To Whomever Needs To Hear This…..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RhaygharOdinson, Sep 17, 2024.

  1. RhaygharOdinson Level 30

    It’s a game with a small player base. If you want the game to stay up and running they have to make their money from somewhere. So they have to use a model to maximize profits from a smaller size player pool. They can’t operate the game as if they had millions of people playing every month and could survive just off of subscriptions only or the occasional cosmetic purchase. It’s really pretty simple to understand from a business standpoint. I understand this and am okay with it because I love this game, beside its flaws (no I don’t think artifacts are a flaw, but it does have flaws) and have been playing it from the very beginning, and I would like it to keep going. Also, people have been saying this game is about to die since the first year lol. I don’t think it will be just yet or in the near future.

    And for the love of The Presence, you don’t NEED TO HAVE MAX ARTS to play this game ffs. You can complete 99% of the content with low level arts. If you’re obsessed with topping the scoreboard or looking cool and impressing people by being “part of the meta”, then that’s a YOU problem. Not a problem with the game or the marketplace/business model. And it’s actually possible to level up your arts without paying for them. I just started leveling up my Red Tornado art a WEEK ago and have it at rank 128, with only using nth metal detectors I buy from the broker or Dr Fate vendor. And using my fate tokens to buy seals of preservation/completion. I’m in no rush to get it to 200. Again, if you’re too impatient, too lazy, or need instant gratification to do it this way, then again that’s a YOU problem. Want to say “I have a life, kids, work, spouse, etc.? I do too! If that’s your case then you either shouldn’t be playing mmo’s (not this one at least) or if you still want to play it, then accept that you aren’t going to be topping the charts or having everything maxed out in the game. At least not for a long time.

    The artifact system can be fun if you look at it as a long term project to work on that slowly makes you stronger. It’s something to do and play for. You can grind for gear and feats to get stronger as well in the mean time. There’s so much fun to be had in this game if you aren’t worried about a stupid scoreboard or showing off to all your friends and random strangers.

    The same goes for time capsules. They have to make money from somewhere. If it weren’t for time caps and artifacts, then all the people saying this game was about to die would have been right a very long time ago. Businesses need money to remain operational. And guess what, you don’t NEED to buy time caps. You can get them for free with your stabilizer mission. Obviously they have to put cool styles and other drops in there otherwise no one would buy them. But guess what, there’s thousands of other styles you can get in the game! Or save in game money and try to buy it from the broker or a player. Too expensive to buy in game? Move on and get a different style. You’re upset there’s feats tied to them? Guess what, there’s over a thousand other feats you can get that aren’t tied to time caps. Need to have max SP for no other reason then to show off and look cool (literally no other reason to have 800+sp)? That’s a YOU problem. Not the game. No, not every feat needs to be free and accessible to everyone. Because you don’t need every feat to play the game.

    They HAVE to make money to keep the game going.

    No one is forcing you to spend money on this game. You don’t even need a damn subscription to play it anymore. No loot locks on anything besides the 3 latest dlc. There’s free daily rewards with generous bonuses if you are subbed monthly. If you have FOMO, cant help yourself from overspending on the game, think the DLC aren’t good or new enough, then just STOP playing. It’s that easy. Or take breaks. Play something else you enjoy and be happier. Even if you love the game but just want to see it improve, you can still stop playing and keep an eye on it to see if changes are made that suit what you want. But, just cause the game isn’t tailored to you doesn’t make it bad. It’s just not right for you.

    Stop complaining or stop playing.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Done and done.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Oh where to begin?

    Everything you have mentioned that other players have complained about being too arduous are all necessary to engage the EEG content now that the [DELETED] that everyone just so loves and adores is in effect.

    Players are literally telling the Company what they are finding wrong with the product, what they would like to see change about the product, and in doing so they demonstrating that the customer base is for now actively engaged with the product.

    Why does this game not have hundreds of thousands of players playing it? Back when I first started playing it in 2014 it had so many that even though I had a subscription I still had to wait in a queue to log in. Fix that problem first. It takes more guts to admit "Oops, we really screwed up on that idea, let's go back and fix it right" instead of being stubborn and ignoring customer's complaints.

    "Stop complaining or stop playing" is more accurately stated those who "Stop complaining stop playing." For every one who complains there are at least 3 silent who feel the same way and will leave.
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  5. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    There's my homegirl , tell it like it is! :)
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  6. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

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  7. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Stop complaining or stop playing.
    Players sitting at home likely still living with parents or living off a girlfriend that tolerated their laziness. Wont get a job at all, complaining about a game and devs that has career going for their selves.
    Complaining about something that isn't reality, the game is fiction, devs can really do what they want with it.
    They don't complain about the reality of the world and what's going on. They don't complain to the criminals when they are in the area causing problems.
    When they say they have a wife, definitely a lie when they constantly only target girls in the game.
    Alot of these people lies, want to make up their amazing life stories to impress people online.

    Being selfish DPS to get top damage and there's no leaderboards for that, those people has literally mental instability issues.
    Same goes for pvp. No leaderboards ranks and they obsessed with acting like they on top and get mad and insult ppl when they lose.
    If they do go out, their social ability won't go well, they won't be able to talk about anything except dcuo. It's like they go out to a bar or park and just talk to ppl about dcuo while ppl talking about real things in life.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I realize you spent a lot of time typing that, but seeing as you posted it here, did we really need it 2x on the same day?
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  9. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Let's see... For an artifact to get to level 120...we need 167,659xp (since idk how much it takes to reach 128). A max artifact takes 1,678,722xp... that's... 9.99% plus whatever the difference is between 120 and 128.

    Tell people you just spent all your nth metal detectors to get ~10% of a max artifact and then tell them not to complain... lol. But look, that doesn't affect me. I've got plenty of max artifacts on multiple toons. What grinds my gears is trying to put already maxed artifacts to other artifacts; if I do, I lose half of the xp!

    If leveling artifacts slowly is fun to you, have at it. But hey, if I take your advice and want to complain, I should stop playing. Done o/
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  10. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    I agree with mostly everything you say except "Stop complaining or stop playing." Everyone has the right to complain, critique, and give an opinion about anything. Anyone can do this and still play the game if they want. DI/EG7 can listen to the complaints, critiques and opinions or not and will ultimately decide what they believe is best for their business (not necessarily the game).

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  11. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    we're paying customers, man. we're allowed to complain. if we all stopped playing, you wouldn't have a game to play. & what Tiff said.
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  12. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    I want to see how many people stop both complaining and stop playing with episode 48 considering it's in the same direction as every other episode. Luckily we could pay for replays skip regular gear go straight to Elite gear and be done with the episode in a few weeks. because let's face it there's absolutely no progression with this game. So with that said there's really no complaining but there's definitely going to be "stop playing" once you get what you need which will be pretty quick because you can skip 100% of the content. There's no way that the development team is satisfied with this game like we are I'm 100% sure they're complaining just as much as we are. After all business is all about customer service and the customer is always right
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  13. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Daily/Weekly OW content is loot locked... not exactly "no more loot locks" in old content. Turn-off indeed.
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  14. C0de Well-Known Player

    Stopped reading after the 1st paragraph. I'm not sure what benefit you'll receive for prostrating yourself for a game company that doesn't even know you exist, but I digress. Let's ignore game mechanics for a second and talk about the server's stability and performance, it's been abysmal going on years now. Since the start of the new dlc this has been a on-going lag that is impacting your performance and ability to play the game. There are people paying monthly for this game to operate and function correctly, which it does not half the time. Should people not complain for a service they're paying for? What about the people that had been waiting for the ps5 upgrade for years only for it's release to be so chaotic, it resulted in those same ps5 owners reverting back to ps4. That speaks volumes and if you can't see that as a COLLOSAL failure, than you and I aren't on the same planet.

    Now lets get into things such as the clamp that REDUCES the amount of content you can play at MAX stats. You get no say in this either. Your FORCED into it without any real meaningful rewards. So all the time, money and effort you spent building your characters can now only perform at they're peak in the latest content. Not gonna speak on this too much because it's a touchy subject but that is definitely something that deserves discussion. And okay, the company needs to make money I hear that, but there are so many way's they could do it without nickle and diming they're already low population. Marketplace has been under utilized for years, yet all they seem to care about and taking away already benefits (like nth metal) and locking them behind a paywall.

    This isn't complaining, this is listing reasons as to why this game doesn't have the bustling population it once had, and never will again. Because the people at the top don't know or don't care about the people actually playing their product. And to top it off, your closing argument is to say "stop complaining and stop playing", had a bit of chuckle since that seems like EXACTLY the very thing your doing.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Anyone who's doing that, replaying their way till 'the end' in a few weeks, has no right to complain as they are a big part of the issue.

    Is it intentional that the game has gotten more grindy in the recent past, making such short cuts more attractive? Well...that's the big question as far as what the company wants. They keep putting more of it out there, so I'd guess they are pretty satisfied...but can't say for sure. I can tell you I don't personally like either (the additional grind OR the shortcuts), which has led me to care less about the game, SP, Gear, Artis...whatever, as I opt out of BOTH options for advancement.
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  16. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Stereotype much?
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  17. Illumin411 Devoted Player

  18. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Depends on the reality of it. There's much worse.
  19. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I too agree with just about everything they said. And while you're correct in that everybody here has the inalienable right to complain, I do wish there were more who understood the difference between complaining and offering constructive criticism. The latter seems to be moving closer and closer to extinction.
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  20. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    And we are to assume your omniscience?