Downtime US Server Downtime - February 4-5, 2016 - Cross Play!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 3, 2016.

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  1. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Did the name merge not happen? Census apps still show toons on both servers with identical names.
  2. Entrust Committed Player

    With the release of Episode 21 have the HL improvements also been released? GU57 included bothe the dlc & power improvements, I have read that the new content is available, but I have not seen it specifically stated in the forums that the whole GU57 was released.

  3. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    HL improvements is currently on test, will be release with GU57. Episodes contain new content, while game updates usually have power set & game improvements.
  4. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Sorry, never mind. The apps don't appear to be updating.
  5. DC Reaper Well-Known Player

    I was on the first 2 minutes of crossplay earlier, it looked like a ant colony filling the middle of the tower, with both sides spitting fire at one another, Lol. Villains side was like scuttle and it died down and most villain got to work together and be friends. If you log in today its still raging on in the hero's side
  6. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Mepps, you forgot to put the loyalty vendor in game, it's no longer in the safe houses , I searched wt n didn't see it ,
  7. Entrust Committed Player


    Thanks, I'll take that as a no.

    I only asked because of Mepps' forum post in announcements on 1/26/16 "Next on test: Game Update 57!" The link for the "full update notes" includes the new content as well as the improvements to HL. Thereby giving readers the impression that ALL the items listed would be released as part of the same update.

    I'll just have to keep my eyes open for when those improvements are finally released.

    *Green Lantern Duncan Wise waits patiently*
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The loyalty vendor remains disabled while we resolve an issue with them. We'll get them back up as soon as we can.
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  9. Death of The Endless New Player

    When will the DCUO DB Census Data reflect the new combined PC/PS Player Listings?
  10. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    Already kicked from my first attempt to pug Prison Break (normal). Admittedly, that was my first mistake, I'll be the first to admit that lol. The reason for my kick was apparently because I was Gadgets. :p:rolleyes: I know not all the USPS players are like this, but I cannot stop laughing at this. LMAO
  11. OmegaDraco Active Player

    Wonder how long the server lag will be going on for cause trying to play and deal with a 5-10 sec delay on killing mobs when it was instant is really annoying and sad cause I spent money for a functional game lol
  12. romeo New Player

    All my characters are gone :mad:

    *Found them. On US server :) was on EU server lol:rolleyes:* please disregard ranting ;)
  13. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    So u broke something that was working, now u gotta fix it ,
    Sounds like a auto mechanic padding up the bill ;)
  14. Ghoul Well-Known Player

    why devs always messed something up after the GU ?
  15. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Because maybe most of them work "daytime" hours and doing updates during the time of day that all the devs are together in one place is the best time. If you work 9 to 5 you don't want to come in at midnight just to do something do you? You work 9 to 5 chances are you're asleep at midnight are high.
  16. Hopeswill New Player

    Came back after a bit of a break, played this game from very start.... I am disappointed how often the servers our down.
  17. Morcra Committed Player

    Well considering we just went through episode 21 AND crossplay allowing the uspc and udps players to play together I dint relatively care about downtime.
  18. Solar Sonic New Player

    Are we going to get reimbursed for the 24 hours that we paid to play and could not?
  19. StromerX1 Level 30

    Prison Break Elite 2nd boss is impossible. Either a dim it down a bit or explain how explain is it to beat it. Been in this raid for 4 hours now and there's no trick or possible income to it. Everyone we get him to 20% he pops 3 to 4 projectiles .. please have hotfix soon thank you.
  20. Hopeswill New Player

    Woke up this morning down again awesome
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