Update 35 Discussion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrMigraine, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. MercPony Devoted Player

    I cannot post in the Test forum.

    Anyone have pics to show (or videos) of the new loading screens?
  2. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Next 2x as good than Turbo.
  3. Roland Deschain New Player

    and another middle finger to premiums, yayy
    the next thing we need is the t6 all costing 2100$ so i can finally change game :)
  4. DC-Doll New Player

    R.I.P. Exo farming
    R.I.P. Amenity farming
    R.I.P. jump cancelling
    R.I.P. Hive Moon alert
    R.I.P. Watchtower Alert
    R.I.P. A Black Dawn
    R.I.P. With a Vengeance
    R.I.P. Getting feats on alts
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  5. krimzonk Committed Player

    In my view the price for each piece is too steep. I play like once a week for an hour or two, 70 MoR....jeez...should be more like 30-40 which is much more reasonable for a casual player.

    Also no Sharpshooter is a big FAIL! No Brainiac Invader is also a huge FAIL! I have been trying to get that chest since the DLC dropped and no luck. Sharpshooter legs need no explanation...
  6. krimzonk Committed Player

    Oh yeah! HL trolling gets a much needed fix! Awesome!
  7. SSJ Jeremy New Player

    70 MoR seems quite a lot. They might need to bring that down a bit.
  8. krimzonk Committed Player

    Overkill for styles! Its a joke. 25-30 for each piece would be perfect, with 200-240 MoR for a full set.
  9. Rasta Committed Player

    *Waits for everyone in the Watchtower to all wear the HIVE Defender set and look exactly the same*
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  10. Rasta Committed Player

    I was just about to say the same thing. It's really upsetting for me cause I've spent so many replay badges on the pieces I have and for a small price people are gonna get to buy them with MoR
  11. TrueGODofMarvel New Player


    So Premiums can't buy sodas? Sodas that we already can't craft for ourseleves????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  12. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    You'll be able to purchase two of the new soda items if you are a Premium player. The Turbo sodas are the ones that Premiums can't buy.

    I'm surprised no one is discussing the weapon changes in this topic. Dual Wield is receiving some interesting "adjustments."
  13. pyroshade13 Committed Player

  14. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Read the thread, it lists four styles in that vendor only....

    I'm not thrilled they don't have the sharpshooter pieces in there, or the Ooolong set (Stupid Avatar of Meta just will not drop that chest piece I need)....

    Hopefully this is just a test run and they'll add more styles with each Game Update. I'm fine with the 70 MoR pricetag personally, they want people to either run a bunch of content for a piece or they want them to keep farming for them for free.
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  15. Circe New Player

    Really nice selection!

    Now we just need a Cheetah loading screen. That would look awesome!
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  16. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    Good. I never really liked doing any if those things.
    • Like x 1
  17. DC-Doll New Player

    Then you never really liked playing the core game. Thanks, now we have even less to do.
  18. Bast10n Committed Player

    I have been thinking about it. Why a style vendor? Why not slightly increase the drop rate of these items. That would promote people to continue to run older content instead of bypassing it altogether.

    Don't get me wrong. I like the sound of completing these feats. I just don't understand the logic.

    The only logical reason I can see is the Devs are trying to make SP more attainable to the masses due to the weapon mastery requirement of 20.

    If this is the case why not allow the purchase of PvP "styles" ( not gear ) with marks as well?
  19. DC-Doll New Player

    It's an MMO. don't expect everything handed to you for only playing one hour a week. Im sorry yourtime is limited but too bad
  20. Albatross Well-Known Player

    This is wonderful news!

    Personally, I don't mind the price - they need to balance it so that it's not entirely trivial for the people that grinded it out the first place.
    Besides MOR are super easy to get if you got the time to sit down and grind out the content for a few days/weekend.

    I wonder if they'll be open to putting the vault movement mode styles (hello bat gauntlets) in one of the future vendor updates.