Ultimate Tactical Mods

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lllStrichcodelll, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. CCPONCHO Well-Known Player

    At this point just stop asking for updates because the new devs are going to find a pay wall behind it. This will just keep my alts in the dungeon even more ever since they started adding "legendary" allies.
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  2. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Either your base batteries have expired, or your mainframe boost has expired.
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  3. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    They arent really worth it and aren't viable for roles.

    The tactical mods are in capsules and gives a choice of several types.
    Head, Neck, Chest, Back, Hands, Feet are only single types each.
    If devs can add bonuses while in a role, if they are just single piece.
  4. CosmicSentinaI Active Player

    My gripe is the way they are packaged.
    Instead of selling me a package of 5 identical mods, sell them also as single.
    I can get 5 critical mass mods for 450 MC. Would be nice to be able to purchase a single for 100 MC.
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  5. Korlick Loyal Player

    Yes, they are viable for roles. Obviously not the ones that are clearly for DPS only, but the rest are very useful for every role.
  6. CGEMINI Committed Player

    Yes, this is a more reasonable option besides a 5 pack.
  7. Grip Committed Player

    It's antithetical to the Keeping up with the Jones player mindset DCUO caters to, but I wish it was made clear to those at the back of the class that these mods are extra. I got love for people who struggle with spending impulses, but is that really a reason for a business not to sell things?

    While I look forward to seeing game updates and additions, I don't expect to like all of them or assume they were designed based on my preferences. In their current form (not the freebie ones), these premium mods would suit players looking for another incremental edge for their builds and are willing to pay for it.

    Good on the posters who've suggested tweaks to the mods and the ways we can get them. Even though I support spice being added to the soup, I'll keep hoping the game staff is humble enough to hear out valid player concerns. Btw (completely serious), if anyone needs a "No Guy" when weighing a gaming purchase, lmk and I will try to be that for ya.
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