US Server Restart - April 27, 2016

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    The test server is for testing new content, not for testing the stability of the live server. That doesn't even make any sense.
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  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I know there are shifts for the technical staff. I'm talking about people like Mepps and Dexella who monitor the forums and generally work during the day.
  3. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Have they already told you to reread the EULA and the ToS or are you still waiting on that reply lol
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  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I have no idea what anything past the third sentence means. I don't think I'm better than anybody, I just think this kind of complaining is hilarious. What am I trying to take credit for? I'm calling it like I see it. People throw a hissy fit over a few hours of downtime to resolve a technical issue, but when there is downtime for updates not much is said because a lot of players on US server are asleep/at work/at school while the downtime is occurring whereas a lot of the people who play on the EU server have often lost out on their full gaming time for that day and don't really throw a hissy fit about it.
  5. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Aren't you the same person who did this last time, you realize you also can't do anything with something like that, for an issue of this nature, right?
  6. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Still not back now I guess? I finally got my Kryptonian chest from round 9 and the world was going to shut down in 30 minutes. Was lucky. But I hope it comes back tonight, I'd like to continue with round 11 and 12. I want my pet!! :D
    Keep up the work though devs. Love the game and can't wait to hear the new voice of Harley Quinn! That means contents about her yay!
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  7. Jacob Adjani Active Player

    I am thinking that DBG has moved DCUO into "money printing" mode... I've seen it happen to other MMOs...

    1) Put out "new" content as fast as possible (it's not really new, just new textures/skins on existing content)
    2) Ensure that the new content supports the microtransaction business model to the greatest possible extent (new content drives more purchases of dlc, box keys, replay badges, etc.)
    3) Minimize the companies cost side - i.e. invest as little company funds as possible... i.e. why the servers are, IMO, vastly underpowered and the cause of all of the problems.

    Squeeze as much money as you can from the IP for as long as you can before you shut it down.

    Keep in mind, DBG is owned by a venture capital firm (Columbus Nova)... venture caps don't care one iota about pride of product, customer satisfaction (where it is "manageable")... they care about only one thing: profit.

    As long as the money is flowing in, they have ZERO incentive to improve, much less fix, anything.
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  8. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Good luck with that...
  9. Runixx Level 30

    maybe 5% for people who don't work, don't have commitments and sit on their arses glued to DC 24/7 but for that hour or 2 that I'm not working or studying or having a 7 year old disabled child screaming at me, I just wanna be able to chill out and use a service that I pay for... and I can't...
    It's simple, I expect to be able to use a service I pay for. You wouldn't be happy about paying a mobile phone bill if you couldn't use your mobile because the cell company continually ****** up... you'd demand money off your bill
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  10. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    What do you suppose this will accomplish? There don't seem to be any regulation violations or no fraud or abuse. Having a game that breaks down a lot isn't grounds for the BBB to get involved.
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  11. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I agree i was trying to figure out your logic with quater
  12. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    So in otherwords when I'm playing DCUO I'm not playing FF XIV, got it.

    Wait, but I can fly in both games... but I have scantily dressed males in both games... oh but only one game has tons of resources, my mistake :p

    Plus the whole like name thing helps too :p

    PS. I'm not making fun or trying to compare either game with this post. I was trying to add some light heartedness in an area that I felt needed some.
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  13. TwanPants New Player

    So what you're telling me is you can't stress the "test" server to find stability issues?
  14. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Nah I didn't get any this time & the whole reason I subbed is for loyalty to change my body type .. Well that & i had a full inventory of lockboxs , in which i got nothing good lol but i love the chance
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  15. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    So they don't care about us? But we will get a increase rare drop this weekend. I would like something like vanity(pet, style..) would be appreciated but I guess it is too much to ask. The game running is fine with me. They could add more stuff like I said in the marketplace. The devs need to know that people like vanity items.
  16. Danja9 Active Player

    Am I really paying to look at disconnect n connecting screens. Why do I have to reset my settings every time I get on. As far as rare drops that is a myth to me I never got a rare item through out my 4 years of spending an playing.
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  17. Runixx Level 30

    it was just an example to show that they're not giving us the full product that we're paying for... they're as bad as bloody walkers crisps... buy a bag of crisps and get 78% air ffs lol
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  18. Jacob Adjani Active Player

    While I love that he did file the complaint... the BBB is not a government nor regulatory body... they have no authority to do anything.

    Still, it might help get the point across.
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  19. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I'm too tired to explain what's been going on with the server to you, you can feel free to hit Staff Post Tracker and find out for yourself ;)
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  20. Mangy780 Well-Known Player


    Least your honest though.
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