Unannounced changes to Doctor Fate's daily rewards.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WhiteLanternNC, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. Jhaina1 New Player

    E nítido a falta de respeito,como se já não bastasse esse lag horrível enfrentado por nós, tendo que relogar um milhão de vezes, agora pago pra receber token de prestígio que jogarei tudo fora porque minha liga e Full em prestígio,e triste ver a decadência do jogo .
    Fazem oque querem,como querem e não importa a nossa opinião
    Como sei que vão apagar de novo minha indignação, certamente deixarei claro uma coisa , Sejam profissionais e tratem com respeito aqueles que pagam o salário de vocês, entendam que quem faz a caridade somos Nós e não vocês,está um lixo a tempos e ainda assim acredito que o dia que a comunidade se unir de fato e boicotar tudo irá mudar!!!
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    For us in 'merica!
    The lack of respect is clear, as if this horrible lag faced by us wasn't enough, having to relog a million times, now I pay to receive prestige token that I will throw everything away because my league is Full in prestige, and it's sad to see the decline of the game. They do what they want, how they want and it doesn't matter what our opinion is. As I know you will erase my indignation again, I will certainly make one thing clear, Be professional and treat with respect those who pay your salary, understand that we are the ones who do the charity work and not you, it has been rubbish for some time and yet I believe that the day the community truly comes together and boycotts everything will change

    Thanks google Translate!
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  3. GrumpySnorlax Level 30

    I hope people really hold them to it because Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, EA, etc all these companies need to always be held to it that is the only way change truly happens. All of this wouldn't be soooooo horrible but what's been going on lately it just frustration build up at this point. Here you have a game with a immense potential and they are wasting it. We need guys with passion like hello games and devs with the desire like CDPR to never give up but also keeps a consistent flow of communication open. To not say anything at all is like you don't care or just ignoring it and both is horrible. My job has cupcakes I'm going to grab me a few.
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  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Most the games I play that have a daily reward bonus … promote it proudly, it’s not hidden where we have to go look for it to even get the stuff. It’s the first thing that pops up on the screen for you to collect.

    Dc has always hidden it … almost like they are hoping you won’t collect it and let it all expire til the next month.

    This is why stabilizers were moved back to a mission .. hoping you will forget to run the mission so it doesn’t cut into their bottom dollar… I’m convinced if that.

    Now these changes .. it’s pretty laughable

    Next will be the artifact catalysts will go for something like a radar enhancer or maybe something really valuable likes base generator bot

    They will never address this either I’m assuming.
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  5. SilkyPawz Bunny

    It feels like such a slap in the face, they just keep removing more and more items, they removed the stabilizers, the loot caches, exobytes these rewards are just getting worse and worse.

    Who ever is making these changes really needs to get in touch with the community but that is better said then done it's something we have said through the years. Seems the more people come here to state their grievances the worse things get in the game or people getting banned on here for complaining about all the bad things going on in the game.

    At this point might as well say Be Lucky your getting any kind of login reward!

    The days of 500 nth metal and 200 nth metal dropping, the days when we ran vaults everyday and on resets got bigger amounts of nth metal, the days of getting more stabilizers are gone but hey there is always a New Time Capsule, Booster Bundle, Resurgence and Artifacts/Allies they want us all to spend our money on.
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  6. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    To the point that we should feel lucky ..

    Screw that … we are the customers not the other way around… they should feel lucky anyone even wants to play their game or even spend money on it .. they need to be reminded where their bread is buttered and with out the paying customers this game is dead af … they need to start doing more to retain our business not push it away ..
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  7. SilkyPawz Bunny

    I 100% Agree
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  8. BathroomPapi Active Player

    Looks like a lot of you need to learn how to unsub. They don’t care what you think. They don’t care about communication. They don’t care about making good content.

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  9. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Don't forget they didn't even make any effort to announce it, even in the game itself, having many players clueless and missing out for many days before hearing of it.

    Purposely of course. Cuz ppl feel "FOMO" and be tempted to spend money to "make up" for the lost days.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I actually think it went back to a mission in order to make it more time consuming for multiple account holders to farm AND to make it so you can't double dip by joining at the end of a month and getting the previous month's stabilizers granted + the new month. The amount of time it takes to run 1 time on a single account (aka 'sane' person) should not be prohibitive or that easy to forget...on average.

    But yeah...I'm guessing more than a few people have also 'forgot' to run it on occasion, however I'd guess that's just a happy bonus for DI, not the main reason for the change.

    I still don't know why they can't just make it a button to press...again, other than thinking the time it takes to run PER ACCOUNT is the biggest draw for them. We could warp into an empty room and work a cog and it would serve the other 2 purposes fine.
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  11. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    If a small league thinks the 1000 prestige is useful its because they don't know how to farm it effectively. I myself can farm the 150,000 prestige for a league hall in 2 day if I start on a Wednesday and just did this last month. There is a x10 catalysts case in the r&d vender that give you one for 1 source marks. Turn it in and you get 144 prestige from 1 source mark. All I did was hit a Friday bounty's train to get 300 source marks. There are 2 bounty's train done every Friday at 5 pm and at 7 pm that is 600 source marks easy and almost 90,000 prestige if you turn them in to the catalysts I mentioned.
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  12. Grim931 Committed Player

    I kind of had a feeling these monthly "rewards" would keep dwindling over time. I was against this style of log-in rewards from the beginning.

    If I pay for a duration as a member, I expect full member rewards no matter how much I choose to play during that specific duration. Logging in 21 days of the month just to reap the full "benefits" is ludicrous enough as it is, let alone steadily decreasing the value of those rewards as they go.

    Like just about everyone else, I'm fed up with the way things have been for quite a while. I had a little bit of hope that the new team could eventually turn things around, but it seems like we just keep getting more of the same... if not worse. Lack of transparent communication is the biggest issue by far, especially when they're pulling things that people may or may not be paying for.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    You've misstated my intent, I didn't say it wasn't worth it (because that infers a money value) I said it had become a bit of a joke.

    I was being slightly hyperbolic in my point that we're only paying for Destiny Tokens, we aren't, there are obviously still other membership perks, the value of which becomes particularly subjective depending on the individual, the part that is more commonly shared are the daily log in rewards.

    As you will know when the daily log in rewards were sold to the members as the reason why they were so heavily pandering to the free loaders, I mean premium players during the member rework. These daily member rewards were supposed to make membership compelling instead of something like the sledgehammer that was the cash cap.

    I did warn them though and said, don't pander to the premium players, I did say don't give them the cash cap because you're making their life too comfortable and people are going to sit on freeloader status, I mean premium status. I did say it didn't I.

    And here we are with the devs failing to deliver on the goods and making it even easier for people to choose the premium life, it's like no one saw it coming... oh wait, no. I did and I tried to warn them...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I don't need your Bagel mate, but I might go make a coffee ;)
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    But the 10's and 100's stack, silky, they stack! :D
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  15. SilkyPawz Bunny


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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Man...it almost seems like there were a bunch of changes that aren't holding up as well as planned that all happened at the same time. Funny though, I'm not sure what the other biggest change was....anyone have any ideas?:D

    Hey...but at least now you can spam years old content for SM....right? There's that.....
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, Trust you Reinheld to conflate an entirely different issue, I better make that coffee black. :p
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hey....it was all 1 package...for better or worse. You said 'better' for a long time, but maybe now it seems worse. Some of us knew it was worse from the get go.

    Look back...I always said doing it all for free was a mistake, the daily claim thing was a mistake, along with the other stuff. And I said that knowing I'd benefit as much or MORE from the changes.

    The game needed more NEW content...or more engaging content...not gimicks and more micro transactions vs a useful sub.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Entirely disagree Reinheld.

    Just because other things came in at the same time, doesn't make them 1 package. Save the Universe launched for the first time then as well, maybe you should lump that into why membership sucks. :cool:

    You and I clearly agree with respect to the membership, I've always said it's worth the money on a technical financial level, because it is, the items you get in exchange such as Destiny Tokens, 500DBC, 150 Replays, technically outweigh the cost of membership itself from that economic stand point.

    However, the membership can still be disappointing because the other perks that didn't or don't have a monetary value are being watered down and so it feels more and more like a transaction for those items rather than a membership.

    Those two things can be true at the same time.

    What you're doing though is trying to drag omnibus and the clamp into this argument when they're not related, merely launched at the same time. We disagree with each other with respect to omnibus and the clamp and none of that has changed here, nor will it change via your attempt to lump the two together when they're easily and clearly two very separate issues.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No, it WAS all one in the same. They made the decision that they'd pump everyone up as fast as they can get to endgame with unlimited SM and gear, and off-set the loss of memberships with the fact that NOW all these new 'freemium' people will be in a position to NEED to spend money on the micro transactions, whereas prior, when they only had event or a select few purchased... likely older...DLCs... that if more than a year old, they could breeze through '1 shotting' everything. There'd be no need for allies, artis or SP when you run event and 'trivial' content...right? The plan was to turn the casual players into more of the serious players that we subs all were, subbing and spending for 10+ years. Unfortunately, as the content has still been suffering, the game has gotten more and more glitchy and the DI team responsiveness to these issues keeps slacking off, not only are they losing the old 'serious' players, they are not converting the casuals.

    Membership sucks because as I've said several times, save a very few perks like hand to hand cash trades, making a league or access to all powers...none of which are really needed to play at the highest levels (or can be gotten by other means)....everything else is just a discount or slightly faster way to accumulate the things you might not need. Sure, you get 4 destiny tokens per month...but unless you really need 10 artis, or run 10 toons, what do you need to spend them on eventually? More Nth and ally favor is fine if you are new, but for those of us who either had their arits, or are satisfied with their allies at a point...what good does that do? Same with the gear, marks, etc...and now Prestige. Not everyone is suckered into following some 'meta' which DI can change every month to keep the sheep in line. Honestly why anyone with 2 or 3+ years of subbing would still 'need' the sub is beyond me. A new player? Sure....for a few months at least. Get the loyalty for a few armories, inventory slots, etc. Build up some fate and destiny tokens. Make all your 16 toons and try all the powers to see which you like. Once that is all sussed out...Nah

    Everyone in here saying how adding the prestige has no value to them...I've been saying the same thing about everything else in the discount plan for 2+ years now. You all are just catching up. Wait till they remove DBC, or the replays or a few of the destiny tokens...still 'worth' it then?

    And STU was just filler content, they could have released a survival mode, a PVP 102 gear or another lackluster DLC at the same time. STU was just easier to cook up to have ready at the same time.
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