Downtime US Server Downtime - February 4-5, 2016 - Cross Play!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 3, 2016.

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  1. CGthor Active Player

    Love this post
    Going With Dare Devil myself
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  2. Morr El New Player

    Oh wow .... First no need to attempt to instult not what i was attempting in any way i am more just saying how i am pre-feeling the pain you guys may come tyo suffer in player vrs player situations since ps3 =30fps cap, ps4 = 60 fps cap, and as far as pc the better the build really no cap limit at all making some situations seem almost unfair or make people look like they are hacking so i apologize if i made it seem as i was insulting or attacking ps users not the situation at all ..... Please have a great day
  3. SparklingMayo Well-Known Player

    You're a persnickety little ****, aren't ya

    EDIT: Well, never thought of that as being a foul word. Interesting what is selected for blocking by the profanity filter. The dig there was calling Venomsaga28 persnickety.
  4. Nas-T_Joker New Player

    Are we there yet?
  5. Venomsaga28 Well-Known Player

    and your a kid try acting age
  6. SuperSamis New Player

    I hope we can join PC leagues! Thanks for the update Mr Mepps.
    P.S. Y'all, take as long as you need to get it right.
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  7. Dirty Deeds New Player

    Wow......ish gets real when the servers are down and people can't get their fix.
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  8. Unida Dedicated Player

    was wondering how long itd be until someone asked about getting credited for the downtime...

    smh people.

    its a huge upgrade to enhance community, gameplay and is very very needed AKA it's for our benefit.

    it's not a DDOS or infra problem on DBG's part.... wow.
  9. Unida Dedicated Player

    it's "you're" - but a mature person like yourself probably knows that right, kid? - "try acting age". pot - kettle.

    put your hands back in your pockets and leave the ridiculous questions and snarky responses at the door.
  10. Morcra Committed Player

    Shhhhhhh great one. To him we are all children. We must not let it take our candy.
  11. mrnoir New Player

    Did someone say candy?
  12. PurpleGlade New Player

    Cant wait till tomorrow:D
  13. Morcra Committed Player

  14. SparklingMayo Well-Known Player

    I'm a young goat ?? well I say Baaaaa to you ya persnickety thing.
  15. Unida Dedicated Player

    ok so we're what..? half way through?
  16. Zywroh New Player

    I think it's kind of cool to take a step back from the game while it's improving and see the community alive on the forums like this while we wait!
  17. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    Well if you're a PlayStation 3 or 4 user it's not nearly as beneficial, if I'm being perfectly honest most of the guys I run with aren't too excited for cross play and some just plain out didn't want the servers to merge because of keypad glitches and such in pvp...personally as a PS4 user I'm not against it but I don't feel it's that beneficial since the population is fine on this side of the server.
  18. XDreadpoolx New Player

    That's a positive way to see the situation kudos....personally I'm going through all kinds of withdrawal...including but not limited to watching YouTube footage of various raids. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited at the improvement....just also really really twitchy with anticipation
  19. Dysania New Player

    I'm in more suspense over which names I might lose! Whew! I can't wait to see if I lose any at all. If I do, I get to rename them for free, and that sounds friggin' sweet! >;D

    I believe in the developers' capabilities, so I have no room to worry over technical issues. It's a huge implementation, after all. I'm just excited for it. I can hardly wait! xD
  20. Balton hero Committed Player

    Apologies if this is a stupid question, but: I'm reading through the comments and seeing how the server merger is going to hurt ps3 users in pvp situations. My question is, how is it going to affect duos, alerts, raids, and other group stuff? Are the same things that give pc users an advantage over ps3 users in pvp going to make ps3 users awful teammates in group situations?
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