Took the dive and SSD'ed my PS4.... Took some times before & after....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FESTER665, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Well as some of you know awhile back DeadMeat made a post on how they had to make changes to the unreal engine to pull much of the information off the HDD on the PS3 because of it's lack of memory... Once I heard that I tossed a Samsung 840 Pro SSD into my PS3 and came up with numbers that were a TON better.....

    Since buying a PS4 and switching over to that, I noticed my times increased going from the SSD'd PS3 to the PS4, so I wanted to try to SSD the PS4 to see what kind of numbers I would get. Unfortunately the SSD I originally bought was a 120gb so that wouldn't work in the PS4.

    Enter the new purchase, a Samsung 840 Evo 500gb SSD (crazy easy to swap in a PS4 BTW):


    After taking time samples from the exact same points with the stock PS4, I quickly swapped in the SSD, loaded the new 1.51 software, re-downloaded DCUO onto it and then got times from the same spots to show the differences...

    The numbers are shown for both systems with each different hard drive installed.....

    From game select on XMB to toon select in DCUO:
    PS3 HDD - 1:56.3
    PS3 SSD - 1:08.9
    PS4 HDD - 0:54.28
    PS4 SSD - 0:41.73

    From toon select into lair with everything rendered:
    PS3 HDD - 0:53.2
    PS3 SSD - 0:27.2
    PS4 HDD - 0:47.95
    PS4 SSD - 0:19.18

    From my lair in Tomorrow District to Hospital for Vengeance (waiting for everything to render after arrival):
    PS3 HDD - 2:19.8
    PS3 SSD - 0:45.8
    PS4 HDD - 1:21.69
    PS4 SSD - 0:42.60

    Loading out of DDPD and waiting for everything to render (always seemed ridiculously long here on my stock PS3 so I checked it):
    PS3 HDD - 1:48.3
    PS3 SSD - 0:29.6
    PS4 HDD - 0:47.22
    PS4 SSD - 0:19.70

    Supersonic Flight from DDPD to ACE for T4 solos (waiting for everything to render):
    PS3 HDD - 2:03.9
    PS3 SSD - 0:54.8
    PS4 HDD - 1:18.02
    PS4 SSD - 0:47.92

    Average of 6 loading screens:
    PS3 HDD - 0:48.9
    PS3 SSD - 0:13.3
    PS4 HDD - 0:22.32
    PS4 SSD - 0:12.78

    All in all some huge gains once again from the stock 5400 RPM drive to an SSD. The jump from stock PS3 to stock PS4 is pretty good as well, if I hadn't used an SSD in my PS3 I'd be happy with the PS4 times. Unfortunately I went SSD and they were driving me nuts.

    So glad to have my loading times back to where they were a few weeks ago plus even better all while having better graphics. :D
    • Like x 25
  2. Mick Nugget New Player

    Wow. According to your results, the ssd has roughly 2 - 5x more effect on the loading speed than the platform. Interesting.
    • Like x 2
  3. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    How much was the SSD u used? I might do this when i get a PS4
  4. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I surfed around for some online coupons and got it to my door for $310.... They have a 1TB model but I couldn't bear to spend more on the SSD than I spent on the PS4. HAHAHA

    You should be able to find a hybrid drive with a ton of room that would still get you better numbers than the stock one for around $130 or so....
    • Like x 3
  5. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

  6. Jax Prime New Player

    Been surfing around for a SSHD for a while now to find any decent ones. Dont have the money right now so will have to bear with what the PS4 has to offer when I do get it.

    Hopefully January I will be able to get a 1TB SSHD.
  7. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    1TB Seagate SSHD Hybrid is only $89 at newegg right now.... Should see a noticeable jump over the stock drive, plus double the space.
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  8. Galklife Dragon New Player

    Well now I'm convinced SSD is the way to go.

    What are the dimensions of the one you used?
  9. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Nice work!

    I know my next purchase for my PS4, Thank you for the info!

  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Standard 2.5" laptop, 7mm thick. I believe you can get up to a 9.5mm thick drive in there so drives like the Seagate SSHD will still fit in the drive slot.
    • Like x 2
  11. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    If you order it, try the coupon code BFSPECIAL5 for an additional 5% off..... It's the one I used on my SSD. HAHA
    • Like x 1
  12. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    What the hell, can't hurt too try.... lol


  13. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    How did you transfer your data from the original drive to the SSD?
    Is there an OS or system files on the original ?
  14. EPICQ New Player

    i'm about to buy this sweet hardware, what size to get for my PS3 and also would the same SSD fit my PS4?
  15. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I use a USB thumb drive and you can get the 1.51 on Sonys website. Boot in safe mode and then add the new OS. With just DCUO on my hard drive it was an easy swap.
    • Like x 1
  16. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I would go atleast 250mb if you plan on going to the PS4 with the same SSD...
  17. Ny Batteri Well-Known Player

    Great info. Thanks
  18. blklightning New Player

    19sec from toon select to lair seems so long still. I'm on PC though w/ a Crucial M4 512GB in a SATAIII port. If only I had another that I could put in RAID0. Now that would be crazy fast.
  19. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Check yours.... I'm sure that a well built PC will smoke a console, but I'm curious as to how much...
  20. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I would love to do this...does it void warranty or anything...and are there any detailed instructions for swapping over the data?