Troll debuffs are upsetting some tanks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Leonite, Feb 1, 2022.

  1. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

    Agreed. This is a good solution.
  2. Leonite Well-Known Player

    I wish it was that easy. That means, trolls have to coordinate with the tank on when to throw the stun and/or knockdown in between his rotations. I don't think that's viable.

    I disagree about being "ineffective" though, less effective is more accurate but if its still sufficient then, why not?

    Last night, I ran TSDe moderate using a dps weapon instead. I kept an eye at the group's power and it seemed fine but I still see the adds getting stunned/knockdown though so next time, I will replace another gear and see how it goes.

    EDIT: just want to add, no complaints from the tank about the stuns (gauss) and knockdowns (sticky) so it really depends on the tank I am playing with.
  3. Plowed In Loyal Player

    If you’re going that route than look at the Dominance for the instance on the On Duty menu. That’ll be the number you want to be below.

    Simply put, as a troll, I don’t want to give up my ability to stun with powers. It’s a game of tradeoffs and I could save a healers life with a well timed stun. What tank power is mentioning this? Atomic?

    Just yeah, at the end of the day whatever works, works. Can people beat these elites without sacrificing the stun capability of the troll? Yes. And I don’t want to see this hacksaw workaround become commonplace in the community when a scalpel approach will do.
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  4. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    Oh but it is. Your statement says tanks are mad that your using stasis field and it cause this move pisses of the tank. Well this move incase the adds and puts them in a shield then if a dps hit almost any move it sends the adds everywhere. Been tanking in dc for seven year and this is why we hate any move that balls the adds up. Ateast gadgets has another reason to do this but other troll powers that do the same don't. You putting a shield on the adds and making the dps do less damage and your sending the adds all over the place so the tank has to regroup the adds. I don't know what dev thought that this is alright and to just add a power that causes the stasis field to explode but it was a bad call cause dps hit powers the hole time and will be hitting adds right when you use stasis field so they scatter before you even hit your next power. Again you ask about why tanks hate it and this is the main reason and since there is another power that does the same debuff you don't have use it. I don't on my gadgets and I have no problem get my sc up
  5. Leonite Well-Known Player

    Again, please back read. I don't think you did. I never mentioned statis field in my first post and I already commented that this is NOT about stasis field. Please.
  6. Leonite Well-Known Player

    I agree. I do not want to do this but I just want to know what to do, in case the tank asks me to not stun adds. I would rather remove 2 or 3 gears (assuming power heal is still sufficient) than not throw any debuffs at all.
  7. |The 3rror Committed Player

    as a tank i can say it is annoying when trolls encase use stasis field or dart thats why i tell em use sticky bomb/gauss grenade for example TSDE 1st boss and if lois is out if u still encase the adds and i have a sniper in the pile imma be honest imma purposely drop aggro and let them clap you cause it’s annoying if you have perfect CC on adds especially more than 1 sniper and u end up getting 1shot or someone in the group get 1shot then the 1st thing the finger get pointed at is the “Tank”
  8. Leonite Well-Known Player

    wait, can you explain the difference between dart and gauss? Both do AoE stun, why is gauss better than dart?
  9. Kaistyle2 New Player

    Dart and Gauss cause different debuffs, even though both are AoE stuns.

    Dart reduces enemy damage output while causing enemies that are debuffed (Dazed, Electrified, Frostbitten, or Burning) to take more damage while doing a decent chunk of damage.

    Gauss reduces enemy defense while stunning as well. Dazed and Frostbitten enemies take more damage while it applies an Electrified proc to all enemies hit.

    Maybe Gauss is seen as better because enemies are stunned and have reduced defense while adding a proc; instead of just reducing damage and doing a high amount of damage like Dart?

    As for the encase issue, it would be nice if Daybreak just took two different skills per powerset and gave them both supercharge gens on them. For example, gadget could have it on Gauss and Stasis so those running in a group can swap out Stasis for Gauss and still get that charge?
  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Hasn't this consistently and loudly been the case for over ten years now?
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    I'll quote Penryn's post from page 2, in case you missed it. It's a good explanation. He's an amazing tester and knows the inner workings of the game pretty well, especially Gadgets.

    Short answer, it's the duration of the stuns that make a difference. Too long, the enemy's breakout profile will trigger and cause a white immunity.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    As a tank player, I don't mind when controllers help with crowd control as long as it doesn't detrimentally impact what's going on.

    If it becomes detrimental then I'll mention something, otherwise it's no big deal.

    The encasements can be a pain because they just result in me having to recollect things which can just cause issues.

    A controller just needs to consider what they're using in different scenarios and be self aware enough to make a change if necessary.

    Also it's worth noting sometimes as a tank you just deal with it, horrific visage for example which transforms things into ghosts can cause a bit of a problem, but it also a mental trolls supercharge generator, so with that being the case im not really going to expect them not to carry that move even if it does cause a little drama for me.
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  13. Controller Devoted Player

    So...for Hard Light Trolling I'd better be careful with my use of Grasping Hands and Light Rays, then?

    And I haven't used "Bubble" in YEARS. Back in the day Tanks hated me for using that because it tossed adds all over the place.
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    They did turn into Baseballs. I mean, what else did the tanks expect them to do? ;)
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, the 2 classic controller powers' SC generators kind of suck on what they are on. Stasis Field is an encasement.

    Quantum's could be annoying if they hit it while you are gathering, but the other 2 are knock downs.

    Really, the hate on specific roles seems to be engrained from how the game was long ago and even if it's not like that now, players still think it is and get very mad.

    And the crux of it is, communication is key, but no one wants to do that until they are hopping mad and spouting insults and demands instead of an open conversation to help make an instance successful.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Yea its also about proper timing, if adds are being controlled after ive collected them its actually appreciated, if it's being done in a way that prevents me collecting them then we're going to have a bit of a problem.

    With that being said, if im going to be tanking a lot of adds, I'm usually going you have two pulls on, one of which, might even be lasso with the artifact if ive had a few drinks on a Friday night

    On every practical level nothing is likely to escape the pulls and the only move probably likely to create a major issue would be a ball encasement.

    Those are really probably the only moves a troll might have to be careful with or consider not using, at least on adds :)
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Which is my experience as well as a Controller and Tank. To be honest, the only times I've had problems with a controller is if they are doing it to spite you. Which is usually in a league run in jest.

    Encasements are by far the worst crowd control the game has. Especially if you end up encasing them near the end of the tank taunt, they pop out and kill your healers in the back. lol
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  18. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    You can clip stasis field with self destruct signal and clip that with defibrillator. Self destruct signal will immediately remove the encasement (the animation will flash on the screen for about 0.5s). I had an atomic tank ask me not to use any CC effects the other day so I just mostly stood still and hit defibrillator once every 12 seconds to reactivate the Claw buffs and PoT. What’s funny is my alt is an atomic tank and the only troll move that messes me up is when mental trolls turn the adds in to ghosts or whatever.
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    I remember an FOS2 run, long ago, where we pugged a controller that did 0 damage. ZERO damage in there. This was before the changes to PoT powers being the first move and what not. I was sad and impressed by this. He kept power going and took the idea of power healing seriously, but I was saddened because his league and pugs probably abused him to think that kind of gameplay was necessary.
  20. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Sometimes you can tell who’s newer to tanking or hasn’t played all the roles…was this a difficult instance where any delay is life or death and the content demanded it? Or just someone who’s inflexible?