Update 2: Marks of Power

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. Echephyle New Player

    If the the duos awarded marks of power instead if iconics, this compromise would have been perfect. The open world solos and duos are probably the most loved part of dlc10. Iconics are always...iconics, instances most players dread and only play to get feats.

    But I do appreciate the thought and compromise.

    Thanks for thinking of us devs.
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  2. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I think you mean demographic, not geographic. There are actually multiple demographics that they listened to, which is why a compromise was reached. If it had been a small population demographic that was arguing for these changes, there would have been a lot less than 42 pages with multiple players posting and voicing similar concerns from different viewpoints.

    I've read the prestige threads for smaller leagues. They do not reach even close to 42 pages confronting that issue, so it would seem more players are part of larger leagues or more active smaller leagues than people who are part of somewhat active smaller leagues like you and I are. I'm frustrated by the prestige issue, too, but it's not game changing to a large enough portion of the community. The developers probably will not get too involved in it as a result.
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  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    This seems fair
  4. Crackin New Player

    Good idea with iconics being worth double and having to own AF1 to do them. . Will give incentive for premiums to not skip HOP. And essentially doubles the value. Bravo
  5. DoIAmuseYou New Player

    Wow, just inflate the gear cost to offset the small group content, its such a simple solution and you'd hardly be getting reamed out for something so simple. people would eventually quit crying once they've figured out it's roughly the same amount with extra content to run. If they chose not to run it then, that's on them. they can still grind duos, solos, and challenges until their hearts content and slowly gear up as they're accustomed to doing.

    But now, you've already changed the marks (thats done) and now your rethinking the whole structure to pacify people.

    The simplest solution tends to be the right one. <----Words to live by.
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  6. ChaosInternational New Player

    Yeah, the veil is THIN!
  7. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    What does this mean to a player who owns DLC 10 but not 11? Do you believe that the MoP will be useful in the following DLC(s) 12/13, or will they be simply superfluous?
  8. Elusian Crowd Control

    Rather repeating what has been said, quoting what could be straight out of my head:

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  9. FaLeX Dedicated Player



    But if he starts second guessing himself, that’s the end. For him, for the clever little *****, for everyone.
    (Just saying.....next time stick to your decision ;))
  10. Skidmarc Committed Player

    I am in agreement with most here and only slightly appeased. Let's not sugar coat it, this is a band-aid for what occurred. Without the ability to earn the marks from the duos/alert from AF this is still essentially casting off half the content released. I am appreciative that I can earn some marks doing the solo instances but I have no reason to ever run those duos or alert again. Thus all that content is still wasted. If I was one of the ones who worked on that I would feel kicked in the teeth since all that work is pretty much for nothing (and it was released only three months back).
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  11. Kid Sorbet New Player

    You know that I was one of the louder voices in these threads and I hear you. But I think it's a good sign that they're willing to throw a bone. Mepps also said that they would be looking for other solutions down the road. Personally, I'm not super thrilled but I do appreciate that it's something and I hope that it can lead to better solutions in the future when more time is available to implement changes.
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  12. Coldzoom Well-Known Player

    It's a nice compromise add the duos and it would be a PERFECT compromise. Also the Devs need to realize Iconic Solos aren't for everyone.
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  13. Skidmarc Committed Player

    I fully agree, add the duos and you will hear nothing but thanks from this guy, instead of grudging acceptance. That is what those who run with limited time typically do.
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  14. Coldzoom Well-Known Player

    Also when does this go live?
  15. TrueOlympus New Player

    They DO know this. They even said as much during the previous threads' discussion on the matter. Which is why i do indeed think this is somewhat of a tongue in cheek compromise. I am grateful to a certain extent. But I STILL believe there were far better ways to artificially create longevity. and more so believe that there were way better compromises.
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  16. sadystic New Player

    You really can't please everyone...... If they added marks of power to the duos and alert aswell it would defeat the entire purpose of marks of power. The idea isn't to give u a thousand marks a day. It's to give you a small content opportunity of a large contents rewards. Don't get me wrong I'd much rather them nix both solos and missions and only offer power on duos but cmon people if you really think the solution is to give marks of power on everything then clearly your not being logical. They took the best route in my opinion allowing those of us who can't play dcuo all damn day the ability to play for 10 minutes and do something progressive. If your not happy with that then I don't know what to tell you because this whiny self entitled brat syndrome is pervasive in dcuo
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  17. Skidmarc Committed Player

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  18. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    omg just get on with it and release the dlc already.
  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

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  20. Mister Brees New Player

    I can't believe people are still complaining. I thought the argument was "what about people that don't have the time to do alerts and raids"? What happened to making sure the people who like soloing aren't left out? If you don't like iconics don't do them. There are still the three marks from open world. You guys are lucky they even gave that up. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. I'm kinda ashamed how some people are acting in this thread.
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