Ultimate Tactical Mods!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Nov 30, 2024.

  1. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Informative video about the upcoming Ultimate Tacticsl Mods:

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  2. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Good that they are tradable, gonna need about 100 of each for the constant gear changing.
    So can buy packs of 5 and players put them in broker to sell.
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  3. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    All I hear is more pay to win coming to the game.

    And again the devs just use the creator league to inform us of this change.
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  4. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    ill wait for obsidians video
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  5. Geri_mester Active Player

    Ridiculous. But at this point i am not really surprised. God forbid to have fun in this game and make something that you can get from actual gameplay. This is just shameful and predatory business. This game is falling hard into the abyss. Again, the only superpower you need is to be rich.
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  6. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah.... with the constant gear changing.... it will be like the Exobite Mods all over again.

    They got rid of the Exobite Mods because it was annoying to replace the Mods everytime we got some new gear..... and here we are and see history repeats itself.

    Oh Well. :(
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  7. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    What’s the point? Is this video comes out now then why not watch this? Especially considering Obsidian’s video on this will include the same content. I understand supporting other content creators but that just means watching both. Contrary to popular belief, YouTube does allow people to watch more than just one video per day.
    And if it’s something about Obsidian that you prefer, then just watch those without being a sarky little child.
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  8. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    Yeah... I saw Multiverse's video in my YouTube feed and watched it... came on here to see what the devs had to say in their announcement... only to find that they didn't do one.

    This game is getting very sus.
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  9. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    This is also not meant to disrespect those in the creator league, I get why they joined... I know another game that has a similar thing (well not similar so much as a similar concept) and some people have even left that program because they felt their voices weren't heard (although like I said from the understanding of that game and its set up that was the actual purpose... it was both to promote content and to help get feedback and give it back to the devs).

    Also, for everyone who wants to come and say "well the devs get mistreated when they communicate and that's why they don't do it", I'm going to ignore those comments. The main reason for that is while the devs don't need to be harassed, neither should a game community be treated in a certain way.... and the problem at this point is the community has been treated in a certain way (for awhile now) prior to any comments in general.... so thats just where we should leave it.
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  10. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    This should be a membership benefit, stronger tactical mods available for loyalty and subscription to the game. No membership? No ultimate mod.

    Or, if the management actually cared about the game and its community, they should’ve developed this into an engaging system that encourages people to actually WANT to play, subscribe and stick around.

    I guess it’s easier to just stick everything in the Marketplace now… sigh.
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  11. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    I mean making it a membership benefit should have been the way to go.

    I also am unsure how much longer they can truly keep things like this going.

    I am going to be honest, what I do in this game is mindless and while I have done two of the three last dlc raids/content by non event standards (and probably could actually learn the current one.. just don't care enough to try the raid). I do know that I haven't touched elite content since I got back and this community used to be "judgey" before my break. The old community would argue that these new mods coming out would be often necessary for members to be in their group/run. I honestly don't know if the current community would.

    However, if the current community would start trying to make those requirements well than at that point it will divide people again. Dividing people when we don't have a lot left isn't good.
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  12. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    This or give members Ultimate Tactics Mods extraction kits each month.
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  13. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    This is how they want to take a stab at gear matters lol I was saying they should bring mods back to make gear matter I guess this will do for now.

    I want to say they understand where I'm coming from. It looks like our new dev team is starting to understand gear needs to matter in dcuo. So suppose this is the beginning of something even greater coming. One can only be hopeful but for now this will do
  14. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    I wonder where you get your glasses from, must be some interesting store.

    Artifacts sell because they can help produce big numbers that make sweaty DPS' (and others) have the ability to gloat about numbers. All they did was figure out what was selling and than create a new thing to sell... which has already been done (allies after artifacts after all).
  15. TheMikeB Active Player

    Out of the million BS things you have said, this is not one of them. Never once did you say p2w white mods.
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  16. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm not sure how I feel about these things.

    I'm happy that they started to look at the tactical mods. I've been asking for them to be updated, but then these are going to be MP only. Which brings us back to the ones that were in Time Capsules. That later were not well received and just gifted to anyone who has the lair system.

    The fact that they are not extractable is what gets me. The game is all about gear progression. We are looking at them constantly needing to be replaced. Which means it will either require you to be a whale or have exorbitant amount of funny money to keep up with the meta. Of course that also depends on if we don't end up with another duplication exploit that results in it no longer being traded in game, like they did seals.

    We really need to have an in game option. Like the Fate vendor.

    Thank you, Eve, for sharing with us.
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  17. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    No but I have said they should do something with the gear system and this falls into that for now till we get something better
  18. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    I think this is just something to blow us over for now as another pay to win systems but designed to make the gear system more desirable. In the sense of making your gear stats matter. It's the best they could come up with in a short time I think they understand gear should matter alot more. I think these T4 mods will help we don't know what the stats are yet.

    It would be enjoyable to see something done with the gear system with every event or seasonal this is actually a great start to drive stats matter back into the game
  19. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    No. Just no.

    We don't need more pay to win or pay to not be segregated away from Elite/Elite+ groups. The exobyte gear mod system was absolute garbage, we do NOT need that back in a new masked way.

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  20. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    unfortunately for this revamp in the way we actually need tier 4 mods. anything to do with the gear system is going to help with the revamp. which is taxing ur base stats in a way where the player doesn't feel progression from combat rating.

    You have to understand that stat revamp was designed to tax your base stats so that way they can keep the game going for 10 years and introduce unclamped progression systems. This is going to be the first pay to win system for the gear system. which is something that had to happen 100% it was only a matter of when the next progression system was going to released. I'm happy it was for our gear system. Its what I was expecting would happen. However I don't believe it stops with just this there will be more pay to win systems after all that's what stats revamp was designed for