To Whomever Needs To Hear This…..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RhaygharOdinson, Sep 17, 2024.

  1. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    There's much worse out there to confront. Online has no effect on you.
    There's many of millions of worse. Yet to confront online of something that has no harm to reality nor you.
  2. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Don't get me wrong, there were some solid points that I agree with in your statement. They were just packed in with some seemingly very odd context and gamer stereotyping. You can't really look at how someone spends 1-4 hours out of their day and assume you know everything about how they spend the other 20-23 hours. And for the record, I hear a lot of my leaguemates talking to their spouses/S.O.s and/or children while their mic is live and they're in league chat. I think it would be pretty tough to hire and pay actors to play the role of their spouses and children to pull off that "lie" if they were unemployed, don't you think?

    But as you said, there are much worse offenses in this world. Much ado about very little...
  3. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Mostly I add in my posts, I speak only of toxic people, there are good people that just stays to themselves and lives in online gaming.
    I didn't mentioned it lately.
    As to complainers being toxic.
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  4. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Well I think they better start caring and pretty darn quickly from what we were told by eg7. dcuo direction is a fragile one leaving the player base casual. The direction of the game starting with its leveling systems are not appealing to the player base leaving them short-term and not sticky. Soon to have 48 eps and a pvp mode calling a game out like that is some serious fighting words. Especially when the game can use an upgrade. But that is heavily due to the development team and their direction for the game. We have a new lead hand and jackster is no longer the CEO. It is time to take dc universe in a new Direction and make it great again
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  5. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That's the thing though. With every new thing that MOST of us believe is a money grab and 'bad' for the game, apparently they are making enough money to keep doing the NEXT thing. Moreso, they double down by removing value from membership, likely knocking off at least a few subscribers, at a trade off of selling more 1 off sales things (like favor, nth, wolfpacks).

    From all appearances, they already believe it's 'great' otherwise we'd see more of the changes that I'd guess MOST of the playerbase would want.

    It's either that or they KNOW it won't be around much longer, and they are just padding their accounts as they coast to the finish line.:(
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  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    It was a long slow transition from sub-based game model to free to play. I’m still surprised that a lot of these complaints are just tied to that fact.

    It’s like boiling a lobster by slowly raising the temperature. Everyone, if you don’t like it, get out of the pot. Or accept the fact that free to play games don’t mean the entire game will be free of pressure to willingly spend money. They will exert pressure “at their discretion” in order to generate expected revenue.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but that doesn't mean the thinking isn't short sighted and in the long run...worse for the game.

    Just pointed it out because it was just further evidence that to the devs, apparently everything is 'fine'...nothing to fix via any of our suggestions.
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    To put it bluntly? In part, it's a niche game in what could be considered a niche genre. The MMO landscape always has been and continues to be dominated by fantasy/sword and sorcery themed games, and DCUO is most definitely not a sword-and-sorcery game. Doing something different in a game genre isn't a guarantee that it will be successful.

    But what was worse in my opinion was that the game had a huge pair of stumbles early on: a really poorly received update followed shortly by the Hack. Both those happened within the first six months of the game and probably did more to cut the legs out from under the game than any subsequent update since. Even if the issues with the update had been addressed within days of that update, not being able to play the game during the aftermath of the hack meant the game likely fell off the radar of a lot of potential players. Plus the loss of players as a result of the hack forced them to go away from the individual servers and go to the megaserver concept.

    From what I've seen, the first year or so of any MMO is pretty important to getting a large and consistent player base built up, and DCUO getting tripped up so significantly in that time period likely did a lot more harm to the game than some might realize.
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  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    When was the Hack? I stated playing in 2014 and I didn’t really play much as far as video games before then, just games on the Wii. I do remember having to wait in a queue for my turn to log in and play, even after I got a subscription. Members got pushed to the head of the line back then and we got first dibs on playing the new DLC, which I believe Members should still have full access to the new DLC content before free to play players get access, just like it was in the old days. But no, Members are not respected anymore by Daybreak, and I’m just a sucker for continuing to sub. Being able to have unlimited Chat capabilities is now the only good benefit for Members. But I digress.

    There is no reason DCUO could not be one of the great MMOs. When I started playing I didn’t know much about super heroes and I never read any comics. I’m an Anime fan, and I read manga. But I discovered DCUO as a recommended download on my new PS4 so me & my sister started playing it. In DCUO I got to be a powerful were-cat girl, which I still love. Of course, I’m not so powerful now any more am I, especially if I go to certain open worlds or content, I’m just mediocre thanks to the all so wonderful [DELETED].
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  11. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    When was the hack you ask?
    Where were you when it happened!?!?
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  12. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    DCUO is in the minority of feedback. As well as variety of events.
    Other games has variety of events on going and also more giving to players feedback with some catches to it or course.
    While this game had its run with old devs, I do hope devs of current can really work on some things for the game. They aren't the blame for the lack of variety of events. It's like you take a job on a building that hasn't been taken care of at all from previous workers. So it's doubled work for you to do. More so a yard that hasn't been cleaned for years.
    While players are being hard on the devs, it's really what they can do their best and limits and approvals.
    Hard enough for them to picking up after previous mess that's been made that they so much can take responsibility for.

    So I'm adding my input to your post.
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

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  15. Miserable Dedicated Player

    It sounds like you're talking about why this game never had as big a population as some other games have, but none of this explains why the current population is a small fraction of what it was in the early years when you could consider the game to be thriving, at least from a player's perspective.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Personally haven't logged in for awhile.

    DCUO lacks content variety.

    Theres nothing for players to keep sticky to. There's too much choice and DCUO isn't doing much in its content variety. You collect feats, run instances, or housing.

    Some people here are of course blaming the clamp even though they didn't want to run old content prior that they said they were tired of running because they ran it 10000 times already and the queue times prior reflected that.

    But I think its the lack of content variety. Whats the hook to DCUO that gets players to log back in day after day?
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  17. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    Players were definitely running old content before the clamp no matter the time of day it was, back when the game was alt-friendly, and I think that's the main problem those players have now with the clamp. We could go and solo raids and get feats if they didn't have mechs that required multiple players getting cogs or whatever. The clamp took away self-sufficiency lol.
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  18. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    For me... It was not being [DELETED]ed

    It seems to me that the queue times are now much worse... or even non-existent.

    As why would making old content "harder" to play making it more appealing?

    The thing that stopped content that you "ran 1 0000 times" from being monotonous... was becoming powerful enough to run it how you CHOSE to run it... Not forced to rely on people doing it exactly the same way every single time...

    That is the boredom... and frustration... that keeps people from "sticking" to the game.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Whaaa? Even with ALL the exciting EEG content, you haven't been logging in? What about those Omni rewards boxes? What about escorting new players through their first FOS2 run? Who will teach the new players that skull means block? What about standing around the HOL 'looking cool' and hanging out?

    Say it isn't so! least now that we know the experiment down with removing the clamp and instead putting AQS in like they should have? No queue time issues there just need a high level buddy to help get you through something (multiple button runs not included of course). I mean seeing as you aren't around much anymore...I can't see ANY way you'd reasonably object to that.:rolleyes:
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I can do that anytime I login, I still very much enjoy the clamped content. But it lacks variety in content itself. Running raids is cool...But what else is there..? The game lacks anything fun to do that doesn't pertain to vertical progression (besides housing).
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