[UPDATED] Flash Appreciation Week - Extended!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Probably because he assumed everybody already knew how base item packs on the MP work. They have always been claimable only once per account per purchase.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It doesn't seem that making them 'account bound' would be that hard, if they are not. I personally have not bought base items from the broker other than the teleporter, which is claimable by all toons, so it's not that far fetched of a request.

    Plus I heard on another thread that they are coming out with a 'Base item removal Token'....look it up. :)

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  3. Alma Dark New Player

    I appreciate the detail they have had with premiums, this bring me hope about stop receiving punch below the belt for being a premium :)
  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    They are account bound. If you claim on the wrong character you can just pop them int your shared bank and give them to the correct character. :) Base amenities (like the teleporter) are indeed claimable by all characters because they are usable items.
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  5. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Thank you for the gift.

    Can we have a villain appreciation aspect next time you do this? Flash is nise and all, but some of us would like to do more Zoom thing or Zoom for our Villains and Flash for our Heros.
  6. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    thanks, guys. that was a nice surprise. & much appreciated.
  7. inferno Loyal Player

    Thank you, dcuo!!
  8. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    You can change the colours of the mask, so it is Zooms mask too.
    On a side note, citizens of any city wouldnt "appreciate" any villains, not unless DCUO had a Forever Evil Episode, so thematically it wouldnt make sense.
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  9. Coldzoom Well-Known Player

    Nice thank you DCUO
  10. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    That is good.
  11. Noah Bawdy New Player

    Was this a mistake ? Only one of my characters received the base item !
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  12. Noah Bawdy New Player

    I didn't realise that the base items were only available to on of my characters. I already had that character use them :(
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  13. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Waitwaitwait ...

    Flash Appreciation Weekend? FLASH?

    Don't you realize that BATMAN has a movie opening this weekend?


    C'mon, we don't have nearly enough Batman content! :rolleyes:

    Anyway, thanks for the bonus! Just as a suggestion for any sort of future 'appreciation weekend' ... how about double credit for LPvE Maps? That would have really helped with those Flash Family Feats!
  14. MarvelUniverse Well-Known Player

    Thank you.

    A massive step in the right direction.

    (Especially after the bad taste the anniversary event left in everyone's mouths).
  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    The one thing i do not understand is these contests u guys do. U tell people to be creative and create a costume. U give it a theme. Like this one is flash and create a version of the flash, zoom, or kid flash. U did a similar one with suicide squad. But then u choose the winners at random. So the creative and theme part really means nothing. I can take a screenshot of my toon wearing nothing but briefs and still win. What is the point of the theme and asking players to create something if none of that matters? Im just curious. Cause its basically a costume contest where the costumes dont matter.

    When u attend a halloween party and they give out prizes for best costume, most creative costume, scariest costume, etc. they dont just randomly point to someone and say u win. They have someone or a group judge by creativity and other standards. So my question again why have a costume contest if the costumes dont matter? I just dont understand it, but im asking because i wanna understand it. I may have asked about this last time and u may have answered. I cant remember. My apologies if i did ask b4.

    Also is there any way we can get the gold flash statue as a base item? Obviously a way smaller one. But that statue is awesome and id love to have 1 for my flash themed lair. A league hall size version would be great too ;)
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Why is all contest held on twitter not everyone has a account on there, why not pick winners from here too?
  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    That lego batman movie looks great. Cant wait to see it.
  18. jamiejacket Well-Known Player


    Thank you sooooo much!!!!
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  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You don't have to use Twitter. There is a link to a dedicated site to upload your picture to also in the post you quoted.
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  20. Road Kill Active Player

    The color when done to black doesn't match the normal black. I have a black flash toon and the head piece is too black.......
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