Transition into Game Passes.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SkullGang, May 15, 2019.

  1. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I think it might be time for DCUO to adopt a Game Pass system. Other games have ventured into forms of game passes and they have been doing well. Warframe, Fortnite, Dauntless etc. I’m not a fan of Time Capsules and I know many of you feel the same way.

    Do you think Daybreak should consolidate what comes in Time Capsules and Booster Bundles into a Game Pass system that has a free tier and a paid tier? Free tier has basic but useful items (Nth metal and less glamorous auras etc) and the paid tier has the best looking auras and materials. Complete daily and weekly challenges to level up for rewards but also allow those to skip levels by paying. This way the players who don’t want to spend money are not forced to and still get rewards while at the same time give Daybreak potential extra revenue for those who don’t want to wait. How do you feel about Game Passes ?
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Don't want them.

    The subscription model works and just needs to be improved so the benefits are there and increase the benefits so that the level of compulsion to sub rather than play premium is increased. If it was my personal choice I'd move the game back to a proper subscription model and cut a lot of this free to play nonsense off at the knees, but that's just me and you can choose to disagree.

    Cosmetics should then simply be sold direct via the marketplace for a set price. If they don't sell it's because they're bad items that no one wants and this might motivate the developers to better seek out customer feedback in terms of items they do want or work with variants of items that clearly are popular.

    I don't like time capsules but I don't care about Booster Bundles because you're buying the products and the cosmetic is just an extra, you're getting what you pay for with the booster bundles.

    That is my view.
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  3. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    You fail to explain how it would look like and more importantly why it would be different from the current system other than a different name.
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  4. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Totally agree.

    I've long wished that people who subscribe should get something based on how many months they do so. Off the top of my head...

    Subscribe 3 months in a row = 5 Stabilizers
    Subscribe 6 months in a row = 5 Stabilizers + 5 Catalyst Caches
    Subscribe 12 months in a row = 10 Stabilizers + 20 Catalyst Caches

    If you only subscribe one month at a time you get a Mark of Alms.

    3 Mark of Alms Cache = same as 3 months in a row
    6 Mark of Alms Cache = same as 6 months in a row
    12 Mark of Alms Cache = 12 months in a row

    This way those of us who leave/come back will still get credit for subscribing when we have time to.
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh I don't even want stabilizers, just scrap time capsules and stabilizers completely, push people into subscribing or they don't play LOL. If you want veteran rewards, reward players quarks for subscribing that are then spent on exclusive veteran styles in the quark vendor using quarks, the longer you sub the more you can buy from that vendor.
  6. SkullGang Devoted Player

    The membership model has needed adjustments for years. We know it and they know it but refuse to change it. Ive come to grips with it never changing unless the player base hits poor numbers. As to why they won't change it I'm not sure. However if we were to know where their priorities lay we may better understand. Do they want to attract new players ? No ? Do they want to make money regardless of player satisfaction ? Do they want to make money without much player retention ? Do they care about player retention ? Does it matter less or more than revenue ? At times I struggle to understand what their goals are because some of their decisions are very polarising.
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  7. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    we already have a system in place to the point that most players can get a vast majority of stuff for free with a little effort, and all dlcs can be bought no matter the account status, so really all access passes would be a trifle triviality. outside of increasing the escrow cap or eliminating it from premium and free to play accounts and streamlining the quark system (mainly by adjusting the source mark to quark ratio to something like 2:1 instead of 100 source marks to 25 quarks 50 marks to 25 quarks, as this would make it equal to the 4 days needed to open one capsule for 24 quarks anyways.). but most things have a free to play work around so i see no point in the pass system. just make the systems we have for free to play/premium players more effective as we have a working system that just needs tweaking.
  8. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I would prefer they adjusted our current system and removed TC's but you can only hope for so long before you start to question why things are set up this way. I only suggested a Game Pass because they seem hellbent on TC's and not making membership adjustments or putting things in the marketplace. That might be due to less player engagement whereas a Game Pass promotes it. My suggestion in essence is removing the RNG frustration out of TC's and promoting player engagement by putting them behind a guaranteed paywall. They make their money and we get our cosmetics. Only difference is you don't frustrate player in the process and you have more players participating.
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  9. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i feel like they're "slowly" doing this step by step. the first step was introducing the second chance vendor, the second was the universal vendor with mark to quark conversion, i imagine step 3 will be some kind of overhaul/tuneup of the conversion system once they leave it for a few months to get user/player feedback. i can even see why they'd make the additions to the second chance vendor annual, as if most players like myself are doing it for free on a free/premium account (ive been buying episode recently) then they need time to build up the quarks, though obviously some people will complain that they didn't think to "prepare" the quarks in time, to which i refer them to the moral aesopian fable of the ant and the grasshopper, a lesson in astuteness and forward thinking perseverance the system is in place and slowly changing, just given it a little bit of time, in fact i don't think by time the no gambling in MMOs/videogames law passes i don't think the capsule system will be able to be considered gambling, or at least not like the system was originally.
  10. KingGuy420 Active Player

    Warframe doesn't have one. I know this isn't super relevant, just correcting your mistake.
  11. SkullGang Devoted Player

    They do have a form of game pass. Its the Nightwave seasons. Did you play it ?
  12. KingGuy420 Active Player

    Nightwave isn't the same thing at all. It might follow a few of the same ideals, like seasonal rankings for rewards, but there's no paid option, you can't pay to skip tiers, there's no "buying in" at all. There's no free vs paid tracks. It's a game mechanic, not a revenue stream like the others.
  13. SkullGang Devoted Player

    It doesn't need generate revenue for it to be a game pass. It follows a similar structure to the rest of the game passes. The majority of the Warframe player base have described it akin to a game pass/battle pass. The second Digital Extremes introduced it players made comparisons to Fortnite.
  14. KingGuy420 Active Player

    Yeah, but you're talking about it as a revenue stream for dcuo and using Warframe as an example, which isn't accurate. I'm not talking about how other Warframe players refer to it, I'm talking about how you're referring to it lol.
  15. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Thats why specifically said forms. Its a broad comparison to get the general idea of what im talking about. Warframe is not paid but the basic structure remains consistent yes ?
  16. KingGuy420 Active Player

    And that's fine. I just wouldn't want someone to read this thread and think "Warframe has a paid battle pass? Guess I'm never trying that". I'm a pretty firm believer that misleading statements should be corrected.
  17. SkullGang Devoted Player

    From the get go I said "forms of games passes". That was to show that within each game pass there are differences and for those who are uninformed to go research. I wasn't specifically outlining paid battle passes.
  18. HL4LYFE Well-Known Player

    no dont need to monitize on top of monitize on top of monitize, get rid of TC's, which i hope the bill passes its time all these loot boxes go, keep the subscription, an use the marketplace. loot boxes should have never come to the game
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  19. KingGuy420 Active Player

    Yeah, cause that's what the uninformed do, run out and research lol. They NEVER read something vague online and make knee jerk reactions >.< Either way, I fixed your mistake. That's all I wanted. Good luck with whatever it is you're trying to do here.
  20. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    You can't really ask people to go do the research on this if you want their support. it's your suggestion and your implementation may be entirely different from what they research, if they did. The responsibility is on you to present your position and the model of what the pass is (to you) and how it would work in this game; you basically have to pitch this idea to the community and get their support or the support of the devs.
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