Update 2: Marks of Power

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. Quantum mercenary New Player

    This is a good compromise thanks for listening and working with us on this issue devs.
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  2. TrueOlympus New Player

    A compromise to a self-inflected non-issue is all this is. I appreciate the GESTURE. But I am not blind to what just occurred here.
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  3. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    What will be the CR needed for promethium boxes to drop Marks of Power?
  4. TrueOlympus New Player

    The Devs said Solos are the least popular content.... Then they give us Solos as a compromise.

    Does NO ONE see what just happened here? I don't know what I am expected to say... "Thanks for giving me the content that I am already entitled too! Great compromise!"

    I am saddened. I'll get over it eventually but I will not forget.
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  5. Radium Devoted Player

    And weren't many people arguing about A) Lack of content for relevant marks and B) lack of solo content for players to progress?

    I see those 2 things being redistributed into the next DLC as relevant.
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  6. Drakonicus New Player

    "Why? One of the consequences of filling our DLCs and tiers with more content going forward is that so many more marks will be able to be earned so much quicker in tier 6 compared to earlier tiers, and especially late in the tier, if all of those DLCs were to share a common mark. It is intended that a certain amount of effort and time go into unlocking each DLC's gear - the progression should be meaningful - and to maintain that depth of play, we were faced with essentially two options: inflate how many marks that gear costs in each DLC, or reintroduce unique marks per DLC."

  7. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    Blind by greed, they still can't see whats wrong with all of this even when we keep saying it over and over
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  8. Sbel Devoted Player

    There are 2 style vendors on test, one MoP and one MoF. The raid style from HoP is available on both vendors. So are all the styles on there now.
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  9. Jameztowerz Active Player

    This is ridiculous!!!!!! You are willing to make these kind of changes for players that are crying 2%erts. But can't throw a bone to the small leagues with their prestige struggle. Why not make a decision and stick with it stop craw fishing on one improvement to the game but turn your back on others that are struggling with prestige. I am sorry but this is screwed up that the devs are catering to one type of minority in the game but not another.
  10. Sbel Devoted Player

    Well, that doesn't solve everyone's complaints but it does make me happier. I like doing open world content while I'm in queue or trying to get a group. Thanks guys. :)
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  11. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You're obviously reading too much into what Spytle and Mepps said about the 2%. This in no way only affects the 2% players who never run alerts/raids. It was likely affecting a large portion of the community, and there were members of both the 2% and the 98% who voiced displeasure over the marks of power change. Please go through and read the previous thread about this; there were players who love raids and alerts who were voicing displeasure just as strongly as those who only play solos and duos.
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  12. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    A couple is deciding on how much pizza will each one get.

    Man: Ok, we both get half
    Woman: No, I get all of it.
    Man: That's not acceptable at all
    Woman: Alright, let's compromise. I'll give you 1/5 of the pizza. You happy now?
    Man: .....
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  13. TrueOlympus New Player

    Many. But we also complained that there was no issue in the first place. It matters not. I'm glad they even ALMOST changed their minds. I appreciate the gesture of this compromise. But I am not going to blind myself to what happened just because they did something nice.

    Just my perspective man
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  14. Jameztowerz Active Player

    I have read all of the previous post and I am a strong supporter of new marks for each dlc. I remember when it took three plus months to get full T3 before replays were released and it made the game more challenging and worth the time to get that gear. Again there were several complaints on how long it would take small leagues to get their halls but did they cave on that???? NOOOoO. Basically small leagues got the shaft and have to grind for their halls but people who are anti social and want nothing but solos and duos get what they want in less than day Is completely double standard BS
  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    You're off topic... but...

    We didn't have the support of other players. You can't blame the Devs. Players in Uber-Leagues felt that they would loose something if small league or Solo players were given any concessions. In fairness to the Devs they did make a few changes to how prestige is earned that will help everyone. It's in the next hotfix.
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  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    People who have families and do not have time to run alerts daily but do have time to run solos daily are anti-social? How did they get families, then?

    *reference to Sore's post, a member of the SOE council. He's among the least anti-social people on the forums.

    You're dealing in assumptions and using those to further your own agenda. If that was the same way you argued about prestige, I can see why you fell flat on your face.

    By the way, I am also an advocate for smaller leagues getting the prestige issues adjusted; that is already being taken care of in another thread. You may be better served to post in that thread instead of this thread.

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  17. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Yes. 98% of the community runs ALL the content. I would think that people who ONLY run the T6 Alert and never the solos/duos will be even smaller than 2%.
    We are not against LARGE or small content, we want variety in being able to progress especially if they are on the same tier.
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  18. Jameztowerz Active Player

    FYI I have a family and a full time job so yes I know how it is and I still don't agree with the MoP being added to solo content thie dev shave even said this game was made with large groups in mind this is a MMO after all. I just think it's BS that they cater to one small geographic in game but refuse to do so with another. Will I take advantage if the solos yes I will all I am saying is that it's a double standard to give on one end and not another.

    Also please don't tell me who is part of this community council because honestly I could care less and they affect me in no way shape or for, (no offense to any of them).
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  19. The Johnny army New Player

    Just offering feedback and a suggestion.

    It's a good thing that you are showing us you listen and that not everything was written in stone. I felt (and from the looks of it, wasn't the only one) that we just had to suck it up and accept it. And know this, without a shadow of a doubt: it was a horrible feeling. This is a good compromise as it widens our choices and it's always good to have choices. That is my feedback.

    As for my suggestion, you seem willing to offer us 5 extra marks from Amazon Fury. People in this thread are complaining (and I agree) the iconic solos are a bad choice. Several threads on this sort of content were made before and, while I have fun playing them and think it's THE BEST solution to introduce new tiers (as there is no striving for using low gear in new tier), I have much more fun using the character I build. Could we have the last boss in both duos dropping the extra Mark of Power instead of the iconic solos? Your compromise is 5 extra marks, have the middle boss of the duos drop Marks of Fury and the last boss drop both Marks. And the chance for the extra mark should be locked at MoF.
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  20. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Add this change to the duos and I'm sold for a shirt term compromise. Iconic solos just suck to me. If it was a normal solo where I used my character then I would be fine with but I hate using legends characters and definitely not fond of Circe or Wonder Woman as legends to use.
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