Unannounced changes to Doctor Fate's daily rewards.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WhiteLanternNC, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. WhiteLanternNC Active Player

    I was just checking on the daily rewards and it looks like there's been some big changes but zero communication about them. They removed the boxes from the 3 top episodes for members and replaced them with tokens of prestige and renown boosters.... they did add two decoration boxes and an R&D box to the free players . I guess maybe some time this week we might hear about the justification for these changes but I wouldn't hold my breath.
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  2. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    He refreshes every two weeks I think. Items could change here and there and some stuff does change up from time to time.
    May want to check the info when he was first added.
  3. WhiteLanternNC Active Player

    This is
    The monthly Doctor Fate daily rewards.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    It does not refresh every 2 weeks, it has been consistently the same for months now with these cache boxes.

    These new rewards are worse on every level, completely outrageous.

    But at this point I'm not surprised, the entire membership plan has become a bit of a joke, we're just paying for destiny tokens at this point.
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  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I am honestly disappointed with this change. I feel like membership doesn't have a very good value to it, like before when you had to pay to have access to DLC's and when we had Stabilizers in Daily Rewards. Which this change was not communicated aswell and just kind of happened with the downtime we had. Those boxes were great personally for more currency and gear. I do not feel that renown boxes which we can get from Doctor Fate and prestige is a good member reward.

    Prestige is not too hard to gain and personally I rather see league missions to earn more prestige rather than using the daily rewards for that. It's not worth it to sub unless you want the 21st member reward and even then you can either wait and get it from Dr Fate or you can sub just for what you want\like.

    The base items box is not that good in It's current state, decorators won't have really good use of it because It's one item of five random items.

    To end my thoughts on it, this is not a good change, it should've been communicated and they can even ask the community what we want to see & perhaps get an idea of what will get players to subscribe.
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  6. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Oh the login rewards. Oh yeah they aren't great. Especially on the old Adaptive Augments catalysts.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh that was uncool of me, I almost forgot, we're also paying for server instability, lag and frame drops, my fault for forgetting the most important member perk.
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm pretty upset by this as well. The rewards became less because of exploiters, now we get stuff that literally is useless. Especially when they can be purchased on the fate vendor for the same marks we get daily...
    This isn't a good look, considering the lack of communication with everything else going on.
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  9. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I think the main problem is that whoever thought that the new rewards were worth it was just looking at the value of source marks in the marketplace, but not what they're worth to players.
    Similar to the 1000 Prestige packs, which are essentially only 7 unconverted Source Marks.

    I bought a Membership again on the last day of last month because I did the impossible and gathered 21 days of log-in. So I got all 3 Membership tokens from last month and will be able to get all 3 this month if I manage to keep up the log-ins.

    Either way, I wasn't buying it for Raid Caches or the Day 21 Style anyway, so I couldn't care less. However, I can see that many have a different opinion on that.

    Maybe a Hybrid system would be optimal to make it look more appealing again without offering more. Put the Stabilizer fragments back into the Membership row while keeping the Stabilizer solo at the same time. That way it looks like you get more although it's always been like that. This means 3 stabilizer fragments per day in the membership reward track and the 6 stabilizer fragments from the daily solo are still obtainable as well without the amount changing based on subscription status anymore.
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  10. PrinceD Active Player

    With all due respect to the devs, but how do you do something like that? are you guys allergic to money? These are totally useless things, you are making the already bad situation worse, I leave here my indignation because every day that passes the membership becomes more useless, the impression is that the game has no creative ideas and it gets worse when they remove the good things that remain ...

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  11. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Yeah that is a horrible change, they should be trying to improve the value of membership not make it worse.
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  12. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I’m kinda bummed about this because my annual membership expired so I renewed but on a month to month basis but if I knew about the membership changes then I might’ve decided not to renew. This is unacceptable Daybreak. You can’t get people to sub to your game if you don’t let them know about the changes to said subscription. Totally unacceptable. There honestly should be a Better Business Bureau type organization for online video games for these types of scams to the paying customers. It’s not like you don’t have any lines of communication here. You have this forum. You have a webpage. You’ve got Twitter/X and other lines of social media like Facebook and Discord. Don’t pull this bullcrap you had no one available to at least let us know last month the changes to membership subscriptions. That’s the bare minimum of just letting us know the changes even if you wouldn’t be up for discussions with us on whether or not we’d find this acceptable. Switching things you can buy already with Fate tokens cheapens the subscription. Who came up with this? Someone at EG7/Daybreak really whats to gouge the DCUO playerbase huh? So unacceptable. Your head development guy couldn’t even mention these changes on the Kinda Funny Games podcast. You couldn’t even let the content creators you want in your new program Multiverse, Eve and Obsidian Chill about these changes when they make videos about updates like this. I feel ripped off as a player and customer and it’s things like this that make me completely untrustworthy and uncomfortable using my credit cards with you guys. Shameless and unacceptable.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Moving some stabilizers to the rewards and still having me run the solo does nothing to really benefit me.

    As a paying member I'd rather have all my stabilizers in my daily log in rewards, I don't want to have to run that solo at all, it's a waste of my time for something that was previously being given to me for simply logging in, they decided to take that away for a reason they do not wish to share but it is assumed to be an impact on their bottom line, because we as players cannot assume it to be anything different and that is what happens when there is no communication.

    These most recent changes, in my opinion, also highlight the disconnect between the developers and the players who play the game and how we play it.

    The developers either need to spend more time in game playing their game and understanding the ins and outs of it to get a better and more personal understanding of how the players play their game or they need to start communicating more effectively with the players to gain that same understanding.

    You're exactly right that someone has just looked at the monetary value of these items in source marks and thought they were reasonable, but they're not because they're also items that we steadily receive as rewards in game or simply farm out using source marks, which we can farm quite freely when needed.

    The source marks on the marketplace are ridiculously priced in the first place and not worth the money they're sold for.

    Unfortunately the risk of even discussing this is that the developers will take this very feedback I'm giving here and "monkey-paw" it. There's the very risk that the answer for them would become "lets drop less source marks everywhere to make our rewards more valuable" or "lets drop the drop rates of these R&D items to make our rewards seem more valuable"

    Rather than just accepting that it was a bad reward in the first place, there's the very real risk, they'll just alter things to try and portray their rewards as being more valuable, after the fact and after people complained - just further highlighting the bad communication and complete disconnect between developer and player.

    If the developers don't start taking the membership track seriously then more and more players are going to drop to premium and you cannot even blame them for it. The developers largely created this situation for themselves when they re-worked the membership system and let a lot of the compelling membership perks slip down to premium level, while not taking the needs of their members seriously and a lot of us members said this at the very beginning, but warnings went unheeded.

    I'm not sure how many months people are going to put up with the Day 21 rewards being recycled slim lines, over and over or recycled gear styles over and over. I'm certain that we'll be getting the enhanced current purple set at some stage in the member track, passed off as if it's new and not something we didn't used to get in game using marks for free.

    This is the problem, the developers keep on thinking they can pass off things we were already getting for free as perks and they're not perks and the more months that go by the more it gets noticed and the more they adjust the rewards to these objectively less than useful items and the more their members get further outraged.

    The developers really need to start taking notice of the problems and mistakes (in my opinion) they're making before they lose more and more members, it's bad enough that we're having to put up with absolutely atrocious server issues, while paying for it, we now have to put up with our membership benefits being further watered down.
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  14. Tropical Skittles Taste The Rainbow

    I noticed that as well.

    I also noticed the Double Artifact XP situation. The last Double Artifact XP was June 1, 2023, March 22, 2023, Sept 21, 2022, July 13, 2022, March 24, 2022... to the very first one Aug 8, 2018. Do you see the consistency that we had for 5 years? Here it is lil over a year, and crickets! Is it because you are trying in force us to spend $100.00 for the wolfpack that was released Dec 21, 2023?

    The servers have been lagging since Feb+. I understand you are switching over servers, but it shouldn't take this long. You have lea-mx1/2 or ns2/4/6 dns timing out. Which forces us to use 30 fps, versus 60 fps. I shouldn't have to use google dns to pick the lack for the lag. Let alone on a PS5 using lower graphics. Honestly, it feels like playing on the PS3, when the PS4 client was released,

    Then I also see lack of communication from the company. You ask us to do your work, and location issues in the game. We find them and provide the issues to you. In return you remove feats without informing us? But I notice you are quick to publish your annual profit and new developments on your company website.

    With that being said.......

    I understand running a business is hard, and you can't please everyone. But running a business also means communication. A good effective business communication can boost productivity by avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts. It can also build a solid foundation between the company and the dedicated players.
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  15. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Prestige is useful...but the raid caches were more useful for individual players. I guess it's useful for smaller leagues but since other people aren't paying for my subscription that actually irritates me a little. It's not even enough to be considered a real bonus, an extra raid and a solo every day would match it.
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  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I don't know who needs to hear this but...

    *clears throat*

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  17. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

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  18. Emoney Loyal Player

    I don't even think it's useful for most active leagues. Mine for instance hits the prestige caps so fast, this "perk" will be a complete waste.

    At least with the cache, it had a piece of gear that was CR locked for the episode. Meaning I could give it to a low level alt and get a significant cr boost. But even then, the value of the cache was no where near the initial reward it replaced, which were stabilizer fragments.

    I don't even know what to say anymore. The decisions that are being made over the past couple of years are just ridiculous.
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  19. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    True indeed until they get there act together people shouldn't give them anything because it's sending a message oh you guy's are sucker's and will eat up anything we throw at you.
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  20. iLazy Well-Known Player

    Another example of how despite having two community managers, one permanent and one fill-in for when the other is sick, neither of them communicate with us at all. We only get minimal scraps of information and when we complain we get reprimanded or totally ignored.
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