Update 2: Marks of Power

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. KratTheDefiler Well-Known Player

    Thank you to the devs for keeping an open mind. Now if and when we get a little bored with DLC 11, or don't have enough time to run something longer, this will give us a reason to turn it on and feel like we can accomplish something while we're playing.
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  2. KratTheDefiler Well-Known Player

    Eh, I think they are at least trying to meet the player base half way, I'd say that's a very good thing for starters.
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  3. BrainWrecker Level 30

    I really appreciate this change. For real. Thank you. This will help everybody.
  4. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Great compromise guys. Even though I have no horse in this race, I understand the point of view that many have expressed. This is reasonable, and it shows flexibility on your part. Thank you.

    Now,.....no more complaining !!! They listened. DLC 11 please !!!
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  5. Karbonala New Player

    Why not the duos? I personally do not like running the Iconic visions, nor does anyone else in my League. Having said that, it is a step in the right direction. I am still adamant about delaying this mark change until DLC12, however, something is something. Thank you, I hope there is more community feedback that is going to be taken into consideration, and not just brushed off.
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  6. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I'd rather the duo's drop the marks of power too I have zero interest in the iconic solos they should just drop pvp marks .
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  7. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    We may be more accepting of change if we know what problem you guys are trying to solve.
    Why are you guys willing to make a whole DLC obsolete the moment the next one comes out, especially in the same tier? You guys have spent a plenty man-hours designing Amazon Fury, I don't understand.

    Why can't we have 3 DLCs per Tier with the same marks anymore? What changed?
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  8. Azrael New Player

    Anyway you slice it, spin, dress it up, you guys are still reducing the variety of content in tier 6. Can you guys STOP being greedy and just go back to thE ORGINIAL DLC outline/structure you guys made months ago. And even Meeps kept posting and telling players to hang in there cuz DLCs are gonna b better than ever...... now this.

    Sorry Devs BUT i say NO to less and restricted content....thats the last thing we need.....how hard is that to understand!?

    I highly doubt i'll renew my sub and I won't support any DCUO broadcasting....SOE live... FNL....
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  9. Azrael New Player


    There was no problem...everyone loved how the new DLCs were going to be post DLC-10. DLC10 got alot of flank for being light on content. And now you're going to do repeat the same mistake just you have 3 raids in DLC... thats insane.

    The players loved the original plan and saw no problem and now u say there's a problem.

    Just go back to the orignal plan we players loved so much...enough is enough with this nonsense of making DCUO not enjoyable anymore.
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  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    They want each tier to start on a small content DLC so we don't have an Origin Crisis - Sons Of Trigon debacle again. That means tiers are either 2 DLCs or 4 DLCs long.

    This was a fair compromise, people can still get HoP doing small content...
  11. OGM_Madness New Player

    I still think this is a half solution to a self-created problem. I give up.
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  12. Propel New Player

    I guess they figure the duos are a bit too easy to reward MOP considering they only take roughly as long as a solo mission but reward 2 marks - and sometimes an additional mark.

    At first glance, the Iconic Vision thing sounds good...but when they say "Marks of Fury AND Marks of Power" does this mean 1 of each at the end or does it mean "small chance of dropping a MoP" ?

    Would love that clarified, but I'm perfectly happy with this solution overall. All of us have times where we don't have time for a raid or alert, so this works for me.
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  13. AzraelR Committed Player

    And the duos?

    Sorry, but you must do the same with the duos.
  14. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    OMFG this still doesn't change **** for me, why do it so late in a dlc that's coming in maybe days from now??
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  15. Pez Fedora Developer

    Both for the instances, and choice for the open world solos.
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  16. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    that way we start fresh every new dlc how is that hard to understand???
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  17. Azrael New Player

    The only REAL compromise I see if you want to prevent mark horrid and not restrict content and be greedy, you know like you guys are trying to be right now.

    REAL compromise: Change all content to give marks of power one the DLC 11 hits. Therefore ppl cant save marks to buy the newest gear and ppl concurrently can use MoF for syn tier 5 expert or style feets if they wish. And there will be NO RESTRICTION of options in tier 6. PPl have fun--> more options to play and have fun--> ppl stay playing DCUO.
  18. Radium Devoted Player

    While personally I would rather Duos being changed to relevent marks, I'm glad that a compromise came out of this discussion.
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  19. TheVoiceOfReason Well-Known Player

    Im sorry but this feels like a half ***** solution to a problem that will just continue to grow. Things should just be kept the way they currently are, one mark per new tier. Your long term plan is just going to ruin this game. If its not broke why fix it. Use all this energy to actually fix things that are broken which is plentiful.
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  20. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    I think some people missed part of what Mepps said... he said that the open world, Gotham Under Siege, solo missions will reward EITHER MoF or MoP- players get to choose; Iconic solos will reward BOTH MoF -and- MoP. So if you want MoP but don't like the iconics, you can still run the open world solo missions. I think their compromise is this... if you want to play multiplayer content, which any way you cut it a duo is still multiplayer, then you can run the HoP's four-person Alerts, what is missing from HoP is 'solo' content.

    I applaud this decision because it means that, even though I still have to run AF1 open world missions for MoP, at least I get some participation in HoP- in that I can still continue progression though the vendor gear.
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