Unannounced changes to Doctor Fate's daily rewards.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WhiteLanternNC, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. Reverse~Reverse Flash Active Player

    I know for a fact the devs are reading this but just dont know ho to enter the convo without setting off a ruckus
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Nothing you said there changes my point about omnibus and the clamp.

    There's actually nothing wrong with omnibus or essentially the clamp other than our disagreement with respect to how "clamped it is", which even that we're not entirely in disagreement with.

    They could improve the membership entirely, without even touching omnibus and clamp and the membership would instantly be more appealing, which shows your attempt to couple them together isn't true Reinheld, You're just trying to frame it all that way to bolster any argument you have against the game more widely, which isn't necessary because that isn't even what is being argued here.

    If they opened up the Fate Vendor to more marketplace items for example or even allowed players to claim wolf tokens with their Destiny Tokens that would be great. If they added significant amounts of Qwarks in the member track so members could better utilize the qwark vendor.

    Tthere's all sorts of things the developers could do to enhance membership and make it better, of course all of this has to continually be updated to counteract the point you've made with respect to the diminishing value as a players time in the game increases and certain rewards diminish if they're updated quickly enough, but that's just the nature of development.

    Nothing else is relevant to this discussion, omnibus, EEG, pushing players to end game, it's not relevant it's a red-herring you've thrown in to this discussion which serves no purpose other than to be a distraction to the real issue, which is finding ways to appeal to players so that they want to sub.

    Taking away the clamp isn't going to make people become members it's just going to make you lot stop crying in that 400 page thread.
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  3. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Put replay and stabilizer packs for sale on the fate vendor for destiny tokens.

    Problem solved?
  4. BathroomPapi Active Player

    Source: trust me bro.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I didn't say take it away. I didn't say it's removal, or if it were never introduced, it would have saved, or would generate more membership. Membership is a dying thing I'd say....nothing can change that except a dramatic increase in it's benefits, which is OBVIOUSLY not on the radar. I'm just saying, there is a reason we were 'given' the clamp and omni and full F2P....and it isn't because they wanted us to have this endless playability we've been sold. It was so that more people would end up in a position to decide if they needed to spend money for the things you'd need at endgame (artis and then allys now)....that they didn't need when non members before. To some extent, yes....it was to 'sell back' our stats in clamped content too...but let's ignore that to save a tangent discussion.

    This is the same thing they've been doing for years with the CR skips. Get people to endgame levels and they will feel some pressure to hit the CC and round out their characters. Membership getting crappier was the price paid to enable F2P and endless loot.
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  6. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    The fact people can't see this obvious marketing ploy/tactic astounds me. Even if it wasn't the initial intent, it damn well sure was an outrageous "plus" for company benefit.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Willful blindness? Rose colored glasses? Not sure.

    And I hardly believe it was unintended.
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  8. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Willful blindness with rose-colored glasses ;)

    They complement each other perfectly ;)
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  9. WhiteLanternNC Active Player

    They aren't because if they were reading it they would of removed it and I'd probably be banned for trolling . Just everyone try and keep it clean so we can keep it going.
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  10. kallader Committed Player

    Was expecting them adding stuff to make it more interesting or to rise the price not removing stuff for the same cost :eek:
  11. CGEMINI Committed Player

    They also gave no compensation for that regards too. Remember that.
  12. arkhamowl Level 30

    The lower MK exobytes were painful as they helped with multiple toons. The communication could be better by giving players a heads up or even just engaging with players on the forums. If the developers have questions about what the community wants then why not just ask on the forums. Maybe even conduct a survey or poll. At bare minimum they could be more transparent with changes like this in the future.
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  13. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I'm starting to wonder if they just listen for like two minutes then puts on some headphones and ignore us there rest of the time since
    the things they do seem to be less and less what will earn them more customers and instead drive them away..As a very long time member I've seen Quiet a lot of stupidity but the stupidity seem to come more and more lately..
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  14. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    The most effective solution to the crap rewards in the daily rewards, is to CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION until they get the picture.

    I've already cancelled mine, 1 month left on my previous sub purchase, then, no more money for monthly rewards. I'll resub when the rewards are better (worth it).
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  15. kallader Committed Player

    This make any sense
    My random opinion they feel like got a lost of revenue by giving us the box but this would make any sense since only the box for the current Dlc really worth something ..to be fair and logic no one will pay daybreak cash to get stuff from 2 last episode make any sense since all is cheap on broker because the lack of demand too many peoples sell them .
  16. VariableFire Loyal Player

    So I opened the Decorator's Item box and chose an item. Minutes later I ran the Stabilizer solo and got roughly the same type of items. Not impressed, to put it mildly. Replacing the endgame cache at minimum should have been competitive with the weekly Omnibus rewards. Instead, I could just run an Omni solo/duo and get the same stuff.
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  17. kallader Committed Player

    Worst is the fact that you can run Stabilizer solo with all your alt they all will get the 2 free decoration and an equipment part each day so if have 20 character you get 40 decoration from it each day so yeah 1 decoration box is bad XD
  18. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Nice signature. :)

    Onto the subject at hand:

    It's seems to me that over the past year, a lot of reward switches and substitutions have happened, perhaps to a slump in revenue for the studio.

    I mean that's my #perception and opinion on what conclusions I have to draw upon.

    The rewards were overall pretty good, with lack luster 21 day rewards, now we have lack luster rewards with slightly better 21 day rewards.
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