US Server Restart - April 27, 2016

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    That's exactly what he's telling you, yes. Every server is different. Any server can have issues at any time.
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  2. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    God bless you and your child.
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  3. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    It was only a joke, I love him ... to pieces.

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  4. Dr. Machflame Active Player

    Good luck with that. The devs deal with code and technology for a living. You know how easy it is to miss a line of code that you should have taken out, or a value you should have edited? Quite easy, especially when you're dealing with an MMO that you're constantly editing and have been for 5 years. You're talking thousands upon thousands of lines of code. And you apparently don't know that TECHNOLOGY DOES SOMETIMES NEED ATTENTION. Nothing can work 100% all the time, nor can you expect the devs to get things right on the first try. Ideally, that would be great, but this isn't an ideal world. They're people and people make mistakes. Cut them some slack and let them fix this. It's a bit much, therefore, for you to expect that there be no errors they make and that the game stay up ASAP. Things happen, especially when you have something running almost 24/7/365, with the exception of taking the server down for maintenance, or for a server restart, or cases like this that are really either caused by human error or technical difficulties. Thus, the BBB won't do anything being they KNOW this common sense logic.
  5. Jacob Adjani Active Player

    Jafin, that's absurd... numerous MMOs run test servers, under full load, and find issues before they go live.
  6. SadisticIV New Player

    So you do not understand that by making statements like, "we european players almost never say a word" (while insulting another group of people) makes you look bad? Yet in your delusional world you think it makes you better than others. keep thinking that, it just shows how weak minded people like you think. Never wanting to stand on your own and showing personal character, values, and accomplishments.. You have to point to a group of people (you feel you belong to) to do that..
  7. Runixx Level 30

    what about ppl who dont run 8 players or the newer 4 player... some people run solos and duos, so they wont benefit from these rare drops... neither will people who have been playing for several years and have spent a fortune and already HAVE all the rare items...
    Plus lets not forget that to GET these rare item drops, you're gunna have to use replay badges which cost money, so it's actually a very badly disguised way of making money to make up for the money they've lost during all the downtime this month
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  8. Demanial Level 30

    Enough Said
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  9. Taij New Player

    I'm pretty sure they said RARE drops you should go re-read. Rares are Blue.
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  10. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

  11. Jacob Adjani Active Player

    They did say rare yes... and that would seem to indicate Blues... which are utterly useless to anyone north of about 150CR more or less...
  12. Mangy780 Well-Known Player

    I know. I was joking too.
    I ruined a relationship once to WoW. She was shallow and boring. Whenever she would ***** about me spending so much time playing I would lovingly tell her it's because WoW doesn't nag.

    She didn't think it was funny. I did.

    Anyway, I don't know why I said that but whatever.

    I'm ******* bored. Anyone else bored?
  13. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Well maybe. But I'm not gonna run any raids tomorrow. I'm gonna wait friday and then I know I'll get something. I still need some pieces from BBS raid. And yes I'll buy replays so yeah probably gonna reset 1 or 2 times but that's it. But I agree that while it is nice, they could have give something more meaningful like vanity items. Devs add more vanity items in the MP!!!! We love them!!! We don't have any pets in the MP.. :(
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  14. NuclearQueen Active Player

    I kinda wanna see what he has to say
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  15. TwanPants New Player

    So what you're saying is you can't equip the test server with the same hardware that the live server has, and duplicate the load, to find stability issues?
  16. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    So wrong lol
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  17. Napoleon Well-Known Player

  18. NuclearQueen Active Player

    Ya I'm bored too. We should play some kind of game while we wait
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  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Um, no. As you can see I clearly I do not think I, or we, am/are better than anyone else. I am simply commenting on what seems to be a cultural difference.
  20. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Who said it has anything to do with the load ?

    The info we go a few weeks back was that instances were staying open, even after players left, which was one of the causes. That's not something you can reproduce on Test.

    And who even knows what it is this time ?
    • Like x 1
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