TRANSFORMERS 5 is coming......

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by aurorabenz07, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    I think I'll stick to the Transformers PS4 game and the animated series / movie to get my G1 fix

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  2. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    Same. I still want to try Devastation. Mostly for nostalgia I suppose. The game having the animation style and voice actors of the original series. I'm looking forward to see if they have any new features on the 30th Anniversary Edition of The Transformers The Movie Blu-ray. But that's about it.

    As much as I love the characters, voice actors of the series I just can't support it with Bay involved. Probably wait till comes to Netflix to watch it.
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  3. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I can't wait to see knights charge in calvary formation and then watch them explode in a big ball of fire. Seriously if that truly is the plot for the next Transformers movie then...

    That dude...

    Apparently that hack doesn't find the Transformers lore interesting enough so he has to add another movie into it... Because why ruin one thing when you can ruin two things at once. The next movie will be set in WWII and the one after that will be a Ghandi biopic. Oh, and Ghandi will be a homicidal maniac that screams "I'll kill you!" because he is also Optimus Prime.

    I swear if I had the money I'd buy all the tickets wait 15mins til after the movie started and get my refund on all of them on every showing, just to stop people from watching this because people watching this crap is also the problem.
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  4. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I hate Michael Bay.
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  5. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player


    OMG, why are they still giving Michael Bay any money. Apparently, they filmed a scene in Winston Churchill's birthplace home by converting it into a **** HQ where the German army somehow came across the Transformers as well but with Churchill doing something to become a hero. Oh boy I could see it now, Churchill pulling a Rambo with his Tommy gun smoking a cigar with explosions everywhere....wait a minute....
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  6. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    Germans? Churchill? So they are first starting with King Arthur, then move forward in time to WW2? And yet, didn't the first movie show how they got here in the first place? So... um... wut?

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  7. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I was only kidding! They didn't even wait for the next movie... :(

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  8. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    LOL. I was about to say the same thing. Darn it SuperSoldier stop giving them ideas XD
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  9. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    What gets me about this franchise is why the heck after all the times Optimus Prime get his *** kicked(and how many times he said "I'll kill you" like a hundred times) why can't BumbleBee talk? And also why the heck was Bee acting like a bratty teenager in the last movie? What happened to him that he is like a son to was stupid
  10. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Give up on it. The majority of people on this world is poor, and they want the rich to share their money etc. with them. The majority of people on this world is also stupid; strangely, however, they do not want the wiser ones to share their wisdom with them nor to destroy their bliss of ignorance. And as long as the stupid have the money to spend it on poorly done, story-lacking blockbuster franchises like Transformers, Ninja Turtles or Star Wars, people like Michael Bay or JJA will always be allowed to ruin another franchise. And another. And another....
  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    No, you are mistaken: there was no Bumblebee in the live action movies, nope, nopenopenope
  12. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    I've been saying this for years, perhaps especially about the Resident Evil franchise. The other franchises you mention suffers the same, though. And G.I. Joe. Don't forget G.I. Joe. Think the movies are fun? I tried watching the animated series, and in the first episode alone, they went to fight huge robots and broke into an underwater base. Then it got really weird. :D THAT is the G.I. Joe I want to see in live-action. Not the "we have a silent ninja, so this qualifies as G.I. Joe." To me, the problem isn't what we get, but what we don't get. Since this is a DC forum, let's look at the DC movies. They aren't very good. At all. I personally love Man of Steel, but the numbers speak for themselves.

    But the real problem isn't that the movies aren't any good. The real problem is that as long as these movies are allowed to exist, there's no way they are going to reboot anything and give us proper movies. Like it or not, they have plenty of DC-movies coming out. Wonder woman, Aquaman, Flash, Justice League, Batman, Sueprman... you name it. But since all of these are in the same shared universe, they are all going to be similar(ish) in tone and style. They Harley Quinn spin-off from Suicide Squad is obviously still going to be about Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad. It's not going to be about the real Harley Quinn. The interesting one in the comics. Batman? Still going to be Ben Affleck (good thing, though), but it's obviously going to be in the same style and tone as BvS and Justice League. I'd say a bit darker as Robin is going to die (99% sure, based on his suit in BvS), but could be a bit more lighthearted at times, too.

    But again, as long as these movies exist, there's no way we're getting a Batman-movie with someone else as Batman in his own universe. There's no way we're getting a Flash-movie that's not connected to the shared universe. Man of Steel 2 is coming (yay!), but if you did't like Henry Cavill as Superman yet, you probably won't like him then either. But if they could rather pull the plug on this shared universe and start over, they could perhaps think things through a bit more. Start with the origin stories like Marvel, and don't rush anything. And deport Snyder to Mars or something. Literally. I hear they are planning a one-way expedition there in 2025. I'll gladly help pay for his ticket. :p
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  13. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Ugh. The news just keep getting better. Marky Mark hinted about the film having a cool new story, the Dinobots returning, cool new villain, and some new autobots which include.......the Mini-Dinobots
  14. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    Oh, yay. Another three hour movie with five minute dinobot action. Can't wait. :D
  15. Controller Devoted Player

    They need to go ahead and break out Rodimus..

  16. Nemisor Committed Player


    cue "the touch"*
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  17. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

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  18. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    When T4 was previewed I was pumped about the dinobots, but then it was just completely botched. I hate Michael Bay. He is the worst.

    (Let's not even talk about the scene where the heroes of the show kill one of the captives on the ship they take over, after saying ie wad too ugly to live...whilst it looked a lot like a certain area of the female body)
  19. Nemisor Committed Player

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  20. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Well folks, some early footage has been released and ugh.....maybe they're secretly doing Transformers and King Arthur and the Knights of Justice crossover?