TRANSFORMERS 5 is coming......

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by aurorabenz07, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    100 times this.
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  2. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Just wanted include something for the G1 fans that despise the Bayformers. I mentioned before The Transformers Devastation game, well, here is the game that somebody made into a movie using the soundtrack from the Transformers 1986 movie and its 1 million times better than anything Bayformers had to offer :p
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  3. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    :confused: Well here's another clip from the recent inside look on the latest Bayformers that premiered in the Kid's Choice Awards and......yeah.....

    PS:I find the little girl character irritating & even stereotypical of most modern female leads... It's all becoming the same across different genres.
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  4. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    :rolleyes: OMG. Who didn't see this coming. Michael Bay released a sneak peek video on how the next Transformers movie was filmed in IMAX 3D and demonstrates the art of explosions.....LMAO.

    And according to an interview he had with Yahoo UK, it seems Bayformers has 14, yes that's right, 14 :eek: planned stories that means sequels and spinoffs
  5. IamINC Dedicated Player

    I'd rather slit my own eyeballs and pour bleach in them than watch this drivel.
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  6. XEMD Well-Known Player

    The movie seems great. I just hope they don't kill off Bumblebee. Bumblebee is my favorite transformer and always will be.
  7. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That Dodge with a defective voice-box (which still hasn't been fixed? o_O) is NOT Bumblebee, and never will be
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  8. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    Bumblebee and Optimus Prime are the only two visibly recognizable original TFs left in the Bayformers universe. You kill them off you have no more toy sales. All other Bayformers are visually bland, undistinctive, unrecognizable, or just silly looking, and nobody cares about any other Bayformer characters because they're never developed into actual characters anyway.I'd say Hound might be an exception except for the silly mock-cigar they stuck in his face.

    Worst Bayformer decisions:
    1. Made a 2 dimensional Jazz in the first movie just to be someone for Megatron to kill.Jazz had all of maybe 2 lines in the whole film? So not only was Jazz made cheaply, he was made simply as pointless fodder because his death didn't have the emotional impact it could have if they'd invested in him as a 3 dimensional character we might have cared about.
    2. And what was a pretty good characterization of Starscream in the first movie became underutilized and undeveloped in the second and third where he was killed off without any of the awesomeness of his original animated incarnation in Transformers The Movie.Starscream is supposed to be the TF that represents treachery and the unstable nature of leadership in the Decepticons. Didn't see that once in the course of 3 movies.
    3. Killed off Ratchet right from the start of AoE instead of having him be a captive to be later rescued. Bay keeps killing off what few original characters these movies have just to flood them with hordes of un-named Decepticons and one-shot goofy gimmick Autobots.

    And that tells us everything we need to know about how these films are made.
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  9. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    And if everyone realizing this stopped watching the movies early, as in after part II or something, no more of those movies would be made. Be bad parents and disallow your kids to watch any of those - it's for their own good! :D
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  10. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

  11. DCUO Post Loyal Player

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  12. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Just as I was about to relax and take a siesta, I see this third trailer.....
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  13. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Bumblebee is getting a spinoff movie, and I hope he spins off a cliff.

    And ours.

    It's not like the DCEU where I'm not a huge fan of the tone that Zack Snyder set. At this point it's not even like I can simply dislike these Transformers movies, but I have to also hate the people that like them.:mad:

    It's really unhealthy.:D
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  14. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Hey Everyone,
    It's official, Michael Bay has once again ruined Transformers with the recent reveal clip of Hot Rod who has a French accent...smh. And to top it off, they have the great Anthony Hopkins say "dude"...smh
  15. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Difficult to tell if that's a French or Welsh accent... but, either way, what the HAEL!?!?!?
    Are they going to cram in as many different Transformers because this is the death of the franchise? o_O
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  16. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    So Hot Rod has an accent, same transformation style as Jazz and is in the movie franchise before Ultra Magnus has appeared.....

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  17. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Hey Everyone
    In a recent article from Empire Magazine revealed some details about the supposed Bumblebee spinoff movie and it seems the studio has not learned a darn thing. Alas, the movie will take place in the 1980s; it's set to star Hailee Steinfield, who is a sort of tomboy that works as a mechanic afterschool; it will feature less Autobots and Decepticons; it will be geared more towards younger audiences...
    *Reaction after reading*
  18. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Classic Bumblebee, or GTFOC!

    How can it be set in the 80's, when BumbleDodge didn't take form until the 2000's? o_O
  19. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    BB could have been on earth for quite awhile or just had come and gone prior to the first movie, as an advanced scout. That would explain why he had originally taken the guise of a 1977 Camaro, instead of a more modern design.
  20. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    BumbleDodge still needs to be compacted into a paperweight, and sent into the sun!!