[UPDATED] Flash Appreciation Week - Extended!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    The base item pack has been on there for ages, so you can absolutely buy it. Regardless the items in it are account bound, so you can put them in your shared bank for you alt speedster
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  2. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Ask your family to log in. They just need to get to the character selection screen.
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  3. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Done and done. Thanks Mepps!

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  4. IamINC Dedicated Player

    I got my GF going to my apartment tomorrow to do it , wasn't sure if she was working herself :)
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  5. Night Shadow Bolt New Player

    I lost all my Flash stuff, how repair this?
  6. PBCF Active Player

    Loving the cowl !! Also for the flash selfie contest I entered my ss through the upload option & it's not showing up with the other contestants , should I redo it or will it show up before the contest ends I hope...
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  7. akaivy Dedicated Player

    Thanks for the gifts.

    If you are keeping track, I have been on less than 5 minutes and dc'd once and frozen once.
  8. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    Armored Flash!



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  9. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    One of the styles I've been expecting the most. No, actually THE ONE I've been waiting since I started playing this game.
    I have been absent lately but logged in to check and saw it's only for members. Bummer, but well, ok, at least I can buy it, no big deal.
    But hey, wait a minute, it costs the same as a month's membership. Like, really?
    I'm sorry, but this price is freaking insane. I could buy a membership and have all of those advantages of a member, or I could spend the exact same amount of money and buy a single head style.
    I haven't been having time to play a lot lately, I log in once a week, sometimes less, so a membership for me now isn't worth buying, but if I want the Flash style I'm gonna use the same amount of money, so I should just buy a month's membership and use it for a total of, I don't know, 5 or 6 days, when I have some time to sit and play the game.
    Honestly, this price was a terrible idea and made me very disappointed with this game.
    And I know my thoughts will end up being ignored and nothing will change, I'm realistic, but I just felt like sharing it.
    You guys managed to add into the game the one thing I've wanted the most all this time but in such a way that made me unmotivated to keep playing.
  10. Warhawk Well-Known Player

    Just buy the membership. You'll get the cowl and the Flash Base Items Pack, plus you'll have a month of legendary. I fail to see the downside.
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  11. Zneeak Devoted Player

    So what you are saying is that Daybreak should personally adjust and design things according to how you personally chose to play? :rolleyes: Hop off that high horse, please. For once they show appreciation to subscribing players, something that's very important. I'm saying this as someone who cancelled my sub a few weeks back and only log in to run the Seasonal and Stabilizer event. I subbed up to take advantage of this offer.

    The best deal you can get is to simply sub up, grab the cowl, get 500 Marketplace cash and 150 replays in the process then simply cancel your sub if you don't intend on staying a member. That's a pretty awesome deal for an iconic, MUCH wanted style considering the fact that they could've simply chosen their favorite cashgrab route and put it in a Time Capsule.

    Edit: Oh, and for whoever that will miss out on getting membership and a free cowl this weekend, the marketplace option is still cheaper than the Iconic Batman cowl on the marketplace, so they still had pricing in mind and made it cheaper this time around. So either way it's still worth it, if you really want the style. I'd rather see more of this stuff any day of the week than it always being put behind a cashgrab lottery box layered with RNG.
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  12. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    The only thing that i dont like its only one of the characters can redeem one box of the base items.
    At least 2 should be able
    One for our base and another for my league lol
    I really like this gift
    I did say it yesterday and i say it again today

    Thanks DB for this gift
  13. Gerry Well-Known Player

    As much as i try i'll never get the cowl w/out paying 4 it, & i can't my legendary status anymore so membership is out of the question.
  14. Multiverse Creator League

    Hi guys,
    Obviously..... a video about the NEW Flash Cowl was mandatory. ;) ;)
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  15. TheOtherLeague Well-Known Player

    Thank you very much, Mepps and all.
  16. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    I still think it's a terrible price. I'm not playing enough time to make it worth becoming a member.
    This item having the same price as a subscription is really disappointing to me to the point that I actually don't feel like playing the game at all.
    I'm not saying what they should do or that they're wrong, I'm just sharing how I felt.
    You don't have to like my point of view, nobody does, but it's my point of view, and yes, I was really hoping they would make a better price.
    You say "For once they show appreciation to subscribing players". Even if the price was lower legendary members would still get the item for free. So lowering the price wouldn't change your your statement, but would make premium and free members more excited to buy it.
    Again, all I'm doing is share my point of view.It's their game, they do whatever they want, and I know that being only a single player means that my opinion alone is worth almost nothing, but still, I felt like sharing.
  17. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

  18. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Style-items take resources to make, I don't get how some people seem to expect these items to fall into the marketplace for a nickel... This is part of the reason why so much cool stuff gets thrown into gambling boxes instead, because give us the item straight up for a set price people still complain. Again, the pricing is getting better because the last time we got something similar it was the much asked for Batman Cowl for 2000 Marketplace cash.

    IMO you won't see a better price for an iconic item like this and if you like the item as much as you claim, how can it NOT be worth it getting that item PLUS a month of membership at the same time that includes 500 Marketplace cash and 150 replays that will still be there no matter how much time you can or cannot play? Even for just the marketplace price and not the sub, it's a more reasonable price than we've had before and especially a better deal than if they thrown it into a gambling box...

    Also, I don't get how this style that does NOTHING to improve your in-game experience progression-wise can make you feel UNMOTIVATED to play the game in general, as you state. It's there, you can buy it at any time at your convenience, FINALLY! Be happy they didn't throw it into a Time Capsule like everything else.
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  19. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    Flash is my favorite DC character, I've been expecting his head style since I started playing, I even posted in other threads about this. I have an electricity character that I would have changed power if he wasn't based on Flash. Electric DPS is terrible, isn't the best healing power either, but I wanted to keep my character like that because if I changed it he wouldn't be based on Flash anymore.
    You say it changes nothing to my in-game experience. Well, it does. It won't affect stats or powers, but part of the fun of the game is my character's appearance, and having the one piece I wanted the most all this time costing the same price as a subscription got me REALLY unmotivated.
  20. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I said it changes nothing for your in-game experience progression-wise. The item you have been waiting for can also be purchased at any time when it suites you, straight off the marketplace which is a real rarity these days.

    If the style really means that much to you then I really don't get how it's such a bad thing to be able to claim it with an including membership and I just find it strange that you would expect it to be much cheaper considering how they currently do things and how iconic the item is. With that in mind, you should be more happy about your favorite style not making it into their famous cashgrab lottery boxes and the fact that you can buy this off the marketplace whenever you want to even if you don't take advantage of this weekend's sub-offer.
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