I personally went the condo route, didn’t want to cut grass or deal with the roof ect. Yea i pay a 300 a month for an hoa but it is what it is… maybe I dont see a problem w the devs making money because i live within my means, I imagine i have just about the same bills as everyone else here; mortgage, utilities, car insurance, kid, stay at home mom, got my union dues, 401k ( in Michigan teachers have a duel retirement system)…. I still have the money to dump into the game when i need to Firmly believe this thread about feeling slow in this game has to do with arts, allies and sp and how they have sped this game up. If your new you have to cover 10+ years of ground, if your returning you have to deal with stat clamp to get caught up.. im not going off on a tangent saying that this game is dying … i just truely don’t understand how the devs dont see how hard it is for someone who has gone away / new to get up and run at end game Sure everybody on here has a story about someone starting in june and being max sp by October, they were surrounded by a great group of people and so on and so on… it happens, but if u go look at census data it does not happen to often. && dude im a earth tank, i do perfectly fine in elite content with 300 something sp… i mean yea i cant go troll or healer with such low stats but tanks are in need, i do great
I hate to break it to you, but the Clamp *is* the change that's being resisted - and not by the older players in any greater degree than younger players. If these old-timers / OG Players were so in favour of keeping things as they were, they'd be anti-Clamp. Also, you're doing it again. Please stop generalising older people into a box you feel comfortable with. That might be your experience of the older people in your life, perhaps, but it's not at all representative - and it's certainly not going to be across the two generations (at least, depending on where you decide "old" begins) of older people we have here just in this thread. I'd argue that the very existence of this thread implies heavily that the OP believed that not many older people play this game. Apparently we don't fit *that* stereotype either.
I'm 55, I'm on the game a lot, and I've seen a lot of changes. I haven't found it to be more competitive the older I get, I found it to be a lot easier. Stats mattered in 2016, so did SP. Now you really just need three 160 artifacts and you're ready to rumble. Anything over 200 SP anyway is overage since omnibus as everything is snipped. The only place I've noticed SP really mattering at all is in newer elite content, but you have to have all the elite gear and all the stuff as well. So you're either playing 1% of the game that's 99% of your build, or 99% of the game which generally has nothing to do with your build at all and most older content you could just go in with a stock character and stock rotation and do about the same damage as you do with any sort of specialty stuff that you try. I have my main, which has about 630 SP. I stopped doing SP around flashpoint or before, when I discovered that the only thing that really mattered anymore was artifacts and every other sort of bonus just seemed to be somehow artificial to me. I still have a great time and play the game every day! However, competitive? I don't really think that DCUO has been competitive for a number of years now. All of that rack space I believe got divided up over a number of platforms and it's just not fast enough for that anymore ISP-wise.
just shy of 60 year old bloke here. got the reaction times & observational acumen of an house brick. got 17 toons, 8 are male, 9 are female. my main's female ( see picture in signature - that's Irvynnge ). drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney, swear like a sailor, dance like David Byrne if he'd just been punched in the face by Morrissey. not entirely sure how long I've been playing, because, you know, I'm getting on a bit & I forget things, but it's a goodly 8-ish years, or thereabouts. don't care if someone does more damage than me. don't care if someone's faster than me. don't care if someone's got more money than me. I'm just here to make up stories & have fun. now, get of my lawn.
I just figured I wouldn't be getting all that many SP, so I haven't really been going out of my way to try for them. Still, I somehow went from ~189 SP to just over 200 last week, and from there to 222 this week. Feats just started popping left and right. Will I ever get to 600 SP? Probably not. But I'm a filthy casual, so I'm not worried about it. As long as I'm still having fun, I'll keep playing.
I did not read forums for a while. Sorry about that. Lots of fighting in comments. That was not what i was looking for. I talked to some good players and i learned how to play better. Not everyone has to be best or even good, but if you do. Stop bullying people that want to play their own style.
Im 45 and Im a better player now for sure than i was in the beginnings of the game. but I do know what you mean the frist time I played spiderman on ps4 was the first time I thought dang am I getting too old for all these buttons but luckily it only lasted a little while of playing to get the feel for it
thats most of my league as well not all but most I honestly shocked at the ages in here it warms my heart to see it.
Be careful. At your age, a warm feeling in your heart could mean something.....is your left arm numb....do you smell toast?