[USPC] DCUO Social Club Summer Kick-Off Party!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Weapon meX, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Weapon meX New Player



    I'm excited to announce an EPIC event coming to USPC!!!

    In collaboration with the Social Events Society, we bring you the USPC Summer Kick Off Party!

    What is the Social Events Society?
    The Social Events Society is a USPC Community group which aims to provide the USPC Community with a new way to experience cross faction player interaction and bring together the varying player base as a whole, by sponsoring events in which both Villians and Heroes may gather, chat and hangout.

    Within the Social Events Society, players will be able to have access to a concentration of cross-faction veteran players, style masters, and base building enthusiasts.

    What is the DCUO Social Club?
    The DCUO Social Club Initiative is server-wide and cross faction-wide project, which aims to unite both Hero and Villian Players. The purpose of the DCUO SCI project is to provide both factions a "central hub" in which they may gather, chat, hangout, and of course fight!

    Within the DCUO Social Club, you will be able to experience amazing lairs, open world gatherings, Fight Clubs, and have access to a concentration of cross faction veteran players.


    Come celebrate FNL #53 with us and help kick off the summer right. Everyone is welcomed to attend.

    Introducing the USPC Summer Kick-Off Party Costume Contest!!!!

    The Social Events Society will be hosting a Costume Contest during the Summer Kick-Off Party.

    Upto $50,000,000 in in-game cash prizes will be available for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place contestants, including 2 additional $2,500,000 prizes for 2 lucky participants.

    4 DCUO Community Judges will be at hand selecting the winners. Who are the judges you ask??
    Judge #1 is everyone's favorite orange bird, Feenicks!!
    Judge #2 is everyone's favorite signature man, Curse Bringer!!
    Judge #3 is our forum's fire-starter-in-chief, Krimson Scourge!!
    Judge #4 hailing from parts unknown, covered in crimson and black, is Carlynn Carnage!!

    Judges will be looking at contestants based on the following criteria:
    • Aquaman/Atlantean-inspired styles
    • Heroic Surfer styles
    • Villainous Beach Bum styles

    Costume Contest Time:
    The USPC Summer Kick-Off Costume Contest will start at 4:15pm PDT / 7:15pm EDT.
    All final judging will end at 4:45pm PDT / 7:45pm EDT

    Costume Contest Prizes:
    Costume Contest Prizes will awarded in the following manner:
    1st Place - $25,000,000
    2nd Place - $15,000,000
    3rd Place - $5,000,000

    Two lucky contestants will win $2,500,000 each.

    Official USPC Summer Kick-Off Party theme song:
    The FATBOYS ft the BeachBoys- Wipe Out

    Kick off your Heroic or Villainous boots and have a splash, relax by the sand, or go for a swim with your friends. Summer is coming, and the temperatures are rising. Grab your shorts and sport that Hawaiian shirt in your style menu. It's time to PARTY!!!

    Party details:

    Location: Metropolis Historic District

    FNL # 53 is scheduled to take place the 20th of June, 2014, approximately 2 weeks from now. It's important to note that this date may be subject to change. As such, the date is TBA (to be announced).

    The USPC Summer Kick-Off Party will start before the FNL # 53 Pre-Show and continue on through FNL # 53. It's an all day affair, starting at 2pm PDT / 5pm EDT.

    There will be plenty of door prizes donated by the Justice Girls. Look for Dametria.

    As FNL # 53 nears, we will have more information and updates regarding the USPC Summer Kick-Off Party.

    The USPC Summer Kick-Off Party is being brought to you by:

    [IMG] and[IMG]

    in participation with:
    [IMG], [IMG],[IMG], [IMG], [IMG] and [IMG]

    Sponsored by:
    [IMG] and[IMG]

    • Like x 17
  2. Dametria Loyal Player


    WooHoo! This is going to be such an fantabolously good time.
    • Like x 4
  3. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I'm pretty sure that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy in bikinis sold me on this one. :D
    • Like x 6
  4. Zuse Loyal Player

    Nice but if its after 06.20.2014 i wont be able to attend

    but if its on 20th or before then i will be :D
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  5. KrimsonScourge New Player

    What? No bonfire? :p

    Seriously though, looking forward to seeing everyone there.
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  6. Dametria Loyal Player

    MCFD wouldn't give us the permits. :oops:
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  7. Dametria Loyal Player

    I hope to see lots of my hero/villain surfer buoys & gulls out and hitting the waves on June 20th.

    On top of the prizes for the costume contest, the Justice Girls will there giving out random items, just for showing up. :)

    "and exos for you...and an aura for you..." - Omega-beam Oprah 2014
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  8. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Wish I could go. Dev and I are going to a wedding. Which will be lots of fun too. ^.^
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  9. Mathalos Well-Known Player

    Wow! That's a lot of money. Thanks to all of you for putting this event together. I will definitely try to be there.
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  10. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    would love to go... too bad im having my own party cause its my BDAY, but im sure ill have the league go!
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  11. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    Are costumes a must ? I mean its a beach n all ..skinny dipping anyone ?
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  12. Dametria Loyal Player

    lol...the contest is optional, but umm....at least briefs would be appreciated. :p
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  13. The Johnny army New Player

    Might be too early for me, but will do all I can to be there. It sounds like it's going to be a ton of fun! Seeing at least two nefarious villains in judge duty, I'm assuming PvE side, correct?
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  14. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    PvE side. United against Brainiac! I'll be alting between my heroes & villains.
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  15. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    *sigh* got to save up some cash to buy them briefs I guess .. I will be sure to drop in with a few alts ..cheers :)
    • Like x 1
  16. Minnion Devoted Player

    Will try to make it though I don't know what I might have going on at that day and time.
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  17. BlackWingBeyond Committed Player

    This sounds awesome, I'll definitely try and make it to this one.
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  18. Wickedone New Player

    hope i'll be able to go or i hope i wont forget it about it:)
    • Like x 1
  19. Dametria Loyal Player

    well it's starting an hour before FNL Pre-show, but going on through and after FNL ends...unless the Metro Science Police come and shut us down. :p
    • Like x 3
  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    Well, Feenicks will be there, so maybe he can just stand in for the bonfire. ;)
    • Like x 4