Trailblazing Guide to Fire

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Soulburn32, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. BrandonB Well-Known Player

    I think he's saying that he uses Enflame instead of Inferno. Their damage out is pretty comparable. If you can get away with using it in melee, you don't have to worry about the adds/boss wandering out of the DOT like with Inferno.
  2. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Yeah the damage is almost identical but with a much smaller range of effect. If we are talking about a single target melee range boss fight I could definitely see its use.
  3. Fighter Well-Known Player

    For those Fire Tank pros out there, how is Fire doing in the current elite raids? I might be switching my main to a tank power so I am wondering how well it has been performing the HiveE and MachineE. Any feedback on this would be much appreciated! Thank you!
  4. trashman805 New Player

  5. Fighter Well-Known Player

    I believe you posted in the wrong guide. This is the one for Fire!
  6. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    The new content is very catered to Fire DPS. Plus with the help from a friend here on the forums. Original Cryo Boy. My parses for multi target have far exceeded my highs of 30k parses. I'm consistently in the 30 to 33k region and have had a high of 35k. Anyone else seeing these kinds of numbers?

    Love the new raids with this AoE LO. Keeping up with/ or beating Munitions and Gadgets players of the same stat region is satisfying to say in the least.
  7. AlanR80 Active Player

    Quick question on Fire Artifacts, Is The Tetrahedron and Solar Amplifier a viable option, or should I go maybe the Omegahedron and Solar Amplifier?
  8. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    If you have never tanked before, I wouldn’t recommend it.
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  9. Fighter Well-Known Player

    What’s the LO an rotation you and Cryp Boy are using?
  10. Fighter Well-Known Player

    I am not new to tanking.
  11. BrandonB Well-Known Player

    Yeah, these add heavy raids have been amazing for me. Did you switch up the load out? Spill it.
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  12. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    If you have experience then you should be fine. Just know fire is the weakest tank (again) by some distance. You’ll need alot of sp and a quality healer running with you.

    EDIT; There’s a link to LT’s ‘tank vs tank’ thread 2 pages back. Check it out to see what you’re dealing with.
  13. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Atomic tank is much weaker than fire tanking right now.
  14. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Current LOs for those interested:

    Fireburst-Inferno-Mass Det-Flashpoint-Wildfire-Flame Cascade

    First pass you go Fireburst- Inferno-Mass Det-Flashpoint then start over at Fireburst. Inferno will still be on cooldown so go straight to Mass Det after Fireburst then Flashpoint-Wildfire. So the full rotation for a 10s parse would be:

    Fireburst-Inferno-Mass Det-Flashpoint-Fireburst-Mass Det-Flashpoint-Wildfire

    As far as I've been able to see this is our most damaging aoe rotation. You need to keep yourself in melee range or use your mobility during fireburst and mass det to move back and forth. Flame cascade isnt apart of the main rotation but is vital for when adds are near death/wont survive the cast times of fireburst or mass det and both flashpoint and wildfire are on their cooldowns.

    Theres 2 major keys to topping charts with this loadout. First always preload fireburst. As you are running up to each set of adds in the hallways be casting fireburst. The goal is to have fireburst go off right as the tank is lunging the adds and as everyone else is just starting their rotations. This is huge. The temptation is to start with inferno to get the PI but fireburst is by far our most damaging aoe move and its vital to fit as many fireburst into your rotation as possible. Its got a 3 or 4 second cooldown so always start with it.

    Second is to always be aware of the remaining health of the adds and prioritize your abilities accordingly. Knowing when to flashpoint-wildfire-flame cascade instead of starting a cast is huge. I'd say as a guideline if the adds are at 30% health thats when its time to burst rather than cast. But thats raid content. In a duo your quick damage rotation may be fireburst-flashpoint-wildfire. Like I said learning how to prioritize your rotation based on the adds health is key.

    Single target requires much less explanation as its a simple 12345 rotation.

    Loadout: Heat Vision-Spontaneous Combustion-Absorb Heat-Overheat-Wildfire- Robot Sidekick.

    The rotation is the same as the LO just start over at HV after wildfire.

    Final tip: Neither of these loadouts use a supercharge, the idea is to maximize the damage of your actual rotation rather than run a weaker rotation with the occasional big burst of damage. However a smart tactic to use is to sub in volcanic calamity during boss cutscenes or say during the short break in the machine raid. Buff up to the max, drop volcanic to use up your sc then hit your armory to switch back mid combat to your LO. This way you still get some spike dmg from your super.

    For both of these LOs I'd suggest tetrahedron of urgund and solar amplifier as your artifacts.

    Hope this helps :)

    I'll put up a similar "guide" to fire tanking when I'm more sure of myself in that department.
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  15. BrandonB Well-Known Player

    The thought of running both Fireburst and Mass Det. in my load out makes me cringe, lol. Looks like it yields great results on parse, though. I'll have to get into some raids and give it a whirl. Thanks for the load outs, man. You and Khaos, both.
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  16. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Trust me I've tried to lose mass det many times but its a necessary evil
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  17. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Yes it very much is. It may be disappointing to not see it crit as much as it should, but when it does, you can see some pretty eye popping numbers. I've been running almost this exact loadout for months, except I was usually throwing in absorb heat every once in a while.
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  18. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Say’s who? I’ve yet to see proof of this.
  19. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Says me whose played both. Tanking the exact same content with the exact same cr fire was much more survivable.
  20. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Me. I've played both.