US Server Restart - April 27, 2016

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The Test server can't be used on console because PSN requires the devs to submit updates up to two weeks in advance. If we had a console test server then a Game Update would take months to be tested. The devs have explained this several times.

    You are able to use the PC test server for free if you have a PC that can handle it (the game has very low requirements for PC). All you need to do is download the test game client and make a Daybreak account.
  2. aznhorror New Player

    I was on this morning and everything was fine.I logged in later this afternoon and had to download an update. problems aplenty immediately followed.hmmmm..?
  3. P0larman New Player

    As a fellow IT with over 20 years in the field I can tell you that there is room for concern when a system requires a reboot every day for a full hour. When a system performs poorly and even not at all at peak periods like weekends even for those of us that pay for premium membership. When concerns and complaints are directed to third party contractor support where compensation and authority to make changes and even decisions are limited then there are major issues with manpower, equipment, expertise and service.

    There is an issue with a feat for example that has still to this day NOT been rectified despite the numerous complaints voiced by many... and that's been since 2012.

    All in all, I do enjoy the game as well and can only play on Sundays and late evenings, something that I paid for and something that has not been provided to me to my satisfaction. I know I will never be compensated for.....

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  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Why does this crap ALWAYS happen on my nights off? When can I play this game? 3am? Amazing. One of these days I'm going to wise up and pull my subscription.
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  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    People tend to make mountains out of molehills on this forum, and complaining is the number one hobby of many people.
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  6. The Evergreen Level 30

  7. Draxton Well-Known Player

    Well Daybreak... You still have my support and that of many others here. :D.

    I just need my daily fix.
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  8. The Evergreen Level 30

    like the elite ones in 4 player
  9. Runixx Level 30

    Why can I see the game running like utter crap this weekend with lots of downtime??? It's gunna be guaranteed as daybreak clearly don't like compensating their customers so anything to get out of giving out freebies... this is all just so wrong!

    And another hour on top??? Am I ever going to get to play the game that I pay for??? Feel like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall...

    Plus side though, the downtime has given me time to tighten up and resew my hair extensions so one good thing at least haha :D:p:rolleyes:
  10. The Evergreen Level 30

    please work DC
  11. coco Committed Player

    We thought we were the only ones, or miscalculated or something. I subbed 2 days ago with none, the husband did a little over a week ago.
  12. Apollodarkblade21 Well-Known Player

    Let's be honest for once they aren't working on anything they took the server down sat in the break room scratching their butts laughing at how we are still paying for this. They'll bring the servers up say it's fixed and tomorrow we go through the same crap again. Either take the servers down til you fix all the problems, fire everyone and hire a team that knows what they're doing or don't bring the servers back online again. This has been happening for 5 years now and it hasn't gotten better so it's obvious youre either not doing anything to fix it on purpose or your team has no idea what they're doing. I've never played another mmo game in my life that is this bad for this long.
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  13. The Doctor Loyal Player

    I was so close to FINALLY beating Kahndaq and the servers go down, ridiculous Mepps, ridiculous...
  14. Winter Nyx Active Player

    I know a lot of people say this but we didn't have this many problems when the servers were seperate. has anyone bothered to ask if the Xbox server is up yet? cause if it is the extra lag and server crashes can be tied to the Xbox release.
  15. Runixx Level 30

    I'm from England and play on US server... and moan like a moo bag when there's downtime because I'm paying to not be able to game and it's not on
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  16. Taij New Player

    This is Ridiculous! get it together Devs PLEASE! You have yet to refund us anything lost in these times of turmoil. I know that you guys know that you are losing players do to these recent "issues". The player appreciation weekend is by no means a fair compensation for those of us who are paying monthly for this. Rare items? Everyone and their Step-mother has rares. Please, that's child play. (Not feeling appreciated) Throw in an increased chance for legendary or epic drops and then we're cooking with gas.
  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Yes. I'm sure they're sitting in the break room scratching their butts when clearly they are staying at work way after the working day has finished for them. That's some sound logic right there.
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  18. MoJoPower New Player

    I appreciate the fact that a large MMO like this will have technical issues from time to time, but they have been very frequent lately. We are paying for a service that has been unreliable and fair compensation is monetary.
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  19. GeoMadeIt New Player

  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The epic (purple) drops ARE the increased loot drops this weekend. You are guaranteed one purple drop from each Alert/Raid from Episode 15 onwards.
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