Unpopular Opinion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Empress_Orana, Nov 26, 2021.

  1. JailhouseBat Active Player

    Yes he's leaving them behind because he's too focused on running to the next set of adds. Adds dont run they walk.
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  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

    If the tank has pulled or taunted them then they will follow.
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  3. JailhouseBat Active Player

    Right but they walk slowly if they dont lunge so we can either stop and let them walk ahead or run past them. Dont get me wrong theres tanks out there that do this flawlessly but the tanks who are just copying what they saw can make a mess.
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  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Yep, different groups of adds respond differently. I’d suggest following the tank/run past the adds unless you know you can single-handedly defeat them. People are at different learning stages, some are experts, some not so much…you get to decide how you’re going to impact the group, help make it faster or help make it longer and more chaotic.
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  5. Magg Redd Well-Known Player

    I don't mind the tank grabbing groups of Ads and turning them into mobs of ads, (I hate the splits, but I enjoy seeing the wall of crits rolls on the screen when) but at some point they need to stop pulling and let us knock them down. As someone else mentioned some of us have powers we have to be somewhat stationary to cast and it makes it hard for us to take out the ads when the tank grabs a bunch and then and then yanks them down a hallway as we start casting powers....my question is really the same as people who are made they clamped us and we can't just steamroll through older content....I don't want to be stuck in an instance forever, but what's the rush? It really needs to be a team effort the tank needs to watch the group as well as the group watch the tank.
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  6. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I wanna dps for you now proxy :)
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  7. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    It has nothing to do with burn. It isn't because you can't handle a lot of adds at once. You could be the most OP DPS that ever lived and if the tank is constantly yanking the adds out of your range then you aren't doing any damage at all.
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  8. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Adjust, position yourself and be better instead of being handed everything to you. I'll pull as many adds as I can find. I like doing that against the eyes on COU as well as all the adds in the last fight against Circe and the cyclops in the save the universe alert. To me its never an issue. My priority is to get as many adds as possible. I'm not going to worry about whether or not you're missing your attacks because of an AOE move or whatever. You don't see me complaining when I'm on my celestial DPS having to position myself a lot. Heck I'll even start the fight if the last player is taking too long to reach us.
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  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If the tank is doing all of that best for everyone to stop and let him get knocked out.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Then don't do any damage until the tank has stopped gathering what they want to gather, they'll stop eventually, I know the temptation to "pew pew pew, imma firing my laser beam" is strong, but a tank gathering adds will eventually stop somewhere for burning.
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  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    But thats not how it works, the tanks stops eventually with a lovely add pile for you to play with.
    You word that as if the tank is, for all eternity, pulling adds away from you…….
    Its not true, not how it happens, and actually cant happen because the maps have edges and limitations. Tanks can only pull so far and so much before adds die.
    Add me and i will dps for ya and show ya that tanks cand even pull adds too far before they are dead lol
  12. Shalayah Committed Player

    As long as the tank isn’t staying till after the adds die then I don’t really care lol. Gather all the adds you want.
  13. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Combo powers, and any other powers that can't frontload damage hate this. So do loadouts that include non-mobile channels, static AoE DoTs or HoTs, powers that split damage heavily, weapons without a long lunge distance, etc. etc. I've stopped doing it when tanking for all of those reasons. There are way too many negatives for the perceived benefits :(.
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  14. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    That's cute. But again it has nothing to do with burn. I understand they will stop at some point but that has nothing to do with what was said. It is still annoying and unnecessary.
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  15. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    That's cute. But again it has nothing to do with burn. I understand they will stop at some point but that has nothing to do with what was said. It is still annoying and unnecessary.
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  16. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    The "Unpopular Opinion" is a popular Opinion.:cool:
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  17. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Long story short... You CAN do this when it's relevant, but the pieces of content that it is relevant in are few in number, and drop sharply if your DPS are ST-loaded (how often does that happen?), or simply can't keep up. Doing it in Dox tunnels, for instance, is asking for a wipe if you drag everything with more than 3 legs to the sub-boss, and dragging anything out of AoEs is a no-no.

    I only really started to see it in the long bridges and tunnels of Deluge or Atlantis and later DLC IIRC?

    Tanking in a way that doesn't recognise the strengths and weaknesses of the DPS, or the ability of anybody (especially the Healer) to keep up in the group is just bad tanking IMO. Tanks need to have situational awareness. If they don't realise they are screwing the DPS, then that's a lack of situational awareness.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

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  19. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Except that your missing is that the tanks job aint to appease you.
    to be blunt, Don't like that tanks style, try messaging them. Or leave. Totally up to you BUT just as you wanna play your way, they get to play their way.
    Are you gonna dps the way I tell you to? Of course you wont. And you dont get to dictate the way people tank either.

    Side note*
    I didnt mention burn so what are you even talking about?
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  20. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    You told me to add you so that you could dps for me. And yes they do have the right to play the way they want to play. I never claimed they didn't. I said it's unnecessary and annoying and doesn't save time. At no point did I make the claim I get to dictate anything. I say what I mean.
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