Uniqueness of Powers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by ParadoxVanguard, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. ParadoxVanguard Well-Known Player

    So when talking to a friend who has never played dcuo and started to show interest once I told him about it they asked me, so what is unique about each power?

    I personally haven't even played post revamp yet so I am deciding to ask the community for a clear answer. Cause his question wasn't just about roles but actually the powers themselves as far as playstyle and not hybrid or superpower playstyle.

    So my question is what does each power bring to the table in there own way that separates them from other powers within there role and dps. Quantum for example can teleport and has alot of AOE moves. Water has a self buff and a way to effect it's cooldowns. Atomic is a battle tank that self heals when it's aura is up doing combos. So post revamp what does everypower have that they somewhat specicalize in if it's AOE, DOT, who is better at stealth, who is the king of shields etc. This info I feel would be helpful for new players who want to choose between powers in the same role but care little for the cosmictic difference of the powers but what actually sets them apart
  2. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    earth powers with iconics makes a great kryptonian build...even the earth aspects of it can be explained by saying they are sunstone abilities,,,muni is very different...opposite of a super character build
  3. krytine Loyal Player

    To be totally honest the powers are more alike then ever before. It has small differences between them. Electric has damaging healing moves in dps some others have them as well rage as well rage is also a battle tank or active tank fire does self heals but so does rage and atomic. The differences are small and those small differences are what will make you like or hate a power.
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