Top 3 DPS Powers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bolt z, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. Dylan Top5 New Player

    HL AM:


    ICE AM:


    Nature AM Wolf form:


    All were modded properly and with equal gear and regular VI mods... HL isn't even close to Ice and to top it off, Nature and Electricity are both stronger than Ice, but Ice has the advantage of doing instant damage without setting up DOTs. So top 3 are:

    1. Nature
    2. Electricity
    3. Ice

  2. Abisial Committed Player

    Those graphs and statistics are fancy and all but I'm talking from in instance experience.
  3. Minecrawler New Player

    You dont get WM crits from the burst powers if you are using any of the dots at the same time
  4. Minecrawler New Player

    I dont know. Some people prolly listing powers just for the heck of it. Fire is in no way in top 3 for example. Game isn't balance nor it'll ever be.
  5. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Pretty much. All these fancy graphs are nice and all. Sorc and Gad are tops atm though. Fire is actually maybe tied for top 3 though. It's jumbled in with nature, ice, electric, rage, hl
  6. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    The other 3 DPS in the raid that aren't my power..LOL jk They are all pretty balanced now but I would say HL, ICE and SORCERY are definately up there. Don't pay attention to FOTM (Flavor of the Months), or DPS charts from TEST SERVERS. While the numbers that come back from the Test Servers are pretty awesome, these numbers were obtained from sparring targets over a 1 min duration. This does not reflect well when transitioning to real time game mechanics. The best DPS power is the one you enjoy to play. The more you play a power, the better you become. A player makes the power good, not the other way around.
  7. bartngaue Well-Known Player

  8. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Same here and I agree for the most part but don't put it down yet, its getting a revamp and AM in GU44
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  9. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Electric does not keep up with Nature/Gadgets/Ice. I don't care how good the electric is. I know alot of good electrics in no way is electric a top power. Would I say top 6 yes. But in that place it would be 6th place.
    Nature/Ice/Gadgets top 3
    HL/Sorc/Electric following afterwards.
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  10. Benn 10 Committed Player

    I don't know about you guys, but for the most part numbers don't lie. I am pretty much sold on this. Lol
  11. Armaggedion Well-Known Player

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  12. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    Numbers don't lie but effectiveness in REAL TIME GAME MECHANICS do...If u want the top numbers against a non moving sparring target w/ zero defense, doesn't hit back and instead gives you power, listen to the guys who swear by the charts. If you want to actually be successful in the game, here you go....

    1. HL
    2. ICE

    But truth be told, the powers are balanced in a way they've never been before, so you really can't go wrong.
  13. zeroman New Player

    Maybe he didn't see it last week or maybe he just wanted to post something of his own.
  14. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    And I can't wait for it, also because i tried other powers, but I can't help returning to Quantum... my first love! :D
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  15. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Most powers can be decent but some are just way better than others. Nature is top dps in my opinion after recently trying it. But nature's low point is low hp adds. By the time you set up your dots things are dead. In a l&W boss fight though watch out. Ice is strong but needs proper up close distance. Also that whole blocking out of artic gust in l&W glitch is annoying. Hl is good safe damage that requires little to no power but it doesn't hit as hard . Gadgets is strong but can be power hungry if speced for the highest damage potential (no battle display) and also suffers from distance issues if going for emp.

    The point is any of these powers can be listed by someone as the best but all are situational. If in a perfect senario in a raid, I'd list them
    1. Nature
    2. Gadgets
    3. Ice
    4. Hl
  16. Ekaterina Committed Player

    nature is not good on burst in my opinion nature will excel on bosses or adds with alot of health verses HL or ice that can instantly do 100% damage to adds not to mention when you die vs good dps's you possibly lost 100-500k damage in a matter of seconds but for nature it takes alil bit of time to be back at 100%.
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  17. Ekaterina Committed Player

    Boss fights more health

    Adds Least health

    No particular order
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  18. Benn 10 Committed Player

    I can agree with this.
  19. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Exactly how I feel
  20. Tenilla Ice New Player

    Celes, sorc, earth - (I just picked 3) to be part of it