Ultimate Tactical Mods!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Nov 30, 2024.

  1. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    That would be fine, as long as we have separate slots for DPS and support. I slot different mods, depending on my role, and I'm pretty sure others do, too..
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  2. CassUV Well-Known Player

    Yes, a complete setback. Congratulations to all dev team. There arent others problems to pay attention…
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  3. Emoney Loyal Player

    Ok, 5 of them, does that mean 5 of one slot, or 1 for 5 slots? Either way, you'd have to make more purchases just to fill out all of your slots. Also, another scenario I didn't mention is OP gear and using that for both roles. Besides this last dlc, it's usually a spot that requires a different mod for each role, so that would be a constant purchase everytime someone wants to switch roles. Overall, this whole thing is a horrible idea!
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  4. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Well, there's marketplace shopping you can do, make lots of purchases of the 5 stacks to get alot of them to all your toons for the constant gear changing.

    Since this is quite the thing to have to go through.
    These more better be worth it. Worth the constant purchasing for many stacks and worth the constant gear changing.
  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club


    Probably not going to be a purchase I make. None of the ones listed are ones I use to begin with, and even if there's more than that (or more to come) the Mainframe mods I already use work well enough for what I usually do in-game.

    I mean, I know I'm weird for how I choose to play the game. But if what you're already using does the job, it just seems like a silly decision to spend extra in that manner when you may not (or probably don't) need to.
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  6. Inattentive New Player

    The strangest thing here is you spend real money and only get 5 of them, I think it should just always be there if you purchase it. You're spending real money. Make them untradable, make it a price where its always there, and settle with that.

    I don't understand how you can expect to have a payment for something that's very limited, it gives you no real reason to purchase it other than being a top whatever. Who cares?
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  7. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Since they are tradeable it's just as bad as the things we already have (nth detectors, seals, etc), which is not great but it's the reality of a 14 year old game that relies on a paid IP and doesn't care as much about progression anymore. If the price is fair the broker will be flooded by them so it's not much of a problem.

    What I want to know is if all the stuff they are charging from us will be converted into content and good events (Survival mode hello?).
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  8. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    My greatest disappointment with DCUO lately is the lacking appreciation of the source material

    These should not be ultimate mods. These should be ABSOLUTE mods!!

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  9. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Lucky for you these are only tier 4 mods. they still have tier 5 mods tier 6 and 7 mods to release they are extremely late to the party don't you think.

    Everyone's crying over tier 4 mods being pay to win can't wait to hear the crying with tier 5 mods 6 and 7 lol
  10. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Hopefully more to come and gives better strength for omnibus.
  11. BƖack Dedicated Player

    The developers complain that their community is constantly criticizing them. :rolleyes:

    Edit: I mean it's hard not to criticize when you see what they're doing with this game.
  12. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    This is a hard pass for me. New and updated white mods are very late to the game and now they are monetizing them….nope. They don’t look like useful ones. I took a look at the video but didn’t see what stats they give us, so why showcase it if there’s no meat and potatoes behind the cake?
  13. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The crazy part is this is the direction they're probably going to take I hope it's a short-term Band-Aid so they can relaunch the gear system. We are still stuck at tier 3 gear mods and mainframe aswell is still at tier 3, the game is at tier 7 if you ask me what was/is the hold up lol
  14. Proxystar #Perception

    They're not going to design this feature to fail, so you can bet these mods are powerful, powerful enough that a player cannot look past them.

    You can guarantee the players in this game that run elite and elite+ are going to expect participants run with them and finally

    You can guarantee the developers start designing content around the expectation they are being used as well to encourage their purchase.

    There is not a single element of this game off limits to the new Creative Directors clear and obvious desire to increase monetization.

    I don't believe a single person in here that says they aren't going to buy these, I think in behind it all you may as well have already loaded the Daybreak cash, while proclaiming entirely the opposite all you like.
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  15. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    I hate that you're actually right about all that. It's hard to question what the new direction is for our new team. I know that was the direction the old team was doing with episode augments
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  16. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Honestly? I don't know if I'll buy it or not...at the moment these new mods look like they're just beefed up versions of old mods, and that's incredibly boring...I probably won't buy them, I've already purchased early access to PoE 2...a couple of extra percents to DPS probably won't be any more interesting...
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    We'll see, but as I said in my earlier post I have doubts you'll be able to resist and certainly not forever.

    Put it this way as well, if the first round of mods don't sell, do you think they're more likely to scrap the idea or up the ante and increase the power. This game seems to have monetized power creep.

    Look at what they did with the Omega Totality... they literally nerfed the EOG because it was supposedly too powerful, then gave us that thing, there's only one GIF that describes that artifact.

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  18. Kestral Committed Player

    Hard pass.
  19. RahRah Active Player

    A lot of talk over something we still know very little about. This video should not have been released until things like what difference they'll make over the standard ones, what price they'll be (etc) were known. Kind of ridiculous the Devs didn't tell the creators everything to reveal. Might as well have told them nothing, and just made a post themselves before they are released.
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  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Do we have any more details about the benefits of adding these enhanced tactical mods? Such as, how much of a boost will these give us in EEG content, if one desires to ever play EEG content?

    If we are expected to buy them, I take it, it is not with the in game cash like I would use to buy my white mods now from my base vendor. Is this confirmed they will be for real $$$ converted into Daybreak cash?

    If I am paying real $$$ for a tactical mod, it is my expectation that it is going to be significantly more beneficial that the white mods currently available to me for purchase on my base vendor. Stats being sold back..., maybe?

    If it will make the nauseating slug fest of EEG content better by permitting me some of my stats back, yes, DCUO wins, I will buy back my stats they took from me. Otherwise, if it is only a teeny-tiny little % boost above what I've got right now with white mods, forget it.
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