Trolls, Healers, DPS: here's some love for ya :)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sage-Rapha, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I think you guys get a lot of flack. The flow of power keeps us going
    i love it. And trolls, thank you for stunning the hell outta stuff when the tank lets some adds slip through.
    And before you think Im just buttering you guys up, im not.. ok.. I am.. a lot..
    I think you guys need some luvin too :D

    Yea boi, dem healz doe ;)
    I love healers too :D
    Yes im buttering you guys up and I intend to uplift the discouraged healers :)
    We tend to be crazy but we are crazy for wanting to heal everyone's wounds and bars of health :p
    keep healing and being awesome.

    Keep destroying stuff, I'll keep you healed up.
    If i must be honest, I hated DPS initially but now I have a soft spot for you guys.
    There's an abundance of you guys, but regardless it's fun to run with you guys.
    I really would like to eliminate that stigma and label of you guys all think that you're the center of attention.
    That's not true at all. The dps I've run with are really considerate and patient.
    So thanks and yes it's all love ♥
    • Like x 12
  2. DCUController New Player


    gotta respect the ppl who watch my a** in combat, without them DPS' wouldn't be able to do their job. Is why I try to not be 1 of the "typical" DPS' lol
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  3. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    • Like x 13
  4. ChuckLess New Player

    I'll have what she/he's having please :p

    And Tanks are where?
    • Like x 4
  5. Dragonlibrarian New Player

    In our own appreciation thread :)
  6. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

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  7. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Well thank you! :)
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  8. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player


    Same goes to you buddy :)
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  9. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Lol. Thanks buddy :D

    I hope people know I created a tank thread a while ago lol.
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  10. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

  11. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    For the other roles, this is your thread
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  12. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Finally, some love for us trollers. We're more than just frickin batteries. Thank you very much good sir
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  13. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    Yeah. I love them trolls :D
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  14. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Burp...sorry, mean bump.
  15. leapoffaithninja Committed Player

    finally some gets the work us healers put in

    them feels tho

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  16. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    Lol. Thanks :p
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  17. Magg Redd Well-Known Player

    The love, I am just feeling it all over...I love this tank!