looking to get a picture with all four of the cyborgs involved in triborg from mkx, I only need three models using a hero with a stryker body preferably medium height if interested please state which cyber ninja youd like to portray and we will work out a meet. pieces you need Head: Check Mate operative Chest: Check mate operative smoke and subzero, shielded robot for Sektor, Dresden 7 Cyrax Shoulders: Amazonian solider subzero, elemental android cyrax and smoke, vengful sektor Legs: Shielded Robot Feet: League of Assassins or League of assassins boots Hands: Hive, Hive defender Sektor Waist: Talon Lord Back: Metal head Optional auras: Slim green cyrax, Slim blue sektor, Slim light blue subzero, smoke nimbus or black aura smoke