Total Recovery Kits not working on Tier 8 mods

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Olli Malicious, May 20, 2016.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Information no false, they're not dropping, but it's not even important, i'm going to take another break until it's figured out. It's stupid, i have to spend around 30mil or 50$ rl cash because tge devs not doing what they're suppose to do. What nake it even worse is they didn't release synthetic mods. I'm tired of getting nickel and dime
  2. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    I just submitted a ticket on this, I did not know there was a thread for it. Everytime I try to take out a T8 mod its says selected kit not compatible. Please fix.
  3. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    They drop in PvP.
  4. Nodens Dedicated Player

    People in this very thread have confirmed that, yes, they ARE dropping, so YES, the information you're trying to spread is false. I'm sorry public education hasn't yet been able to teach you how "correct" and "wrong" are different. Perhaps you should take some courses over again.
  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    They're dropping so much that it's been multiple threads how they are not dropping. This is why stuff don't get fixed, because players will come in and say it's working when it's not. I don't care about pvp, i'm talking about in pve
  6. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Apparently, it IS working. As I said before, it's just not dropping as OFTEN as people would like. -but to say they aren't dropping at all is an outright lie.
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  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    They not dropping in the content it use to. I've seen 1or 2 players that said he seen it drop in wave. I don't pvp, and didn't before snd got plenty of exceptional kits
  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Clearly everyone is missing the point of the thread. exceptional recovery kits are dropping at a less than 10% rate. However the main point is people purchased all these booster bundles and cant use the total recovery kits on T8 mods.
  9. Pults Loyal Player

    Don't you need to place the mod in a piece of gear for the kit to break it down into exobytes?
  10. Pher Active Player

    The total recovery kits are unable to remove lvl VIII mods. I've acquired new gear and would like to move those mods over. I'm having to purchase more exobytes than necessary in order to use the new gear. This should've been fixed right away. Please have fixed by tomorrow, thanks.
  11. Here2Help Devoted Player

    They already have the fix sorted out internally but need to release it in the form of an update/hotfix, so it should be fixed soon.
  12. Nodens Dedicated Player

    -But why do you keep going on about pvp? I don't pvp, and avoid it like the plague, so all the kits I've ever gotten have been in PvE.