This has been driving me crazy. I select a character and click play. It goes to loading screen and stays until another screen displays indicating I've lost connection with the world. I exit the game and find the character linkdead. I wait a while for the game to log my character. I try again and the process is just repeated. I've tried deleting my saved data. I'd prefer a solution that didn't involve in completely reinstalling the game.
No and it's pissing me off. After more research, all I could find was to reinstall the game. I've been doing that, but it's so damn slow. Been running for hours and just 4.5% of the way done.
I'm ready to just uninstall it all and cancel my sub. If I still have the issue after reinstalling, I just might. Just so frustrating. I really enjoy the game, but get tired of the bugs I seem to always get.
Maybe send a ticket before losing your mind? I had slimier problem on EUPC few months ago and support helped me fix it. I had to delete every file I had of DCUO, Even test server and re Install it all. Also checked with my Internet company, That's another option that helped when I had disconnects or login Issues. Before anything check with Support. I never expect a technical support on the forums.
I finished reinstalling this morning and things were fine for a few hours. Now, I'm back to staring at a loading screen for several minutes until I get the disconnected from world error screen. Yes, I've filed a ticket.
Wait on answer and let support try and help you. Theres probably a problem with your Internet connection, but you better talk with support. I had the same Issue so I believe they can help you solve this one as well. Make sure your firewall Isn't blocking DCUO.
If my firewall was blocking it, I wouldn't be able to get past pressing play or even launchpad not connecting. Right? I can get to the character select screen, just no further.
Not true. The game loads various things to fully connect to the server and load up the game. It is not entirely impossible that it blocks only after character select. However: There have been several reports (3 I think) of one specific character disconnecting and remaining unavailable until server restart. Unfortunately, this has remained unreproducable, because so far these characters seem to have nothing in common. Maybe you can try do post the character name and server? (no login IDs or emails please!) With the name and server I can look at the character through the census fan websites and might notice something. Also how many bases and which ones does that character have? Anything about it that may be special or uncommon?
It was never the same character and didn't matter if it was villain or hero. I play on US live server. I think that's PC and PS merged?
Then you have technical problems with your connection and not the bug I refered to above. Daybreak Games support are the only ones who can help you.
I've been told by support that issue is with my internet connection, but I play with no issues on my Xbox One with no issues. It uses the same internet connection as my PC.
just got my PS4 up and running, installed the game and started it. am at character select but when I select someone it says I have to wait until the game is done downloading but the counter in the message indicates all zeros in time and info remaining
Your game install is probably faulty. Do a verification of the files/license or contact Daybreak Games support. Your issue is unrelated to any of the other issues in this thread.
Nah It's all good now It just took a while to get situated. (about an hour after download) It's been running fine ever since. thanks for the help though.