US Server Restart - April 27, 2016

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Were you having a stroke when you were typing this? It's ok, you can tell me, I'm a doctor.
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  2. Demanial Level 30

    i Totally agree lolly the better loot chance is a load of crap for them to try and make even more money without actual compensation off of gear the majority of players already have shows how much they care and how greedy they actually are. Far as continued payment if they don't fix the game i have plenty of others that will gladly accept money and have much better service
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  3. Vagenda Well-Known Player

    I like that new content comes out more often. That said, I'd be willing to go back to the old way of waiting longer periods for bigger updates that, by virtue of the cycle, had undergone more regression testing before release. I would gladly trade longer waits for stability. It's the same amount of new content per year in the end, but with less bugs, and more time between grinds. I'm quite OK with that.

    Anyway - the work is appreciated.
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  4. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player

    Still keep playing by all means. The game is fun..but they do have some issues...but they will eventually get them fixed. Remember they got 3 systems now to isolate the issue on all three systems. Just hope the get speedier on the fixes...
  5. TheEnforcer1 New Player

    Yall can keep server down for another hour or two and work on quantum
  6. The Evergreen Level 30

    I got home today from a hard day of work "Construction worker" and the one thing i love to do is play DCUO when i get home.. i run a league of 295 members and its rely Makes me upset when i cant play my game till late..... as someone who has worked in programing as well... I know that there is always problems that are out of control and we try our best to resolve it ...
  7. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    I'm killing time watching TV, and checking for forum updates periodically.
  8. TestReporter Loyal Player

    You can still get the loot bonus due to raids resetting tomorrow, i know its not the best apologies ever, but its better than nothing.
  9. Dr Blastwave Well-Known Player

    • Like x 6
  10. Runixx Level 30

    It's as good as it's gunna get, let's be 100% honest lol... I feel sorry for those who don't need the rare items, they should be compensated in other ways
  11. Jacob Adjani Active Player

    No, it is nothing... literally.

    Keep in mind that as far as customer service goes, MMO's are in the unique position of being able to offer customers compensation in forms that other companies can't... namely "in-game items/time/etc."... little 1's and 0's that cost DBG (in real dollars) absolutely nothing.

    Other companies, that are in a position where they have to compensate aggrieved customers, have to give actual money and/or actual products.

    BIG difference.
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  12. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

  13. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I still think they would have been better served with a triple lockbox drop rate weekend. No replays involved, and a lot of happy players with lockboxes dropping more rapidly.
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  14. Dexella Communications Manager

    Hey folks,

    The team is still working on this issue, which means we need to extend the downtime. We hope to be up within another hour, but keep an eye on this thread for any additional updates that may be needed.

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  15. Chiiklez New Player

    Ah alright, that's good to know. Already premium so probably just going to hold off on getting a sub. I figured it was just some issues they were having since it's all cross platform now, just got a little discouraged based off of all the rage posts. Admittedly mmos do tend to bring these kinds of reactions to server shutdowns.
  16. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Another problem with this game. This is my shocked face:

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  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    When I see US players complaining about an hour or two of downtime whereas we European players almost never say a word during GU/Episode releases that, more often than not, cause us to lose several hours of our primetime gaming.
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  18. Jacob Adjani Active Player

    Chiiklez, I don't agree with the other posters you quoted above... I have seen what appear to be systemic problems with the game for some time now.

    What you are seeing here is certainly frustration - but it is well earned, and completely on point in my opinion.

    Do with that opinion what you will, but I wouldn't dismiss what you are reading as merely nerd rage at a server shutdown.
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  19. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    You won't get the loot bonus till Friday so if you run raids tomorrow your SOL but given how bad the game is going to be this weekend it might be better to forget the loot bonus run all your stuff Thursday and take the weekend off.
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  20. Runixx Level 30

    o ps get free lifetime membership and pc players get... nothing??? seems fair
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