Maybe some titles that goes "Character Name Is...." Like "Character Name is Nature, Fire, Ice" etc. And others like "The Flyer" "The Runner" "The Acrobatic" and "The Skimmer" for movements.
Here's a idea, How about titles that show ranks? So we can use the title system to show what rank we hold within our league. You can make it a expansion on the league system and have (packs) that have generalized titles. Like military titles or polictical titles, example President, VP, or Worlord, Chieftain, or General, Commander, etc. Or implement a system that will show the legit rank you hold within the league your in. The league mechanics hasn't been showed much love since it was implemented, this could be a much needed improvement on what face value seems like a abandoned system. I haven't seen any major changes since league buffs became a thing.
How about the Forum titles as game titles (earned by way of forum, granted to the account) like Well-Known Player
Could we ever get something like "Spirit/Avatar of Death" and "Spirit/Avatar of Vengeance"? Under the name? Works well for black and red lantern or spectre-related characters.
I'd like to have 'Farmer toon' for my farmer/bank toons. Or maybe a combo upper/lower title with: "I know...." - Upper ...Is a crappy name" - Lower To save me responding as such to people who comment on said farmer names.