Time to ditch this game for good

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MidLifeCrysis41, Jul 21, 2022.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Don’t think anyone is telling you how to spend your money. Just shocked you spent that amount in one go lol. You’re more than welcome to spend how you want. As for value. That’s more subjective. If I ever quit dcuo than all the money is wasted too. It’s not really about what gives others more value but what gives you more value
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  2. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    Which is why I said, "Not saying anyone here is criticizing..." Just explaining my mindset when it comes to in-game spending. Also, in regards to "If I ever quit dcuo than all the money is wasted too" was it? Does that mean you go on a vacation and that money is wasted too? You go out to eat, out to a movie, that's wasted too? Because aren't you gaining hundreds or thousands of hours of entertainment for the money you invest in-game??? To me that's not 'wasted', it's enjoyment from the entertainment I'm receiving. :)
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    At the same time money spent on vacation leads to memories and time with loved ones who may not always still be here with us. It’s a different kind of value.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well you do get photos most of the time....just saying.;)
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sorry to hear you are giving it up vs scaling back. I personally always stayed away from the obvious money grabs where possible, but spent plenty of dough on multiple accounts....till Jan. Scaling back has allowed me to still enjoy what I do (like running with friends or working on a few feats) when I do it, but has made me less 'obligated' to spend too much time or money to maintain the level I was at.

    Like any addictive thing, weaning off might be better than cold turkey. But good luck.

    However, it MUST be asked.....what are you doing with your stuff now that you are going?
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  6. Solarbound Committed Player

    What's funny to me is how you're comparing real life experiences to video gaming habits. Such life experiences are the kind of thing you can't really put a price tag on. Being able to live in such moments or to cherish such memories are rather on the end of being invaluable. SOMETHING which is irreplaceable. And, you really question which of the two gets the better value???

    You know, in case you haven't noticed, I'm a gamer myself. Or else why would I be in such a forum? I'm not coming from the perspective of someone that prefers to spend their money upon other sources of leisure that ignores or looks down upon gaming altogether. I share the same hobby here as you and everybody else.

    Where the issue lies is when gaming companies use ill-practices in business to manipulate and take advantage of their consumers. What do you think is going on here when regarding certain items in-game such as Time Capsules, Artifacts, Allies, etc.? You actually believe you're getting true value for your money? I'm sorry to tell you, but the $1.5K you've spent towards this game over the course of last week says you are one who has heavily fallen victim to that in a very short span of time.

    I've read through other portions of this thread and have seen you ask questions along the lines of "How else are they supposed to make money?" There is a thing as possibly having their business model take a more consumer friendly approach. One that doesn't gouge our pockets for grips of dollars in a matter of a week. Actually, giving the players what they want instead of cash grabbing schemes that we never asked for. It's predatory, which is why it shouldn't be supported. Yet, here we are as players like you don't consider to speak with their wallets and let them get away with it.

    How I spend my money on such frivolous and intangible items is exactly one of such matters I look at upon such a perspective. What you spent last week is roughly what I've barely touched over the course of my 11 years being a part of this community based on membership alone. Mostly everything else, I'm relying on loyalty points and simply playing the game. I've got numerous artifacts maxed out at 200, several allies that are at least level 8, and I didn't have to let Daybreak gouge my pockets for extra ridiculous sums of money in order to do it. I was patient and consistent with the time I've put in. I played the game. I didn't let the game play me. Food for thought.

    For the record, you should be careful who you go about sharing your gaming budget with. Especially, when situations like yours aren't justifiable, which is why people criticize. You think of all the things you can possibly do with that $1.5K towards gaming as a hobby. Expansion of game library, hard drives for extra storage, a whole new console, accessories, etc. But, to dump that into one game within a matter of a week towards items that are more than likely to be temporary due to the fact how meta within the game is everchanging? Come on, man. You'll never win that way. And, I honestly feel pity for you.
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  7. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    I'm so glad that you feel that YOUR perspective is the only correct perspective or that I have to JUSTIFY myself to you. I wasn't justifying, I was presenting a perspective that far too many (you're a prime example) that don't bother to try and understand. WHO determines 'real life experiences'? I've had plenty of REAL LIFE experiences while playing MMOs, I've made plenty of 'memories' playing video games, I've also had plenty of real life experiences outside of gaming- considering I didn't even start gaming until 2013. Sorry to burst your bubble, but not every person wants or enjoys going out socializing for whatever reason, been there, done that. Also, people talk about vacation 'photos'... and how often do we spend looking at those photos? I have screenshots of my gaming experiences too. :)

    However, thanks to your post, you made my point about people criticizing without giving one shred of, even attempted understanding, of the other person's perspective.

    You also seem to have a very different idea as far as what other people consider 'value for time spent'. Yes, meta changes, but who said I follow the meta?!? Further, I go back to the money spent versus entertainment value received. I could spend $3000 going on a vacation and get (hopefully, because you never know bad things happen all the time) good experiences, but for an extremely short period, a week. Or, I can spend $1500 in a game and get weeks, months, or years of enjoyment. Granted, with DCUO it's an on-going expense, so you're right about having to look at the larger picture and see where it's heading. However, I also did have a LOT of catching up to do- having been away for six years. Going forward, and having already leveled what I needed to level, there shouldn't be any more that I need to do such a massive $$ drop.
  8. Solarbound Committed Player

    I like how you highlight MY perspective in all caps as if I'm the only one in here who thought the amount of money you claimed to have spent on this game just last week was ridiculous and rather foolish. What started off from my end as a one-liner joke, you very much indeed took it upon yourself to JUSTIFY your spending. Doesn't matter how you try to spin it as so-called mere perspective. Seeking means of justification is exactly what you're doing. And, you keep getting caught up in this comparison of REAL LIFE vs. video gaming being unable to distinguish between the two. You can't compare the two in such regard because they are NOWHERE near the same thing. All you're showing is that your outlook on life itself is a bit backwards and that's sad. When you tell me things along the lines of "Oh, I could've traveled the world, but I chose to blow all of my money on one video game instead," what are you even talking about??? Burst my bubble??? More like you're allowing yourself to live in one.

    Given how you nitpicked my response shows an even more clear lack to understand one's perspective on your end. That wasn't even the big takeaway based on what I had to say to you. Your recent actions only fed into further perpetuating an ongoing problem within not just DCUO itself, but the gaming industry as a whole. Yet, somehow, you're too blind to see it. It's not that I don't understand YOUR perspective, it's that I don't agree. Learn to recognize the difference.

    See, when I'm coming from a point of view where the basis surrounds consumers being exploited for their dollars by a select portion of gaming companies out there, something such as "value for time spent" immediately has to be put into question. Especially, when you talk of things that should be achievable simply through gameplay. You're a prime example of one who has been victimized through such predatory tactics, yet somehow, you're unable to see that has happened to you or even why such a matter is even an issue. Part of me is curious of how your gaming collection looks as a whole. It's the kind of thing that helps determine your understanding of value in terms of how you go about dispersing your dollars in this regard. Don't give me that "It's my money, I can spend it how I want" nonsense either.

    Yet, it's already easy to see how backwards your sense of determining value is. It's baffling how you really sit here and try to justify blowing $1.5K in a WEEK on a game that's FREE. It's not a necessity to spend that kind of money in such a short amount of time to get "weeks, months, or years of enjoyment" out of playing DCUO. If you have gone through your years playing MMOs, you know that games like this are all about the journey. Yet, all you did was succumb to the pressure of the big shiny carrot that was put in front of you, and you fell right for the trap. There is NOTHING that can be said to justify that.
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