Resolution doesn't matter much to me because I run windowed (running 3 24's @ 1920x1080, so windowed means I can flick between them faster and without weirdness) OS: Win 8.1 Pro
First: I completely forgot about the tech support forum, where this thread belongs. My bad. Second: so it looks like the problem is indeed on nVidia's end and we're at their mercy if they ever decide to do anything about this lag issue. I've been planning to build a new PC in August. Whether or not this will magically fix my issue, I guess I'll find out.