Ive been unable to Wavedox people or go dcuo live for a few days as it doesn't load fully, wondering whats up?
I think the API has been unresponsive since the DDOS attacks. I doubt it's a hugely high priority to get it working again just now but someone will probably kick it back into action soon.
as I said, the devs and DBG have absolutely nothing to do with Census websites. It's possible there is a problem with the API (which is just pure speculation), but questions regarding wavedox should be directed to their twitter or facebook
Lol. Not at all. Giving this player base more ammo against each other was just another poor decision on a loooong list around here.
Reported this earlier. https://forums.station.sony.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/social-census-out-of-order.256207/
It was honestly my favorite decision, back before u would see sp, people would lie... Just to get in , then after seeing their bad performance repeatedly lead to fails then would issue a kick or a disband, even today people lie but i catch them out. I use wavedox to check my friends feats too so i can help them, sometimes i know more about a player than he does # wavedox Spy
LOL You're kidding right? Giving players access to the census data was one of the best decisions they've made the last couple years. It really helps league leaders manage certain players better. It has allowed me to really help members of my league and improve them. Have a few ***** in the community used it negatively? Sure. But it really helps in letting me see just who in my league needs the most help and even shows me what feats they need most. I've been using it to see who needs a certain feat so I can set up feat runs.
Wavedox can in no way tell you a person's skill level. So, ummm no. The "few" are the ones that use it in a positive manner such as yourself.
dcuolive.com is down as well. Probably means the census API is down which would affect any site that queries census data. I've used both sites but my favorite feature is the "suggested feats" page on wavedox as it clues me in to what easy feats I may have missed on one of my alts.
It can tell you their cr and skill points which, taken together, provide a very good indication of their skill level. And I beg to differ. I guarantee you there are more than a few who use it in a positive manner. Most everyone probably does.
There's also dcuobloguide as well. The feats listed there are listed almost exactly as they are in game. Really helps me see who needs what feat so I can help them better.
The census API has been down since the DDoS. I've got a workaround but now I'm having trouble with my hosting to get a patch deployed.
Holy Necro Batman!!! Been trying to use Wavedox for a couple days and it goes into infinite loading. . Is Wavedox still working???
I'll second that sentiment GOOD And in response to that.. No nothing to hide Just find it funny that players on their teams may actually have to just accept team mates without giving them a third degree .. Let's check their armor, let's not take him his CR isn't THAT high, let's drop him he ONLY has 300 SP why doesn't he have the Other 50 or so? You know amazingly years ago before all that CRAP came out people just joined team and played the game and yet SOME HOW we managed to complete missions. Actually when I see some so called Team leader on LFG insisting on CR so high for a mission they are practically out of relevancy I always get the feeling.. they are looking for some one to carry their sorry butts. LOL