Ultimate Omnibus Adventure - A Quest in Search of An Outlier [Videos]

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Haha, :D Yeah I didn't mean my battle tanking is incremental lol, I fully acknowledge the difference that makes, I meant the tac swapping part :D

    I could Battle tank and swap absolutely nothing and still have virtually the same result is what I meant.

    and yeah for sure, I picked up on your comment being facetious but just thought it was worth pointing out because some people don't and they start taking stuff super serious, they would've started suggesting super sweaty tac swapping was mandatory :D

    edit - I'll make a video next time with absolutely no swapping, I will self ban my inventory for you :)
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Well I mean you obviously shouldn't kick them lol, well only if you're running omnibus once every 3 hours to spare yourself, haha kidding :D

    No but no seriously, it's absolutely clear that for the majority of omnibus content the difference is going to frequently be the people in it right, the people rather than the difficulty of the content is what's making something either super easy or an absolute nightmare.

    With new people, there's nothing you can really do short of kicking (not recommended), leaving yourself or attempting to teach them, such is the way unfortunately.
  3. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I saw it as more of a chandelier waiting to rain down a cacophony of crystal pain on us.

    Like I stated. It isn't the clamp. It's players inability to function as a team and impatience, competition amongst dps and shyness from newer players who don't want to be ridiculed by longer term toons.

    In my case above (and this is the first time in a long time I've been in such a train wreck of an instance) when the group filled out the burn was good enough but what wasn't was players inability to understand the sentries one shot thinking they could be meleed or ignored.
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  4. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Before FOS3 got source mark nerfed everyone was doing that raid because of how fast you were able to get marks. It doesn't make sense that some can see that raid as an outlier when that's not the case. The sentries are only an issue if you are close range. The burn can easily take down these problems by using orbitals, allies, artifacts, henchmen and so on. It's quite literally one of the easiest raids.
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  5. Starry Knight Active Player

    On the occasions where I get bad runs, the issues are rarely down to the stat-clamp making it too difficult. (The only exception I can possibly think of is the final boss of the BoP alert, but I will be the first to say that there are a lot I haven't done.)

    More of the time, it's things like (to use an example from earlier today) starting the fight in League Hall while only 6 people are in the room - that's in theory doable if more time consuming than it should be, numbers wise, but then when we wiped (mainly due to people's insistence on standing in the aoe - I can only heal through so much) they did it again!

    And I'm sure we all have nightmares of the DM card game - stat-clamp hasn't changed that one bit.

    And with Happiness Home, wasn't that only routinely a horror story raid on that week there were bonus source marks and people discovered they could get more by leaving halfway through?

    (I still find stat-clamp annoying in places like Metropolis Battlezone and War Torn Village, because the chances of there actually being enough players in the map to do the boss as intended is microscopic, and unlike Omnibus, those weeklies still have locks so it's not as if they'd be all that farmable even without a clamp, but for Omnibus alerts and raids I don't really mind it.)

    (That said, there are some things that I would change about Omnibus - most importantly, I'd reinstate the 'After selecting the run {or size in this case}, a new menu appears where you select what role you're queuing for' from the old system, because it's way too easy to queue for a role you can't do by accident in this one with the marker in an out of the way spot - in my case that would be DPS, in most people's case it's everything else.)
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  6. Plowed In Loyal Player

    So 30 min in Prison Break by yourself is time we’ll spent, but a few extra minutes per Omni run is dreadful? It’s not about your time, it’s about the VALUE of your time. I’m sure they’re tracking session times somehow.

    The fact is you don’t need the source marks (how many are you sitting on? 5K, 10K, 20K?). You and I have most of the stuff out of old content, there hasn’t really been a strong enticement, other than the Omni reward boxes.
  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I guess I’m an outlier lol. I view my time as the enjoyment I get out of the game. I really value the entertainment aspect, that’s why I sub. I love DCUO. The only other thing as far as time related goes, would be the reward for the grind effort made in leveling up my gear, and adaptive augments. I enjoy making my character as powerful as she can be.
  8. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Agree completely! It’s a game after all! Time spent laughing and giggling with friends - in EG or in Omni - is time well spent. There’s not a lot of laughing or giggling or joke-telling thru the mic if you’re logged into multiple sessions and grouping with your alt accounts…just sayin’…
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, A), it didn't take 30 min...or it was BARELY 30 min...pre clamp. And B) it was more of a 'can I do it' thing....like soloing Nexus's split tunnel or taking down the first OW boss you ever tried. See, all the omni content....I already know I can do it...I did it, years ago....when we all agree the content was harder. So that is not a factor here. I'm honestly surprised how many OG players profess how much 'enjoyment' they pull from running old content that's slightly harder than it was a year ago...but WAY easier than it was when they beat it previously. Again, I'd be interested to see how it fared if they pulled the marks out...and left only the 'fun' of old clamped runs with random bad players.

    And you know, it's one of those 'choice' things we hold so dear. Just like, as dumb as I think it would be for ME to do it, I don't think less of anyone choosing to spend 100 hours decorating their base. That's what they want to do, so good for them. Most of them are very impressive once done.

    And combined? About 50k. And you are correct...the ONLY reason I'm in omni is that box. I'd guess I'm not the only one too. Which makes me remember I post I wanted to make....thanks.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That's what private chats are for...you know you can talk to people you are NOT in a run with, right? You know there is a lot of Anti-fun being in chat with mouth breathing, food chomping, spouse/kids/dog yelling, cussing wannabe DJ's....right? You know a big segment of this game uses PSN chat or Discord and never enters game chat, right?

    But that was funny....so +1 for you.
  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Absolutely you can do all those things, no one forces you to communicate with the people in your group. But a MMO (especially with role based builds) should encourage interactions between its players. Not everyone has a PSN or has a discord app…but everyone has access to the game chat.

    Actually the voice chat and communication menus and tabs is something DC does a lot better than other similar games.
  12. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Jeebus…Do you consider your 50k reserve typical or atypical from the average DC player?

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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    As far as the chats go, it was a reply to the fact that I'm 'missing out' on all the giggles if I only have myself to talk to. Don't worry, I'm generally on mic elsewhere if I'm running with copies of myself....cause THOSE copy guys...yeah, they don't say much of interest.

    But for the record, I also do like the in game chat...I just generally am in private/league v.s. instance or group.

    Well, seeing as I've never spammed FOS3, HH, Dawn, or any of the other things we have seen go 24 hours a day for weeks or months at a time, (up till SM came out), AND still have all of it...I'd guess it's typical...right? I mean, otherwise what the heck are they doing in those spams? I typically can have 3 or 4 toons at 999 marks before conversion just doing weeklies, so +3 or 4K every few months on top of any additional source from omni or current content doing NOTHING but what I'd do regularly....well a few bounty runs mixed in on occasion too.

    And if you are comparing me to the Fonz....thank you...I take that as a compliment (well maybe not the last few seasons version of the character....):eek:

    And if not....

    PS....No joke. I was in a work meeting for an hour the other day with a sales guy named Anson Williams (NOT the actor/director). Took every ounce of control I had to not call him 'Potsie' at least once. Of course I had to stay muted the whole time....as I didn't trust myself.;)

    PPS... Apologies to Proxy for going off course with this...although I didn't really start it (just asked for the chat to be visible on high-mechanic runs)...I'm definitely replying too much....surprise right?
  14. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Yeah! Show the group/shout/say chat, I wanna see the drama! XD
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't really mind as long as people are being constructive and not insulting each other etc :)

    Unfortunately despite understanding your desire, this is probably the reason why going forward I will continue to actually hide the chat boxes

    The reason I will do this is because this isn't a thread about the individuals or any potential drama or anything that might lead to a negative impression being given about any player - that is also why I am not looking up any players in any runs I do, I'm not actually interested in their progression, as much as I'm just interested in how any given random experience goes.

    This thread is purely about the instances and because unfortunately some people (not you RavNoc) will use things like chat drama for less than desirable means I think it's better it continue to be hidden :)
  16. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Proxy is staring at his combat log... meanwhile, in chat, when things go wrong...





    ^random new guy

    Just kidding :D But yeah, probably better to keep chat off. ;)
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    genuine lol, Why does this Proxystar guy never read chat, is he even looking at chat? lol
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  18. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    I don't think any raid in the game is an "outlier" if you have 1-2 people who know the mechanic. I have to agree with what Virality said pages ago - running one time and making a video to say "it's easy" ignores the part that actually makes some of this content hard for folks: mechanics. The game has never been fantastic about messaging to the player.
    • Happiness Home is hard because not everyone knows what Granny's doing in that room when she appears and the ways to mitigate it.
    • Paradox is hard because the average player in there has no idea what's going on when they first go in. One boss, middle of the room, pew pew pew. Tunnels? What? But there's a boss here. What? Don't burn the dude in the middle? But...numb3rs.
    • I killed the whole group because I didn't block a skull? But...why would I block a skull? Nothing tells me that anywhere.
    I think this game would be infinitely better if it taught its player base better (in the game while playing it) and didn't rely on community forums/videos to understand what's going on.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    1 video probably doesn't portray the full picture, but the reality is, even my 1 video, is 1 video more than most other people are producing, especially when they want to complain about the clamp system.

    The result of even presenting the one video, where the instance doesn't end in disaster, highlights that very point, that the instances aren't "outliers", it's the lack of compliance put forward by the players, in addition to that players make it harder on themselves, by not building their characters correctly or advancing the aspects of their gear that help with overcoming the clamp, i.e. artifacts, allies, augments.

    Look at the heat I took about "battle tanking" when simply put it makes no sense whatsoever to push more stats into an area you're clamped in when you can improve a different area.

    There's no point pushing more speed in to your race car when it's already red lining when you can improve the performance of your race car by improving its handling to take corners better, a race car that handles the track and goes at speed, is better than a race car that goes at speed but handles the track poorly, but in a moment of absurdity I'm told I'm not supposed to play more pure role, despite the fact I've demonstrated in this thread exactly why it's stronger not to do so.

    Some of the things they've done to improve this game in more recent content, is the choreographing of mechanics, the on screen text cues and other things that help a player know what they should be doing. A lot of the old content doesn't have that level of choreographing and so unfortunately a number of players are left clueless as to what to do.

    That is also frequently what causes the problems in a bunch of this old content people assert to be outliers, when reality is, they're not outliers, people just aren't patient enough to learn what to do, in the absence of these signals, nor perseverance, they just leave after one unsuccessful attempt then blacklist the instance forever.

    I mentioned that in my feedback about Ultimate Soldier, in this thread and how people start the fight in the middle because the fact you can close the tunnels on each side isn't as clear to players as it could be, the same would be true of Paradox, despite the fact we both know completing it in the middle isn't difficult when you simply comply, we probably also both know that attempting this in an absolutely blind PUG run is perhaps not the best option, or better put isn't the best option if you don't have the time to help the other players involved - that's something you should probably decide before you go in there. The game could therefore provide slightly better instructions to a group that there's actually an easier way to complete the instance should they choose.

    Happiness Home is probably actually another example and you'll see my feedback in the thread has actually evolved a little as other people have put forward input as well, Happiness Home is probably another instance where it could signal to the players via a text cue on screen to kill the shield drone, but it doesn't.

    While I'm discussing it in general I can't help but also point out that a lot of players play this game with their sound and voice turned off, resulting in them missing the voice and sound cues that also reveal certain mechanics.

    What I'm attempting to achieve in this thread isn't to show anything definitive, other than to highlight the facts you and I both know, that when you comply with mechanics and play the content properly it's not that difficult and the clamp doesn't make it so. It also provides a bit of platform to give at least some feedback to the developers whether that be me, or even a viewer or other participant that might be watching the video :)

    I suspect development resources in old content is likely to be incredibly low, but we're stuck with a few choices really, actually show something and provide feedback in the hope something gets improved, where it might be warranted or do nothing and just keep saying "we don't like it". That's what I was hoping to achieve here more than anything :)

    Find things that might actually be problematic, if indeed they exist at all and give some meaningful feedback that actually offers something of value to improve the game,
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  20. Skoll Well-Known Player

    Lol, I just completed FGS omni on my troll toon after spending an hour and a half. I had to get my maxed league-mate healer in to hard carry last boss because xXXXb4tTm4nxXX and the gang were just standing in lightning, not lunging zeus, the tank had troll arts and the healer was in dps gear with manacles and prec augments. Reading through this thread is interesting on how different omnibus is for different people. I’m convinced some of these “players” are just bots because theres no way you can wake up, get dressed, turn on a console and still be this braindead.

    The omnibus balancing will just never work as intended because the player levelling up system is just outdated and flawed in this day and age of DCUO.

    Skillpoints and Artifacts matter more than gear and CR level, obviously. But there are too many CR360s with lvl 19 pied pipers flute& 29 circes mask, mixed role gear, 50sp, doesn’t even know what mechanics are in general (not kidding), mixed or no augments, 4 buff trinkets in a utility belt “they stack bro, you’re stupid” , the list just goes on and on. Mechanics are never explained properly, a single pop up explaining augments that can be immediately dismissed, white sockets are never explained properly, the entire generator system is explained during the base mission that lets be honest, nobody is paying attention to or remembers. Playing a role is NEVER explained properly. This is the game’s job. I and no other player should HAVE to teach how to tank in the game to every player. There should be a thorough tutorial going over kiting, counters and general damage mitigation. I shouldn’t have to tell Trolls that they are giving adds immunity. These things should be explained in game. Yes, you can say “why don’t you watch a youtube video?” Bro, no casual player is watching OC or NoNameFounds 30min-1hour tanking videos. They don’t care that much. And any mid-serious player might watch it, but still, watching a video and experiencing it in-game are very different.

    I don’t blame the players or the clamp, if everyone knew what they were doing, low arts and sp aside it would still make the game easier. Clamp/omni content is a non issue with 8 veteran players. GCZE and PanE are still a walk in the park with a solid group, it just takes a little longer. But can you imagine TSW when it hits omni? I know I’ll be skipping on my once-weekly solo q omni run.

    I’m not bothered by the clamp, me and 1 of my league/friends can pretty much solo carry most omni using the other players as bait and meat shields, but it has definitely accelerated some long overdue things such as role tutorials and a better explanation system of things like trinkets, artifacts and how they can work together, augments, how important SP is and so on. I hope real in-depth role tutorials are in the pipeline, using the titans training sim room and have the titans explain each role (Robin - Troll, Starfire - Tank, Raven - Heal) and then summon mobs/boss/allies to demonstrate and let the players try out each different role and see how they work in a controlled environment. Also, why can’t raid mechanics be better explained? I get it is to keep it “new” and “exciting” when they first come out, but once they hit omni, there should be a board or something that explains the boss and the mechanics in the queue up screen you can enlarge maybe. Or a board you can interact with to see and make it obvious for new players they should read it before progressing into the raid.

    Idk, I don’t get paid to come up with good ideas, I’m not a dev after all.
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